Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1519: select

On the second day, the space defense line of the Gat star field was still in full swing.

In the Golden City, Ofascius set out to prepare for the Supreme War. If possible, he would like to go to Yongyexing himself, but in this situation, as the emperor of Idahuaxing, how can he get away from it. I can only hold back the impulse in my heart, and put my full focus on the two supreme bodies against Agareth.

He who appeared in the Royal Fighting arena for a long time, came here today. Orfascius did not call in any sparring figures, but simply practiced punching and moving himself. At his level, it doesn't really matter whether he practiced or not. It's just that the state of this movement is conducive to his thinking. Ofascius needs to work out a strategy to deal with the two of Spinnaker. After all, they are two supreme, can't take it lightly.

At the end of a set of training, and he has some strategic vision. There was rapid footsteps in the empty fighting arena, and Ofascius squinted his eyes. At this time, no one but him will come to the fighting arena. Who will be here now? After a while, a figure entered the practice area of ​​Orfascism. It was Marus who came here. He was nervous and even said directly: "Your Majesty, we received a communication request. It is Spinak. He is online. !"

"Sbernak?" Even Ofascius was a little stunned. At this time, why did Spinnak contact him.

"Sbernak asked to see you alone, look?"

Orfascius said "um" and agreed. Marus immediately tapped the pocket brain screen on his wrist, and used the communication equipment of the fighting arena to connect the communication on the Guangming Academy. A screen was lowered above the fighting arena, and Marus dropped out respectfully. The scene where the two supreme meet is very rare, but it is a pity that he has no chance to listen.

After a few seconds, there was a picture on the screen, which was the high platform in the hall on the frame of Spinak. The high platform throne was shrouded in a surging shadow, and only two scarlet fluorescent lights moved. Ofascius snorted, "What's the matter, Spinak?"

Spernak's voice resounded in the shadow: "Heirs of Void Skyfire, does this tone sound unfriendly?"

"Friendly?" Ofasis sneered, "I don't think I should be polite to you, especially what you are doing now."

"That's right, then I'll just say it." Spinak's deep voice resounded in the shadow: "To contact you today is for a person. Strictly speaking, it is a human being."

Ofasis frowned: "Allen?"

"Yes, it is this human being. I think you know that his identity is not simple. The son of twilight, everything is twilight, how terrible. Fortunately, he doesn't seem to have fully awakened yet. And I know, he is gone now A planet called Yongyexing."

Spinak paused, and suddenly changed his words: "I want to see you, the one that meets in person. Bring the golden fire on the Evernight Star."

Ofasis frowned and said, "What are you trying to say?"

"I mean, if you don’t bring the Golden Flame to me, then I will help this Mr. Allen awaken. Completely awakened, believe me, no one knows them better than I do, after all , I have lived with a servant of the Twilight Seed for a long time. You Idahua is not always responsible for maintaining the order of the universe. I think you should be in the war in the Gat star field, and the survival of hundreds of millions of life in the universe Make the right choice in between?


Orfascius' pupils dilated slightly, his chest rose and fell, and he shouted: "Are you crazy? Spinak, what good will Alan's complete awakening do for you?"

"You don't need to worry about it, now I will go to Yongyexing. As for whether you will come, that is your business." After speaking, Spinak ended the communication.

Orfasis was stunned, and after a while, he shouted, "Marus!"

The Marquis of Marus hurriedly approached from a distance, and Ofascius made a gesture and said: "I will go to the Guangmingyuan with you. I want to know the latest developments of the Spinnaker."

The two came to the Guangming Academy together before entering the command center. Assistant Udy rushed up and almost ran into Marus. The Marquis held him back and said, "Sir Udy, calm down.


Udy saw that there was Orfascism next to him, and he was really taken aback, and he wanted to kneel. Orfascius waved his hand to save him, and Udi hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Marquis. It's so strange, we just discovered that Spinak's ship has left the formation, opening the space channel and disappearing."

When Ofascius heard it, his whole body shook slightly.

The Gart star field was in fierce war, but in the Mubes star field it was quiet and peaceful. Among the nine star regions, the Mubes star region can be said to be the oldest one. This is the star region that the Idahua star people first discovered and explored. In this star field, countless high-level civilizations have been born, but the years change and time passes, these civilizations are also lost in the long river of history. Few civilizations have a long history like Ida Huaxing, and even more, no matter how long it takes, it will only be a flash in the pan for the entire universe.

This is the case with Eternal Night Star, this planet has undoubtedly been born with advanced civilization ~www.readwn.com~ but now, it is about to be destroyed. Just in the outer space near the Eternal Night Star, a passage opened, and several Idahuaxing starships slid out of the passage and sailed towards the dying planet.

In the cabin of one of the starships, Lucy was looking at the silent space outside the porthole. And on her left, Angeloni retracted her gaze. The woman lowered her head, revisited the plan in her heart, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

After a while, the starship began to enter the atmosphere, and the process was extremely bumpy. But with the previous experience, Lucy is no stranger to it. After a period of unpredictable flight, several starships arrived at the high ground base on this planet.

The base has been empty, but the infrastructure is still there. Lucy and his party have brought enough supplies, and will rest at the base today, and will go to the ancient imperial city that was flooded by yellow sand tomorrow.

The base is still full of night demons, and the darkness is overwhelming. When the starship passed above them, the night demon screamed, sounding like a sharp blade cutting through the sky. The starship entered the base safely. After the Marquis Main inspected the facilities of the base, he restarted the energy furnace. After a while, a protective shield rose up around the base, and Lucy came down from the starship.

"His Royal Highness, let's rest here for four or five hours, and then go to the imperial city tomorrow."

Lucy naturally had no objection to this arrangement.

But at this moment when I saw Alan again, she had no intention to rest, and spent a few hours watching the windy sofa outside the window. Even Ma Yin didn't know that when the protective cover of the base was raised, the picture fell into the eyes of the other.

A starship docked in a wilderness hundreds of kilometers away from the base. This is a starship of the Bal people, and the corpses of the night demon are lying around the starship.

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