Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1505: Mad blood war body

[Thank you Jianghu Xialong, Tianyu Hengfeng, aidsu, I love British pound, Brother Xiang, Qingdong, Mojisheng, King Kong Sasaki, book friend Shentu and other brothers for their monthly reward tickets! ]

Hubble's original armor of destruction has fallen off, as if a new life is ushering in. Under the shed armor and even the skin, there is a strong red body. The shoulders, chest, hands and feet are covered with black metal armor, and the armor has dark red lines that are like flames. An oval red spar is embedded in the chest, and the spar is surrounded by flying lines. When the spar flickered with Hubble's breathing, bursts of rhythmic red light escaped from the spar, flowing along the lines to every corner of the body. Hubble's original v-shaped long horns disappeared, replaced by a black helmet covering the mouth above, with short but pointed thorns on both sides of the helmet, and a ball of flying inflammation behind his head.

There were blood stains under Hubble's feet, and at this moment, these blood stains all shone dark red. Pieces of blood engulfed flew from the blood stains, wrapped around the dark star, forming a cluster of blood-colored flames like a nebula spinning.

Hubble yelled, the warhammer whirled in his hand a few times before he threw it out. I saw a black and red strip of light hanging like a rainbow, crossing the broken corner halftime and hitting Vasak. Vasak crossed his arms, and the Dark Star slammed on one of his arms, causing several ripples. Vasago laughed and waved his arms, and bounced the warhammer away. Hubble stretched out his hand to catch it, and a few blood-colored light bands escaped from his fingertips, retracting the dark star into the sky.

Allen's gaze fell on the dark star, and the blood entangled in the warhammer was gone. Ramer next to him whispered, "It seems that there is not much change in power."

He was naturally referring to Hubble, and Vasak also smiled: "Why, the nameless, this is what you call anger? But how is it like itching, I can't feel any anger at all."

Hubble shook the warhammer and sneered: "You are too dull, in fact, you are already injured, and it is not light."

"There must be a limit to big talk." Vasak fell silent, and a blood line suddenly flowed from the corner of his mouth. Suddenly he felt the surge of vitality and blood, and quickly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, but he couldn't help ejecting blood from his mouth, and blood flowed from his fingers. There was even a little red fluorescence in the blood, which seemed very abnormal. Dark spots, large and small, gradually appeared on the surface of Vasak's skin. His head was sweaty and his vision blurred. It feels like a sudden illness.

But this is simply impossible, not to mention the powerhouses of his level, even those soldiers of more than ten levels will rarely get sick. If you light up the fire and have the source of power, you are already far away from most diseases. Unless it is a congenital genetic defect, it has no connection with the disease.

"What have you done!" Vasak gasped, his body was like a fire hidden inside his body, and his whole body was hot and hot. This was the feeling he had never experienced. And this feeling is definitely not pleasant.

"It's blood poison." Hubble said, "I have to thank you. You let me break through the last obstacle and resonate with my current Void Source Power. This power is Void Blood, just like its name. Generally described, its ability is to control blood."

"One of the abilities is to change the composition of blood so that it becomes highly toxic. I use the warhammer as a medium to transfer it into your body and mix it with your own blood, thereby destroying your bodily functions. I know that your physique will quickly generate immunity. But unfortunately, blood poison can be converted at any time. If I want, it can be converted tens of thousands of times within a second!"

"What?" Vasak let out a scream, his right arm suddenly swelled up. Then the meat bun burst, and yellow turbid pus and blood flowed out of it!

"Look, blood poison is beginning to transform toxins. But my ability is not just to create blood poison. I can control blood, whether it is my own or my enemy." Hubble raised his warhammer and pointed at Vasak.

The blood stains on Vasago suddenly lit up, and the source force remaining in the blood suddenly changed, expanded, and finally exploded! Suddenly, Vasak exploded several fireballs all over his body, causing him to retreat again and again.

"It's not easy." Lamer squinted his eyes and said, "These fireballs have the breath of Vasak. In other words, your subordinate has used a certain ability to activate the source of Vasak's blood. It produces huge destructive power. It's a bit like a source of power exploding, but no one has ever used it outside the body."

Allen nodded: "Hubble has indeed mastered the source of the void, hey, the blood of the void. Could it be that the void also has blood?"

"That should be just a metaphor, but this is the first time I have seen this kind of void source force." Lamo said.

On the court, Hubble bowed slightly, the inflammation in the back of his head and the spar on his chest lit up at the same time. The wild energy began to release, and red smoke rose from Hubble's body. These light red smoke formed a blood beast behind him. The blood beast had only the upper body and the lower body was hidden in the red smoke. The blood beast appeared, and Hubble's vitality skyrocketed, and he shouted: "Those were just bugs and bugs, and then the real power of my mad blood warrior. Taste it, Vasak!"

