Edge of the Apocalypse

: 2016-11-20 Leave Form

Music Radio丨Dad, you grew up without me. Dad, I will really grow up without you being with me, the inner dream of a child. The current browser does not support playing music or voice, please play it on WeChat or other browsers at 17:27 Dad, you will grow up without being with me from Universal Children’s Music. A 12-year-old child dreams, dad, can you accompany me, I will grow up if you do not accompany me. I hope that Zhanshuo’s father will listen to our radio programs and spend more time with Zhanshuo and realize the child’s dream! The aesthetics of children's music. Children's Music│Children's Video│Music Radio│Heart-warming Beauty.

The son did not give up and still followed his father: "Dad, I still want to know how much you make for an hour at work? 10 dollars?" However, the son said, "Dad, can you give me 10 dollars?" Dad just wanted to go to bed. , Thinking of his son’s tearful eyes, he couldn’t bear it, so he walked into his son’s room: "Tell my father, what do you want 10 yuan for?" The son immediately became happy, and took out the crumpled 10 yuan from under the pillow: " Dad, I already have 10 yuan, plus the 10 yuan you gave me, so there is a total of 20 yuan... Dad, can I buy you an hour and take me to play football like other dads?"

Speak out how many Suining children feel. Dad, if you don’t accompany me, I will grow up... Tell me how many Suining children’s heartfelt thoughts I saw on the Internet and saw a composition, a little girl wrote "My Dad". How many such children are there in Suining? Parents are busy all day for the family and neglect the children... Suining News has a prize call for contributions plus the editor's WeChat ID: yuchenjiaoyu580, send local-related original manuscripts, depending on the release within 24 hours Reading volume, give the person who broke the news 20-50 yuan in cash!

I wanted to see what it is and why mom and dad like to hold it all day, but when I got closer, my dad was impatient: "Daddy is busy, go find your mom." I woke up early today and watched my dad still sleeping, so I wanted to amuse my dad and let him get up to play with me. Playing games such as building blocks and small planes with children can fully develop children's intelligence and promote the relationship between father and child. The best love for children is that father loves mother. If father can accompany the child to prepare birthday gifts for father on mother’s birthday, the child can feel the love of father more.

2. Watching = Accompanying: Parents keep reminding children that this is not allowed, that is not allowed, do this and that for the child, fear that the child will fall, fear that the child will be wronged, fear that the child will detour...·Parents give the child Time, be alone with children: Although the time that each parent can give their children is different and not fixed, it does not matter whether it is at home, outside, playing games, talking, or on the phone, Regardless of the video, or text messages or emails, in short, you must spend time with your child. This time belongs to you and your child. You and your child enjoy the happy time and space of parent-child companionship.

——No reward can be compared to Dad’s company. For children, no material reward can compare to the high-quality companionship of the father, because “together” is the best childhood time. Liu Yong once said, “Many dads have no hands in their children’s pictures.” Because dads are too busy with work, they rarely have time to be with their children. In the children’s memory, dad is like a shadow, always Can't catch it. Of course, if you can accompany your child, please try to accompany your child as much as possible. This is the "happiest time" for both the child and the father!

Because of this, these children have a strong emotional dependence on their parents. Parents spend more time talking and playing with their children. This is an urgent requirement for parents in the only child era. It can be seen that parents are not completely unwilling to play with their children because they are busy with work and have no time, but parents are not mentally prepared to be good partners of their children, let alone develop the habit of playing with their children. Any child has this kind of psychological need. Therefore, parents should spare more time for their children and listen carefully to the truest voice from the bottom of their hearts. This will not only enhance the relationship between parents and children, but also benefit the children's psychology. health!

Can parents hear the child’s heart language? It is precisely because of this that these children have a strong emotional dependence on their parents. Parents spend more time talking and playing with their children, which is an urgent requirement for parents in the age of only child. Why can't my father and mother accompany me and talk to me? Children playing together is just one aspect of their "social" activities, but the communication between parents and children is more normal and influential. It can be seen that parents are not completely unwilling to play with their children because they are busy with work and have no time, but parents are not mentally prepared to be good partners of their children, let alone develop the habit of playing with their children.

"Dad looks at his cellphone when he eats, he looks at his cellphone when he walks, and even when he goes to the toilet to pull the smelly cellphone, I don’t know what’s so good about a cellphone. Teacher, would you help me teach my dad.” The day before yesterday, I was studying in Jingjing Kindergarten Boyu from the large class of the revitalization branch garden begged the teacher to go out and pull his father's sight from the phone screen back to him. "Parents use mobile phones and iPads as'electronic nanny' for their children." Lu Sha, a kindergarten teacher from the Hubei Provincial Department of Commerce, said with concern. Some parents not only indulge in mobile phones, but even think that their children can play mobile phones and iPads. Smart performance.

