Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1512: Game

"If I can, I don't want to see you, Samox." Devlin said indifferently, she couldn't see the emotion that she should have for her brother at all in her eyes. Instead, her pupils flashed with a murderous light.

Samox has an extremely strong body, and the whole person feels like a sculpture made of steel. Staying beside him, the medical staff could no longer resist the breath radiating from him, and everyone turned back pale. Samox squinted his eyes and stretched out his hand to catch it. A female nurse flew upside down and was hugged by Samox from behind. He moved his hands up and down, pinching the nurse's chest with one hand, and touching her thigh with the other. The nurse was so scared that she couldn't even scream. She felt as if she was being hugged by a beast, and she would be killed if she was careless. Samox’s majestic firmness resisted afterwards. With flames burning in his eyes and hot gas from his mouth, he buried his head in the nurse’s hair and groaned: “It’s been a long time since he touched a woman, this soft body, This fragrance really seems to be in a dream.


Just when he was about to take a step forward, the Dark Sword was resting on his neck at some point, and Davelin said solemnly: "Let her go. I let you come out to do serious things, but not for you. Playing with women."

Samox raised his head and smiled: "Don't let me **** her, don't you let me do it, sister?"

The black devil raised up, leaving a wound on his face, and Devlin said: "If you talk nonsense, I will cut off your head."

"You can't be kidding me, sister." Samox stuck his tongue to catch the blood dripping from his cheek and licked it. His pupils suddenly shrunk to the size of a grain of rice. He smiled frantically, opened his mouth and bit on the nurse's stomach, and with a swing of his head, he tore off a piece of flesh. The nurse's neck was bloody, while Samox laughed wildly and opened his mouth to suck, sipping the woman's hot and humid blood.

Devlin frowned, and the black demon turned to the back of the knife and slammed his face with a heavy knife. Samox had a burly body two or three times the size of Davelin and immediately flew out and hit the wall of the freezer compartment. Devlin pointed at him with the tip of the knife and said: "It seems that you should continue to be hidden.


Samox laughed, blood pouring from his mouth from time to time, like a ghost. He waved his hands and said, "Don't do this, dear Devlin. You see that I have been asleep for so long. Isn't it normal to just get up and eat breakfast? Okay, stop being stern. What do you want me to do, say Well, while my head is still normal, I can consider it."

"I'm going to a place and need you to guard the base for me." Devlin made a gesture, and naturally some soldiers carried the nurse's body down. She carried the knife and said: "During my absence, Ledo will Instead of me commanding. You must also follow his command. If I come back and find Ledo is dead, then don't want to wake up in the future. Do you understand?"

Samox made an "OK" gesture with his hand and smiled dryly: "If I don't understand such a straightforward threat, then I'm really a silly sleeper. But if there is no good for me, I would rather Go back to sleep."

"Ten days, you can do what you want."

"Only ten days?" Samox stood up and stepped one foot back into the freezer compartment: "Too little, I'm not doing it."

"Then how long will you take?"

Samox turned his head, held up a finger and swayed and said: "One month, thirty days. One less day will not work, I will kill whoever I want. You can't stop me, and I want a woman, I have It’s been a long time since I worked as a woman. I want a lot. Of course, if you are willing to taste me, sister, then I only need you."

Devlin squinted and said: "Now I am considering whether to cut off your tongue.

Let you be a dumb. "

Samox smiled and said: "That way everyone will lose a lot of fun. My tongue is much more useful."

"One month is fine, and women are fine. But you can't kill casually. If you can't do this, you can go back."

Samox simply turned around and said, "Well, okay, it's for your face. Davelin, I promised your request. So now, I want to take a shower. Also, take me The equipment is ready."

Devlin called an officer and asked him to lead Samox out. After Samox left, Devlin took back the sword. Behind Ledo whispered: "Although it is rude to say that, I don't think your brother can be reassuring, my lord."

"I know, just now he wanted to attack me more than once, otherwise you thought I was doing something with the Dark Demon for so long. But Samox has an advantage, at least he won't regret what he promised. Don't worry, before I leave this section Time, he is still useful, as long as you don’t put him in our army. He doesn’t know how to protect others."

Ledo nodded and said: "I understand, I will try to keep the army away from him."

"That's it, prepare a spaceship for me, I will use it immediately."

A few minutes later, a small airship left the base. At the same time, Idahuaxing's army aggressively attacked here. Soon, the two armies were fighting again on this small planet.