Hubble ran, not fast, but absolutely majestic. The blood beast behind him was even more oppressive, and Vasago was in pain both inside and outside. Seeing Hubble rushing, he yelled, almost losing his mind, then raised his arm, clenched his fist and slammed. Hubble didn't dodge, he picked up the Dark Star and slammed it on Vasago's punch. The warhammer and the fist collided with a shock wave, both sides were pushed back by the reaction force, and Vasak had to raise his fist and bang again. Suddenly the skin on his arm propped up, and then a red light pierced from it, which turned out to be a bright red cone. gun.

"The gun of rage?" Allen was startled, and then said: "No."

It was indeed not like a rage gun. The cone gun pierced from Vasak's arm was dripping with layers of bright red liquid, like a spear condensed from blood. The gun contained the breath of Vasak, there is no doubt that it was a rage gun condensed by Vasak's blood!

Allen suddenly realized that Hubble must have used the power of Void Blood to dominate Vasak’s blood, creating a rage gun from his body. No wonder he just said blood for blood. It turns out that it is not just about revenge. .

On the other side, Hubble kept tapping Vasak's body. At first, Vasak was able to hit Hubble with a few punches, but every time Hubble struck, a blood spear pierced Vasak's body. The worst thing is that it was Vasak's own blood. After a while, Vasak had already pierced dozens of blood guns, and the combined blood volume of those blood guns was enough to make Vasak feel too much blood loss. Even if it is a super strong, too much blood loss can be fatal. Now Vasak was swaying, with a tall and strong body, but he knocked Hubble back again and again.

Hubble hit Vasak's thick leg with another hammer, and a blood gun rushed out from the knee. The blood gun destroyed the knee joints, and Vasak's leg softened and he fell to the ground.

Dozens of blood guns on his body exploded at the same time, and Vasak's whole body shook violently. In the flying blood, Hubble held the hammer in both hands and held it high. The red smoke raged behind, and the blood beast suddenly flew up and dispersed into a cloud of blood. Hubble roared, the hammer seemed to be pressed against a thousand equals, and the action of pressing it in the direction of Vasak seemed extremely laborious.

The sky was thundering.

Allen looked up, the light bursting in the cloud of blood. Gradually, a spear head came out of the clouds. When it was this spear head, it was as large as a hill! After the cloud, a red cone gun slid out of the cloud group, the gun body was full of red light, blowing up blood-red electric snakes. This red spear, which is as huge as a mountain peak, fell from the sky mightily, the tip of the spear pointed directly at Vasak!

"Disappear completely under my gun of extinction!" Hubble yelled, the warhammer pressed to the bottom.

Like a crimson mountain falling to the ground, Vasak only raised his hand and was completely depressed by the mountain. Then the whole mountain burst into brilliant bands of light, and the energy in it finally lost its restraint, roaring upwards and venting, turning into a soaring band of light, like a huge red pillar that propped up the sky and the earth was erected in the magic ring city.

After the strong tremor that spread to the whole city gradually disappeared, Lamo helped the landed car and climbed up. The arena has completely disappeared ~www.readwn.com~ There is a huge mushroom cloud floating in the sky, the scene of the space is slightly distorted, and the black light belts like thin snakes are walking around. Many vehicles watching the battle caused the shock wave to fall to the ground, while the airships in the air fell into the distance with strips of black smoke. Several unlucky airships exploded directly. Fortunately, the people inside had already escaped before the explosion. The device is detached. Lamo licked his lips and saw that a circle of gray flames slowly fell in front of him, only to realize that Alan used his own power to control the scope of the explosion, otherwise the blow just now would have been more devastating than Vasago's. Ramer was surprised that the Catu who challenged Vasak had such terrifying power.

There was still an explosion of Yu Ming echoing at the scene, and Allen completely lowered the Secret Flame Wall and saw a figure coming out in the thick smoke. A smile began to appear on Allen's face when the figure burst into thick smoke. It's Hubble, who has returned to normal, staggering, but grinning. He dragged the Dark Star and walked to the side and said: "It seems that I'm drinking your wine."

Allen smiled slightly and raised his hand.

Hubble made the same move.

The two palms were shot together in mid-air!

In one of the halls of the Shadow Castle, Frios was sitting on a gorgeous high seat with one hand on his face and tilted his head to look at the front screen. A scene of the arena was shown on the screen. Looking at the mushroom cloud covering the entire arena, the Black Emperor laughed: "What can I do now, Vasago actually killed it. Your great chief is now It’s about to be replaced. This is something you don’t like in the temple, elder Pusha?"

Beside Frius, the elder of the temple Pusa looked sad and sighed: "I have advised the warchief a long time ago, but unfortunately he would not listen. But I didn't expect that the accident I was worried about actually happened."

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