I held my father's hand, I especially liked sticking to him, but he was too busy. I call my dad every day and say, "You will come back early today to sleep with me." My dad always said "OK", but in the end, I worked overtime and came back very late. Most of the time, I was already asleep. What an amazing dad. I really want my father to accompany me more. When I see my classmates and parents go camping and flying kites, I am especially envious. I also want to go to the Shanghai Museum and Science and Technology Museum. My mother always says "Waiting for Dad to go with me", but Dad has not been free. Just like a daughter thinks that her father is very good and can fix everything. This kind of manly image has to be shaped by her father.

How many parents see sadness, yes, we think that working hard to give their children a good life is a good parent. We think that children don’t understand, but their hearts are more sensitive than anyone else. Whoever spends the longest time with him, he remember. When the child cries and says: "Mom and Dad, will you stay with me at home?", will you stay or ask your family to take the child away impatiently and then rush to work? So parents should be deeply aware It is the responsibility of parents to accompany their children to grow up. Therefore, if you can throw away meaningless gatherings and entertainments, you can throw them away; therefore, when the child wants you to stay with him, please be satisfied with the child.

In addition to work, you must take care of your children's food, drink, and sleep. You must take care of the housework. You must respect your in-laws. You must keep your figure and appearance to make your husband pleasing to the eyes. You must also work hard to coax him and teach him how to accompany your children and educate your children. Grow up with children. Many women I met said that in the process of educating children, any problems encountered are basically mothers who take the initiative to read books, search for information, acquire knowledge, and then teach their children while teaching their fathers science. If we have a "second child", can the father and I guarantee sufficient financial resources, time and energy to care for, accompany and guide the child?

Dad heard this and asked hurriedly: "He is in junior high school? No longer in the original elementary school? I went to pick him up at his elementary school." When the child heard his father say this, he burst into tears and laughed: "Dad, you go to school to pick him up. Me? Did you really go to school to pick me up? Well, why didn't you tell me earlier that I had brought my classmates from elementary and junior high school to the gate of the school if I knew it, and let them see you. I want them to Believe that I also have children that my dad loves, and make them believe that my dad is a successful entrepreneur!" When the child came back from the age of ten, she coaxed the child as a child, fed and dressed the child, and helped the child do homework.

Have time to spend more time with your children! As soon as he heard the phone and car horns, the innocent child thought it was his father who came back, but when he ran to the window, he was only disappointed. As a parent, it should be counted. The time you spend with your child every day is no more than ten years at most. There are no foolish parents who do not love their children. They will say: "I'm so busy, how can I have time to spend time with my children!" They don't know how much their children desire the caress, encouragement and emotional exchanges from their parents as they grow up. Young parents, be sure to spend more time with their children!

The first Mother’s Day my child spent with me was the birth of a child, and I was promoted to mother. My first Mother’s Day was spent with my child to accompany me to a full extent. Although parents are their children's first teachers, children are also a key factor in their progress. I spend very little time with my children, and I can accompany them all day long only on weekends. Yesterday was Mother's Day. The child woke up early and saw me by her side, with a childish smile and constant smiles. In a blink of an eye, at night, the child embraced my face with both hands and kissed, (slobber) his face was full of marks of love!

Classic prenatal education stories are dedicated to expectant parents. Obstetricians and gynecologists at a school in the United States encourage pregnant mothers to talk to their babies systematically every day and let them understand all kinds of sounds. When the father was 7 months old, he would turn his mouth to his wife’s abdomen every night before going to bed, and \"talk\" with the unborn baby for about 10 minutes. He regarded the baby as a real The child right in front of you. Story 5: The baby will remember the singing of the parents when the baby was born. Some prospective parents really sing for their baby, because the baby can feel the vibration of the parents' singing, which makes them feel satisfied and emotionally satisfied.

You raised me to grow up and I will accompany you to grow old-don't let your parents face life alone October 21, 2015 07:24 Sina female-10-21/0724/doc-ifxivsch3755635.shtml I have something to say javascript:;Add this article Introduction: The affection of the dearest family should not be watching each other's backs drift away, but rather, you raise me to grow up, and I accompany you to grow old. 4. You grew up with me, and when I accompany you to grow old and young, we are always afraid of our parents leaving, and elderly parents are always afraid of us leaving. They have never been absent from our growth, and we should not let them face old age alone.

How many points can children give their parents? Although the parents' average score reached 80 points or more, in the comments, the children still gave their parents opinions, among which, "Don't always quarrel", "Don't always point fingers at me", "Put down the phone and accompany me more" to become a child Our strongest voice. Although a dad’s score is not high, in his son’s mind, “Recently you have spent a lot of time with me, and now you are a qualified dad.” Li Qiang said that the children are about to celebrate their 14th birthday. According to the results of the questionnaire, the school Parents are also invited to write a letter to their children to tighten the emotional bond between the two generations.

