Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1526: Audience

After thinking about it, Rowan decided to leave. Now Angeloni is gone, and the strong man who has been invited has also left. With him alone and the army of about a hundred people, Rowan is really not sure to challenge the man who can challenge the Supreme. Rowan’s intelligence is still at the time when Alan and Ofascius were fighting. If he knew that Alan and Frios had fought each other yesterday, and that Frios was injured, I guess he would not be so entangled. He wiped his **** and left as soon as the strong man left.

"Retreat." Rowan said helplessly, although he let go of those people, especially Lucy and Main. But after he went back, he made some arrangements, and he was still sure to delay it for a while. As for what happens in the future, he is no longer alike. The Marquis will definitely lose his identity, and in the future, he will have to stay away from Idahua and fall into other star regions. Thinking about how rich he is, he will give up like this, Rowan is unwilling but helpless.

They walked to the spot where the starship was anchored.

Just about to arrive, a scarlet beam traversed the street and landed on the tail engine of the starship. The beam shot the engine across, and a fireball was blown up with a bang, and the two supporting brackets at the tail were also broken. The front end of the starship was raised high, and several more beams fell one after another from the hull. Several flames spewed out from the inside. In the flames, the hull lost its balance and turned sideways, hitting the ground heavily and blowing out a burst of noise that made Rowan almost shut his breath.

He was frightened and angry.

At this time, the beam hit again, shot through the building, and took away a few soldiers around Rowan. The Marquis shouted: "Look for cover, counterattack, counterattack."

He uses his power to form a barrier to ensure that he will not be broken by the beam. Other soldiers also opened their shields, lifted the weapon's shooting restrictions, and blindly fired in the direction of the attack. The scarlet and pale gold light beams interlaced on the street. In contrast, the scarlet beam is a single shadow, which is not as dense as the light gold beam. But the scarlet beams are like death's sickle. If you don't fire it, you will hit it. When each beam falls, it must take the life of a soldier, and the opponent's attack angle is unusually tricky, and it always falls on a position not protected by the shield. After a while, Rowan's guard had been reduced by half.

Luo Wen hid in the ruins of a building and ordered the other two starships to go out early to execute the search order and return quickly. Now he can no longer go after Lucy and others, just want to leave this place alive.

Alan was still moving two kilometers away, and he always maintained this distance. With his eyesight and keen perception, it is easy to blast the beam into the position he wants, but Rowan's soldiers do not have this ability. Often after Alan shot a shot, he started to move, and the light golden beams on the opposite side fired scattered near his previous position. The difference was not a little bit, the beam spacing was enough for Alan to pass through easily.

At this time, there was an imperceptible trembling sound in the air, which was a sign of the aircraft's approach. Allen smiled, this was exactly what he wanted. After a few seconds, there were two more black spots in the distant sky. The black spot approached quickly, and you could see two bird-shaped starships, which was the typical style of Idahua. Allen put away the energy rifle, switched to anthem of destruction, and then moved towards the starship. His figure flickered, using the roof of the building as a foothold to accelerate, and sometimes even used space shuttles. When the starship was like a dark cloud in front of him, Allen once again flickered at the bottom of the starship. He slashed out with a knife, and the Anthem of Destruction easily penetrated the armor of the starship like cheese, and then the advancing starship was cut all the way by the giant knife, when the Anthem of Destruction was slid out of a tail engine. Rowan, who was on the ground, saw a line of flame spewed from the bottom of the starship, which exploded into a huge fireball. The fragments ejected from the fireball rained on another starship nearby, and the starship slammed into a building under emergency evasion. The building burst to pieces in the center, the falling rocks on the wall smashed down, Rowan cursed and ran back. The huge boulders weighing tons continued to fall, hitting the unlucky person, like a deadly boulder rain.

Fortunately, Rowan didn't hit any boulders, but when he couldn't choose his way, he was mixed with the gravel on the ground, and suddenly fell into a dog to eat shit. He raised his head on the ground and saw the last starship slid into the distant block and knocked down more buildings. Fortunately, there was no explosion. At this moment, the gray-headed Marquis was about to get up, and suddenly his neck felt cold. In the corner of his eye, a huge knife with a fierce appearance was lying next to his neck. The blade was just lightly pressed on his neck, and the skin was cut open, and a series of thin blood beads emerged from the wound. Then I listened to Allen’s voice from the beginning: "Don’t move, Lord Marquis, otherwise I can’t guarantee what will happen."

