Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1522: Pebble

[Thanks to manianLB, Brother Xiang, Su in the Flames, 2000Zz, Sanxingmen, hsq2395960, Jianghu Xialong, Tao Tao CD, King Kong Armand, a ray of glory, Tianlei Run, Yi Dongtian and other brothers for their monthly rewards. Our winter has finally come, and the temperature dropped more than ten degrees in the two days. It would be better if there was heating in the south. The room was still cold in broad daylight, and the code-hands didn't feel anymore, tragedy. ]

The black ship hovering in the sky in front of the royal city of Surakar was turning around. In the black ship command room, the temporary commander appointed by Frius looked solemn and nervous. He squeezed his fist uncomfortably, looked at the big screen intently, and kept urging: "Didn't you contact your Majesty?"

"No, my lord," the crew member reported.

The commander sighed and said: "Then prepare to fight. What is going on? That Highness is not our ally, why at this time..."

He wanted to break his head, but he didn't expect the relationship between Alan and Lucy.

Finally, a starship with a similar style appeared on the big screen. The starship on the opposite side opened its shield and was rushing towards them with all its strength. The commander gritted his teeth and ordered: "Shooting, don't let them disturb your majesty."

In an instant, all weapon platforms on the black ship opened fire. The scarlet beams and the physical missiles pulling the flames intertwined complicated trajectories in mid-air, going to and from the ship cover like a kaleidoscope. The oncoming starship was not to be outdone. Hundreds of light spots appeared around the starship. After a while, beams of light blasted, and the beams of the two ships intersect and collided in the air, blowing up fireballs. The two ships bombed each other, and the artillery fire intensified as the distance between the two sides narrowed.

On the starship's armor plate, Allen lowered his body slightly to stabilize his figure. With hundreds of meters away from the opponent's hull, Allen whispered: "Okay, you leave here temporarily, waiting for my next order."

Then the figure flashed and disappeared on the starship. Alan's figure intermittently passed through the whistling beams, physical missiles and exploding fireballs in the air, and finally landed on Dobia's starship.

As soon as Allen fell, dozens of cylindrical objects rose up around the starship. They opened one by one, and soldiers of the Golden Dawn emerged from it. The strength of these fighters is not weak, each of them has a combat power of about twentieth level, which is equivalent to a major in the Federation. It's a pity that I still don't look enough at Allen. As soon as these soldiers took a step or two, they suddenly felt that their bodies were heavy and hard to handle, but it was Allen who activated the ten times the gravity of the Sunken Star's armor. After suppressing them, Allen raised his foot and stepped heavily on the starship body. The huge starship immediately sank down, and the forces oscillated and spread. After a while, short circuits and explosions of varying degrees appeared everywhere in the starship, and the roaring weapon platforms ceased fire one after another, and the starship emitted black smoke and slanted down the ground. In this way, the dawn warriors who appeared on the starship were thrown out, and fell happily.

Allen stomped again, and people flashed out. After two times, he broke away from the starship and slid in the direction of Surakar. Just as he was about to land, another black pillar of fire exploded in Surakar, and the heat and shock were oncoming, and Allen's face changed slightly, recognizing that it was the black burial of Frius.

The Black Emperor is indeed here!

On a stone steps leading to the Guimin District, Ma Yin opened the way in front, Lucy and Angeloni were behind, and behind the second girl were the remaining seven or eight guards. After the starship hit the ground and stopped, they went all the way to the central area of ​​the royal city. Fortunately, Frius didn't follow them specifically, otherwise the Supreme Will would only need a sweep, and even if Main and the others converged, don't try to escape Frius's perception.

Behind them, a black dragon soared into the sky. Frios has released seven or eight black burials. Once he was very close to them, and the impact of the explosion knocked them all to the ground. Feeling the power of black burial a little, even the strongest Main in the team dispelled the idea of ​​confronting Frios. If you were within the scope of the black burial, even Ma Yin would be buried in the flames, let alone other people.

"It's almost here." Ma Yin turned around and said, "When we get to the top, let's make a place to hide. If we are lucky, Frios will think that we are going deep into the city, so that we can turn back again, and probably still hope to leave here."

Under the pressure of the Black Emperor, even Ma Yin lost his confidence. Lucy nodded silently, focusing on the seemingly endless stone steps before her. They dare not leak the air engine, which makes the advancing speed slow, and they have to fight the sandstorm along the way. The hardship is not because the parties cannot understand. Angeloni pushed Lucy from time to time, and the woman kept her head down and hurried away so that no one could see the panic on her face.

It shouldn't be like this!

A voice yelled in Angeloni's mind: Why is Frius here? The emperor of Dobia, one of Agareth's two supreme ones, didn't he have to be in the Gatte star field? No, we will all be killed if this continues!