The planet is so small that it only took about an hour when Devlin arrived at the coordinates provided by the soldier. One hour, probably only enough to pass through two imperial provinces on Agareth. It can be placed on this planet, but it is enough for Devlin to come to the other side of the planet. The spaceship still hadn't landed, and Devlin saw Grand Duke Grifo. The Duke of Idahua is standing on the ground with full arms, and there is a starship behind him, but it seems that he is not ready to take off. Devlin snorted coldly, knowing that it was not that simple, but was not ready to turn back. What's more, I have already seen Griffith, it is difficult for Grieve to kill her, and it is still possible to prevent her from leaving. Devlin landed altogether, stepped off the spaceship, holding the hilt of the black devil on the waist and said: "It looks like I have been fooled."

Grievous answered the question not exactly: "You are here, then Shang Yun is dead?"

Devlin made an explosive gesture and said, "There is no bones left. It's a pity that your nano bomb won't kill me."

"The effect of that bomb is just to give Shang Yun a spectacular funeral and to make you believe that I will leave here. That's it."

"Oh? I heard that Duke Grifo has a lot of tricks, but now I have learned it. You did so much to attract me. Why, the Duke is going to kill me?" Devlin smiled somewhat mockingly.

Griver smiled and said: "I don't rule the roost with killing power. How can I defeat General Devlin, who is recognized as the most powerful general in the empire. But being unable to kill it does not mean I can't trap you here. As long as you stay, our army has the hope of winning."

"So that's it." Devlin nodded and said: "I admit that Duke, you are indeed very smart, let the soldiers deliberately leak information, and let Shang Yun use nano bombs to blew myself out, so that I can be given to your army. Create opportunities. One link after another, the Duke is easy to calculate."

"Unfortunately, I also saved one hand." Devlin sneered: "Before I came, a former imperial general had already been released. If your army crashes into this way, I will feel sorry for you. Samox It’s not as powerful as me, but it’s easy to kill you several marquis counts or something."

Grieve's face changed, he counted a thousand fortunes, but he didn't count Devlin, there is actually an empire general among the people of Barr! The combat power of several marquis can match the imperial generals, but facing the superpower of the general level, that is another matter.

At the moment Grievous's color changed, Devlin slapped the hilt of the knife, and the Dark Devil came out of her sheath. A full-bodied black rainbow immediately rose in the wilderness and hung in the direction of Grifo.

Seeing that Heihong was about to hit Grifo, a source of strength suddenly rose up in front of the Duke. Heihong hit the wall, and both died. Griffith was worried about his army, but had to concentrate on dealing with Devlin in front of him. If this general also returned safely, the battle would not only be lost completely, but also Earl Shang Yun would be sacrificed in vain. At this point, Griffith spared no effort, and his body was full of earth-yellow source force brilliance, and his breath was strong and powerful. He raised his hand and pressed it down, and an air that suppressed everything appeared in the sky. Devlin raised her head and saw a face of Yuanli wall falling ~www.readwn.com~ and on top of many Yuanli walls, a towering mountain was pressing on. It turned out that not only was she looking for an opportunity to take action, Grievous had also been prepared for a long time, planning to use the immovable iron wall that once suppressed Allen to trap this Davlin, known as the first general!

In the desolate space, a wave of fluctuation suddenly appeared, and then a space channel opened. The space technology of the Baer people is called the space door. Since there is a door, the shape of the space passage is naturally like a door. Inside the door is a colorful space passage, and starships fly out from the door.

After the first many small starships came out, a three-hundred-meter-long ship also slipped out of the space channel. The whole body of this ship is pitch black, and the streamlined body is distributed with dark red lines, which is the typical style of the Bar people, mysterious and elegant.

After the seat ship there are many transport ships, two battleships and a mother ship used to maintain small battleships in space. This fleet cannot be said to be huge, but the team is not small. An experienced commander can judge the size of the fleet from at least seven to eighty thousand soldiers.

In fact, the same is true. After giving Hubble 20,000 Shadow Army, Allen rushed here with the remaining 80,000 troops. Now, in the command hall of the ship, Allen sitting on the high seat can see the tiny planet through the front porthole. The surface of the planet is covered with a layer of unnatural purple, which is the weather weapon used by the Bal people to stop the signal from spreading. Of course, this layer of Ziyun can't isolate the Baer's own communication, and the signal can penetrate this layer of Ziyun by using a specific channel.

Allen said from the high seat: "Let’s get in touch with Devlin and see what the ground is like now."

"Yes, Your Highness." An imperial general next to him said.

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