Dear Mom and Dad: Hello! Mom and Dad, because I really want to talk about some secrets that are hidden in my heart but I haven't told anyone. On Saturday, my father and mother would accompany me to the Children’s Palace to learn painting and English; on Sunday, my father and mother would take me to enjoy the beauty of nature. \"Yes, whenever I think of everything my parents have done for me, I have a sense of happiness and responsibility spontaneously-my dearest and beloved father and mother, I must give you back when I grow up! Thousands of words The vocabulary becomes one sentence: Mom and Dad, you have worked hard!

Begin to develop children's reading habits at the age of 0_Early Education-MSN China begin to develop children's reading habits at the age of 0. Some parents believe that cultivating children's reading habits should at least start with their children's literacy. In addition, as the child grows up, you can set a fixed time every day (considering the child’s physical characteristics, of course, the time ranges from short to long). The father or mother can read and talk with the child together, and when the child asks questions, Consciously guide children \"Let’s find the answers in the books\", \"Let’s look at what the books say\", so that children have a strong interest in books and make reading an indispensable part of their lives.

"You don't care if your child is crying or laughing, you know how to sleep with your own big head!... Hey, are you the child's mother?" Recently, it was targeted at 432 infants and toddlers between 0 and 3 years old worldwide. Parents did a questionnaire about the "children's sleep" status, and the results showed that Korean children have a high rate of going to bed late after 10pm. The most important thing in coaxing a child to sleep is to wake up the child's sleep awareness when it is time to sleep. Children can’t fall asleep on time mostly because of their parents. Parents watching TV or surfing the Internet late at night are all causes of children’s late sleep, especially TV screens, which affect the secretion of sleep factors.

Why do children start to be disobedient in high school? Parents “must understand why the child stopped first,” said Huang Xinyi, a senior counseling psychologist at Huairen Holistic Development Center. When a child refuses to take tutoring after he reaches high school, he may go to a parent class or a cram school from an early age. The accumulated stress is too great, the study is exhausted, or there is no motivation to keep him studying. Chairman Yang Lirong reminded that “adolescence is a stage where the myths of parents quickly fade away.” When children are young, they are very good at seeing their parents, but as they get older, they will know that there are some things that parents may not understand and some problems that parents cannot solve.

The "from the heart" the children most want to say: mother don't yell, dad to accompany me the most "from the heart" children want to say: mother don't yell, dad to accompany me more. \"...10% of parents have no time to communicate with their children. According to an "Empirical Study on Educational Investment Behavior and Educational Payment Ability of Shanghai Residents’ Families" surveyed by the Institute of Higher Education, Fudan University, Shanghai parents There is not much time to accompany their children. Among them, 11.8% of parents have no time to communicate with their children every day, 46.3% of parents have no time to exercise with their children every day, and 30.6% of parents have no time to help with homework.

In Wuhan, how much money does your husband & male ticket make in a month so that you can only be responsible for being beautiful? How much is a monthly salary in Wuhan enough to support a family? Therefore, 10,000 yuan is really not expensive in Wuhan. Let’s not say that the average price of a local tyrant in Jiang’an District has reached 35,000 yuan per square meter. Some good locations and houses with better supporting facilities must be sold for more than 10,000 yuan. I'm sorry, I bought a house in Wuhan for 1.15 million yuan and a two-bedroom apartment. Thank God if I can buy a set at this price...Children: In Wuhan, from birth to college, the child has good grades, good health, and money If there are few, grow sturdily, and feed well, the least saving is 600,000. Wuhan man.

Usually dads are busy with work and rarely have time to play with their children~www.readwn.com~ 1. Time to accompany the children Have dads seriously think about how long they spend with their children a day? If not, then plan now Come on! 2. Set up rules with children As the saying goes, "You can't form a circle without rules." Children's rules are developed from childhood, so dads should pay attention to their children's words and deeds from the time they are young! 3. Teaching common sense of life When children live with their parents, they will invisibly inherit some of the habits of their parents. Therefore, parents must establish a correct and healthy outlook on life and habits for their children.

Help children socialize, contact other children’s parents, let children play together, and encourage children to talk with other adults. Some parents believe that cultivating children's reading habits should at least start with their children's literacy. In addition, as the child grows up, you can set a fixed time every day (considering the child’s physical characteristics, of course, the time ranges from short to long). The father or mother can read and talk with the child together, and when the child asks questions, Consciously guide children to "Let's find the answers in the books" and "Let's look at what the books say", so that children have a strong interest in books and make reading an indispensable part of their lives.

Don't let musical instruments become painful memories for children. Wednesday, May 07, 2014 B13 Growth Weekly. Trouble: Xiaoyue’s mother reported dance, calligraphy and electronic piano to her child. When signing up, she communicated with the child in advance, and the child said that they would both be willing to learn and would definitely stick to it. Some parents remember that they were once forced to learn music and decided not to let their children suffer from this kind of crime. They believe that it is the children's own problem whether their children should play musical instruments. Parents and teachers usually don't look at the use of music from this perspective. Some parents and teachers value whether their children are proficient in skills and can pass several levels of exams.

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