Angeloni, who tried her best to maintain restraint, would only tremble in some inadvertent subtle movements. In fact, she is a more insecure woman than anyone else. Especially after knowing that he became a **** voter, he has been living in the shadow of Allen. Especially after hearing about Ellen's deeds and the proof of his continued strength, Angeloni's panic increased day by day. Although a seemingly good plan was drawn up this time, as for the result, in fact she had no idea. But Angeloni never thought that he would run into Frius here, and the threat of the Black Emperor was naturally a hundred times higher than that of Allen. Under Supreme, even if she went all out, there was no chance of winning.

The team finally got on this new platform block, which is the noble living area of ​​King Surakar City. The building is tall, the street is spacious, and there are many places to stay. But before they could find a place to hide, the light above their heads suddenly dimmed, and then a figure floated on top of a stone statue in front of them. Frios smiled and looked at the people: "Game time is over. ."

At that moment, Angeloni almost collapsed and ran away.

Ma's mouth is full of bitterness, and they are like a group of mice hiding from evil cats, thinking they will be free from the threat of cat's claws. Unexpectedly, after turning a corner, the evil cat opened its mouth and waited for them to deliver it by themselves.

As Frios said, from beginning to end, this is just a game for him.

Without even intending to talk nonsense with them, Frios raised his arm and planned to bury all these people here in a black burial. At this moment, he said "Huh", then looked up at the empty sky.

Ma Yin and the others also raised their heads in confusion. After a while, a black spot appeared in the sky. The black spot gradually expanded through the wind and sand, and Ma's pupils contracted, making it clear that it was a figure!

"Could it be?" Lucy covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes surprised and joyful.

"Why is this kid here?" Frios couldn't figure out the situation, and put his raised hand temporarily.

The sound of breaking through the air was loud, like thunder from far away. A figure wrapped in dark flames slammed off the platform, landed between the horses on both sides, and exploded a lot of noise. In the dust and smoke, the figure stood up and stood up to face Frius. Amidst the dark flames, there was a pale flame flying up, and Allen whose eyes were gushing with flames said loudly: "Your Majesty, can you take a step to speak."

Frius said blankly, "Why?"

Then he said "Oh" again: "I heard that you have some unclear relationship with one of Ida Huaxing's emperors, is it her?"

Allen turned around, the dark flame dropped slightly, the fire in his eyes also slightly converged, showing a gentle gaze to Lucy in the distance, and nodded.

"Do you want me to let her go?"

The dark flame rose again, and Allen once again faced Frius and said loudly: "Yes, she is my favorite woman. No matter what, I can't let her die here."

A smile appeared at the corner of Frius' mouth: "Then tell me, why? If you are Spinak, then I will probably be a little jealous. If you are Orfascius, then I can also agree, because I will not I missed a good opponent face to face for a little girl. But as for you?"

"Do you think I will sell you this affection? Make no mistake. I didn't kill you before. I just played with you because I saw your potential and I was so idle. But now , Ofasis will come soon, he is a big meal. As for you, at best it is an appetizer, I don’t have to promise you anything~www.readwn.com~Frius holds the sword on his waist Shit: "As I am in a good mood, I leave here immediately, I can assume that nothing happened. You have the potential to become the supreme, and perhaps you will become a good opponent in the future. I advise you not to take your own life here for boring feelings. "

Everyone sank in their hearts, knowing that Frius was murderous.

As for Allen, it was the calmest one. Before coming here, he had imagined the worst outcome, and no matter how bad the situation was, it would be like this now. He stomped his foot, and the street in front of Ma Yin was flat and cracked from left to right, and then sank with the ground. The sudden change in the structure caused the ground to crack. Ma Yin had to flash to Lucy's side, hugged her and swept down. At this moment he knew Alan's mind, that man obviously wanted to stop Frius himself. It is no different from hitting a rock with a pebbles, but behind this simple action, there is a deep feeling for Lucy. Only if you love someone deeply will you be willing to hit a rock for her!

Lucy knew this, too. She opened her mouth to scream, but she couldn't scream. Can only reach out in vain, trying to catch Alan's breath or two.

Angeloni was also in a complicated mood. At this moment, Allen's mind was devoted to the great enemy of Frius, and she was so close to her, a **** voter, that he could not realize it. At this moment Angeloni hoped that Alan would die in the hands of Frius, so that even if she could not sit on the Throne of Destruction, she didn't have to worry about dying at Alan's hands in the future. But I also hope that Allen can survive, so that she still has a chance to destroy the throne. Such complicated thoughts kept coming and going in Angeloni's head, and in the end she couldn't tell which was her real thought.

In the next moment, everyone felt it and looked towards the sky.

The sky is burning!

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