Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1514: Subpoena

The three Void Source Forces smashed together, a colorful flame appeared on the wilderness, Grievous's eyes were full of blurred light, and the world became bizarre. After a few seconds, those brilliant brilliance gradually dimmed and disappeared. Then Grifo saw a fluttering silver shattered hair, burning quietly like a pale flame.

Devlin's pupils shrank slightly, and she looked at her dark monster. The saber was being held by a black long sword, unable to move for half a minute. As her eyes moved up with the black long sword, she saw Alan's face and the high-necked black dress dancing like flames.

"His Royal Highness Ellen?" Devlin shouted out of voice.

Griffith's heart beat hard, he thought he was embarrassed, but he didn't expect it to be Alan. It has been a long time since the heaven star was left alone, and now we have met. The young man who fought for freedom and persistence that day is now a little less childish, a little more calm and atmospheric.

Alan is using the long sword Black Moon captured from Mossor Star to hold Devlin's saber, and with the other hand, he is holding Griver's thorn shield with the anthem of breaking. He held up the two strong men in one fell swoop, but still calmly. First, he glanced at Grifo, then Alan looked at Devlin and said, "There is nothing to do with you here, you can go first."

There was a chill in Devlin's eyes: "His Royal Highness, this is my war!"

"Before I arrived, yes. After I arrived, it was no longer. General Devlin, now I am the highest commander. You should know what the consequences of disobeying orders are!" After that, Alan's complexion suddenly changed. purple.

Devlin suddenly felt that the black long sword under the sword was like an awakened beast, bursting out with terrifying power to bounce her black demon.

The long sword was drawn horizontally, pulling out the majestic sword energy to form a moon and a half. Devlin’s energy and remaining sword energy disappeared without a trace as soon as he entered the black half moon. In the second stage of blood reversal, Allen stimulated the half moon sword energy of Hei Yue, even Devlin also Feeling a huge threat, dare not take risks easily. She looked at the long-lasting black half-moon, and looked at Alan who was in a state of reversal and full of vitality. Davelin gritted his teeth and said: "Of course I know, I only hope that His Highness Alan can explain to your Majesty today. Things."

Allen said indifferently: "I have an old account with Griev and we have a liquidation. Your Majesty knows that, I must be able to understand it, so I won't bother you General

After talking about the broken hymn, he pushed forward, and a violent surge made the Griffonian slide back ten meters with a shield.

Devlin snorted, took the knife and flew back, returning to the spaceship. In the cab, she watched Alan rush towards Grifo, the long sword Black Moon pulled out a moon arc and wandered against Grifo. That combat skill was not lost to her at all, Grievous was only able to parry for a while, not counterattack. Devlin started the airship, looked down at the battlefield again, and then turned around and flew towards the base.

After confirming that Davelin's energy had gone away, Allen retracted his sword and shot out. After breaking the hymn with a heavy cut, Grievous's stabbing shield was split into two, but the blade energy sprayed by the blade only lightly swept across Grievous's chest, but it was not completely transparent. Grievous screamed in cold sweat, looking at the man holding the black sword and huge knife in his heart. He had easily suppressed this young man once, but now he can only reach a height that he can only look up to.

Alan didn't have as many thoughts as Grifo, he put away his sword, and said calmly: "Spinak is going to attack Ida Huaxing."

Grifo smiled bitterly: "I guessed it roughly."

"It's not that simple." Allen said in a deep voice: "This time not only Spinak led the army, but also Frios was involved. As for me, it's just to serve as a foil for the two supreme. Duke Reeve, you'd better contact the Golden City as soon as possible. Spinak is going for your golden fire this time!"

Griffith's face changed a few times, and his face changed once when he heard that Frius was also attending. Hearing Spinak coming towards the golden fire again, his face changed again. Then he smiled bitterly: "Why don't I want to contact Golden City, but Devlin's weather weapon blocked our communication signal."

"This person's problem cannot be solved." Allen took out a device from the space wrist wheel, which was the remote control of the spaceship. After he pressed a light button, a small starship was dropped from the world, which was the tool he had just arrived here. Allen walked to the starship: "The Barren's weather weapons only blocked your signal. They have a dedicated channel for communication. You can use that system to get in touch with the Golden City."

"If possible, I would also like to ask you to send me a message to Luku." Allen turned back.

Griver was not surprised at all, and nodded: "I can still do this, but what is going on with you now, and how do you get involved with the Baer?"

Allen sneered: "This is not thanks to you, but forget it, even without you, there will be others who will force me to take this step. This time I will help you this time, don't get me wrong, just because I I don't want to see what Lucy has missed in the next war."

Griffith nodded and entered the starship with Alan.

Gart Star Field, Ida Huaxing.

The head of the Victory Palace’s Illumination Court, Marquis Marus, was walking quickly towards the command center, and the assistant next to him said: "My lord~www.readwn.com~ This communication signal is suspicious. According to our analysis, the other party uses the communication of the Baer people. Channel."


The assistant asked: "We have no way of judging this. At the beginning, we refused to accept it. But then, the frequency of communication requests changed, and our military password was used. So I wondered if it would be ours. Use the enemy ship’s communication network to communicate?"

"It's very likely that we have been out of contact with Grand Duke Grief, and I hope it was sent by the Grand Duke." After entering the command center in a blink of an eye, Marus stood on the high platform and said, "Receive the other party's communications, hurry."

There was a flicker on the big screen of the command center, and then Grifo's face appeared. Seeing this familiar face, Marus breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to speak, Grievous said, "Don’t say anything, Marquis Marus. I don’t have much time, please be quiet and listen to me. Please inform immediately. Under the team, Spinak and Frios will join forces to commit the crime, and the goal is our golden fire. In addition, please pass the following set of codes to Her Royal Highness, as for what it is, don’t worry about it. The first thing is, yes. Your Majesty must be ready to face the Barr army!"

After speaking, the communication ended, and there was no time for Marus to ask questions. The Marquis was stunned, and then said to his assistant: "Quickly, inform your majesty, something has happened!"

Grievous sat down in the cockpit of the starship, and he was relieved. At least the news has been sent out, although in order to prevent the Bar people from intercepting the signal, they dare not communicate for too long, but the main content has been delivered. As for what to do, Griev believed that Ofascius could handle it.

Allen coughed dryly: "Perhaps you should go back, I hope my people are in a hurry. Otherwise, your army will suffer a heavy loss."

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