Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1516: Private meeting

Lucy had imagined many goodbye scenes with Alan, but did not expect that the two would meet with a set of codes provided by Grifo. Lucy was pleasantly surprised and looked at Alan on the screen for a long time without words. The two looked at each other speechlessly. Perhaps at this time, they no longer need words to express their thoughts, because all their emotions, when they look at each other, can already know each other's thoughts.

It took nearly a minute before Lucy said, "What's going on, why would I contact you with the set of codes given by Grand Duke Griffith?"

"Because I gave Grifo the set of codes, I think you may not be allowed to contact me in an open manner in the Golden City, so I can only use this method."

Lucy said: "If I don't understand the meaning of this group of codes, don't I miss it in vain?"

"Then I will go to Ida Huaxing to find you personally, no one can stop it." Allen's eyes were full of passionate emotions, and he said: "What's more, with the mind of our Royal Highness, how can we fail to see the effect of this group of codes. "

"I like this flattering." Lucy smiled and asked again: "I heard that Grand Duke Griffith's army has been out of contact for a while. How come you are with Grievous."

"It's a long story." Allen said the matter briefly and said: "Don't worry, I will find a way to get Grifo out of trouble. Lucy, it is not convenient for us to talk like this. I want to see you, you have Any idea?"

Lucy thought for a while and said, "Because of some research problems recently, I plan to go to a remote planet. Can you come?"

"No matter where it is, I will be there."

"Then we will see you on Evernight Star. It is a planet in the Mubes star field. I will give you the coordinates." Lucy told Alan a set of coordinates.

After Alan wrote it down, he looked at her and said, "God knows how I want to see you right away. There have been more than once, I want to go to Ida Huaxing to find you desperately."

Lucy nodded: "I know, but you can't do this, at least temporarily. Trust me, Allen, I can definitely find a way to untie the knot. We will be together!"

"Of course I believe in you, my princess." Allen said, "Then let us see you on Evernight Star."

The two ended the communication reluctantly. Although a little melancholy, they finally saw Alan again, and Lucy was in a good mood when he heard his voice again. And thinking that it won't take long to see him, and his warm embrace, Lucy's heart is heated up. She packed her things and left, still humming a little tune, happily like a girl who has fallen in love for the first time.

After she left, a figure came out of the Temple of Truth. But it was Lucy's guard Angeloni. She had already seen the communication between Lucy and Allen just now, and Angeloni looked complicated. After hesitating for a moment, he seemed to have made up a certain determination, and his eyes immediately became sharp.

Late at night, the Marquis Rowan returned to his mansion.

The Marquis looked tired. Since Yong Yexing hired a murderer to assassinate Lucy, Orfasius was furious and sent a large number of people to investigate the matter. Fortunately, Rowan had clean hands and feet before, leaving no obvious handles, so despite the tense situation during this period, he was frightened, but he was not detected. Now the wind has passed, but Rowan knows that Ofascism has not given up on this matter in fact, it is only loose on the outside and tight on the inside. He proceeded more carefully, for fear of showing his horse legs. They even sent people to forge some false clues to attract the attention of investigators.

But today it is not for Yong Ye Xing's work.

Rowan came to the bedroom. His wife had personally changed his loose clothes, but saw that Rowan was not sleepy. Pour a glass of wine alone, stand in front of the window and drink alone. The marquise walked over and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"Star Idahua is going to be a mess," Rowen said solemnly.

The marquise laughed: "How can it be possible that we are here, who dares to offend?"

"Of course some people dare, in this universe, we are not the only supreme emperor."

The marquise was startled: "You mean, the other two?"

Rowan nodded solemnly: "What do you think we spent in the Palace of Victory for a full day today? It's not because of a message from Duke Griffith today."

"Oh, the Grand Duke and Victory Palace have reconnected?"

"Well, Grievous seems to have robbed a Barr's starship and sent a message through their communication channel." Rowan patted his face with his hand: "According to him, it won't take long, Agareth. The two Supremes will come together. Grievous’s army is to intercept the Demon Shadow Nation, and the purpose of course is to defend our first star from the emptiness."

The Marquis snorted: "My Majesty and several other ministers have persuaded your Majesty not to send reinforcements to the earth. Your Majesty will not listen. This is okay. People will come in. Your Majesty can only adjust the interstellar defense The forces on the side and shrinking the space defense line of our Gart star domain, to avoid being overwhelmed by the Barren."

"What should I do then?" The marquise was worried. The Golden City had been at peace for a long time, and the Idahua stars had long forgotten what it was like for the war to spread to the first star. Now I heard that Agareth’s two supreme sires are going to join forces to attack, not to mention that she is a woman, even the men are uneasy.

Rowan patted her hand and said, "What are you afraid of? Your Majesty will block it when the sky falls. Otherwise, I can arrange for you to leave the first star first. But according to me, the Baer's attack at this time may not be all bad. "

The marquise gave him a white look and said, "Are you crazy or stupid, is this also good?"

"Of course, at least by the Baer people, there is no time for your Majesty to investigate what I did in Yongyexing. After I have repelled the Baer people, then I will investigate again. What can I find out? "

"Don't say it." The marquise said uneasy: "I always think you dare not do that. What if you are found out by your majesty?"

"Don't worry, no one will know."

When the voice fell, someone coughed softly and said, "I don't think it is necessary, Lord Marquis."

The voice was unfamiliar, and it was a female voice, Rowan's expression changed and he shouted, "Who?"

The bedroom door was pushed open, and a petite figure walked in from outside. When he saw the incoming person, Rowan squinted his eyes: "Are you not the guard of His Royal Highness Lucy?"

"Does the Marquis Rowan recognize me as a little guard? It's really rare. Marquis Rowan has such a good memory, so he should not forget that he hired the Iron Hook Mercenary Corps to assassinate Her Royal Highness, let alone the Iron Hook servant? The corps came here, right?" It was Angeloni who came in from outside, with a smile on her face and a harmless appearance, but the words she said pierced Rowan's heart.

Murder in the bedroom immediately set off.

Angeloni laughed: "If I were you, I wouldn’t do this. Of course the Marquis Rowan could kill me, but if I didn’t go back tonight, then Hana of the Iron Hook Mercenary Group would be there tomorrow morning. Appeared in front of the emperor. At that time, the evidence is as strong as a mountain. It's a pity that I will be the Marquis of Rowan. The great family business has been ruined in this way, and the highness Ogali and your sister are also tired. Is this really good?


Luo Wen's vitality stagnated, and he said solemnly: "You said there are still people alive in the Tiegou mercenary group? This is impossible. I have destroyed their starship, how can I survive."

"You are indeed very careful. It's a pity, Lord Marquis. As early as on the Evernight Star, I specially saved Hana's life and let her mix in our starship to return. So unfortunately, she was not in the iron hook. On the ship of the mercenary group." Angeloni went to a chair in the bedroom and sat down, smiling: "Now, we think we can have a good talk."

Rowan made a gesture to let his wife leave first. Then he sat down on the other side of Angeloni and said, "Will anyone find out when you come."

"Don't worry, Marquis Rowan, no one has discovered my whereabouts."

Rowan nodded: "Okay, what do you want to say. Money? Jewelry? Or official?"

Angeloni laughed: "I don't want these. In fact, this time I want to talk to you about cooperation."

"Cooperation?" Luo Wen squinted his eyes: "I don't know what cooperation we have between us?"

"Of course there is. For example, if you want to assassinate Her Royal Highness Lucy, then you will have a second chance right now. Although I don't know what you think, why you can't get along with that Highness, but it's none of my business. Matter." Angeloni said in a deep voice, "His Royal Highness will visit Yongyexing again soon. This is a good opportunity, Lord Marquis."

"Lucy is going to Yongyexing?"

"Yes, she is going to see someone. And I, want that person's life!"

Rowan is not stupid, he can understand it at first. After thinking about it again ~www.readwn.com~ lost his voice: "Could that person be a human named Allen?"

"Bingo." Angeloni snapped her fingers: "It's really easy to talk to smart people. As you might expect, it is the Ellen that Lucy wants to see at Eternal Night Star. How about it, my lord. I help you assassinate Lucy, and will you help me kill Alan?"

Rowan hesitated: "It's not that simple. If you investigate this man named Allen a little bit, you will know who he is."

Angeloni laughed: "A human being, at the same time, is also the Son of Twilight."

Rowen hummed: "Since you know, you should also be clear. Your Majesty tried to bring him back on the heavenly star, but in the end to no avail. I heard that His Majesty had a battle with him, although it is impossible for him to win his Majesty. Think about it, a person who can fight against the Supreme, do you think it can be dealt with by your own strength?"

Angeloni shrugged and said: "It was almost, but I also heard that His Majesty had explicitly forbidden His Royal Highness Lucy to contact this man. If His Majesty knew, what would the Marquis think would happen?"

Rowen suddenly said: "You mean, use your majesty's power to eradicate Allen?"

"This should work. I heard that Ellen and Agareth have some unclear relationship now. And the Barr will call over. At this time, Ellen and His Royal Highness will meet, I don’t think Your Majesty can sit back and ignore it. Of course, he will let Allen off once, not the second time, but he must always arrange someone next to His Royal Highness Lucy who can protect her. At this time, if we can let that person produce something This is an illusion, and even misunderstood Alan’s words. Then we don’t even have to do it ourselves, right?"

Angeloni patted her chest: "As for Lucy, I can kill her for you!"

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