Rowan had already lost a square inch at this time, repeatedly saying "Don't kill me". Allen squatted down and said, "Of course, I still want to hand you over to Orfascist to have a relationship, how could I kill you." After saying that, he cut a palm on the back of his neck. Rowan fainted.

Lucy was standing on the third floor window, and looking out from here, you could see thick smoke rising from several blocks. Just now she lightly saw a starship in mid-air exploding suddenly, knowing that it was Allen. Today Alan asked her and Ma to stay and deal with Rowan alone. Although Lucy had faith in him, she still couldn't help worrying. After Ellen left, she was watching here. At this time, half an hour had passed since the starship exploded, and as time passed, Lucy became more upset. When a familiar figure appeared on the corner of the street below, she was relieved and ran downstairs to inform Main Allen that she was back.

Alan carried Rowan back to their hiding place, threw Rowan to the ground, and sat on a horizontal stone pillar to rest. Today he has recovered 60 to 70%, but he has never recovered. After dealing with Rowan for a while, I felt a little tired. Fortunately, the strong man and Angeloni were not by Rowan's side, otherwise Allen would have to spend more time.

Ma Yin was disarming Rowan and cleared all his equipment and weapons. Then he buried a nano bomb into Rowan's body, so that if Rowan dared to escape, he would be destined to die.

Lucy sat beside Allen, wiped the dust off his face, and asked, "I haven't seen Angeloni?"

"Well, she is very alert. It looks like she should have left early. I think it won't be easy to find her again." Allen spread his hands and said, "But that's fine, don't worry about awakening completely for now."

Lucy gave him a white look and said, "She is always in the dark, which is not good for you."

"So what, the most dangerous moment has passed. Fortunately, you had Blade Runner by your side, otherwise, it would be dangerous."

Lucy nodded, then leaned on Alan's chest and said, "Anyway, as long as you are by your side, everything is fine."

"What a fool." Allen kissed her forehead softly.

Suddenly Ma Yin's pocket brain rang, and his voice awakened Rowan. Rowan looked around in a panic, and Ma Yin squinted his eyes and said: "You have already planted a nano bomb in your body. If you want to run, just try it."

Rowan's face immediately became terrible.

Only then did Ma turn on the brain like a wristwatch, but it was a communication. After a while, a projection of intertwined light beams appeared in the eyes of the trio. This projection was Ofascius.

An hour later, a small spaceship landed on the floor. Ma Yin took Rowan and walked out first, while Lucy took Alan's arm to the outside. The spaceship opened, and someone got out, it wasn't Ofascism who else.

The King of Justice wore a majestic and magnificent armor, and his cloak fluttered behind him, jumping with his steps. When Ofascius walked down to the ground, Rowan buried his head on his chest, not daring to look at Ofascius. Earlier, Ophasis contacted Main when he arrived at Evernight Star, and he already knew what happened to them on this planet. Seeing Rowan snorted naturally, his own guards escorted Rowan into the spaceship.

Orfasis glanced at Alan and his daughter behind him, and said to Main, "Go up first."

Ma Yin stopped talking, glanced at Alan, nodded, turned and walked onto the spaceship.

At this time Ellen and Lucy stepped forward. Ellen looked at the emperor of Ida Huaxing and said directly: "If your Majesty wants to bring me back to Ida Huaxing~www.readwn.com~ I will still resist. in the end."

Lucy opened her mouth to speak, but gestured to Orfascius to stop it. Orfasis looked at Alan and said, "Thank you very much for everything you have done for Lucy and Main. Don't worry, I don't plan to take you back this time. I heard that you played against Frius?"

Allen nodded.

Orfascius frowned and said, "This is troublesome. Frios is here instead of Spinak. It seems that the devil's goal is not a golden fire."

"What's going on?" Allen asked.

Orfascius told Spernak to invite him to Eternal Night. Allen listened and said with a wry smile: "It seems we have all used Spernak, and Frius is no exception. Nake took a lot of effort to lead us to Yongyexing, I'm afraid the picture is not small."

"Yes. Obviously he arranged Frios as a chess piece to contain me here. Now you guys leave quickly, Alan, I want to see you after the war in Gart Star Territory is over. But before that, you still don’t want to temporarily It’s good to step into Ida Huaxing."

The implication is that Alan and Lucy will naturally be separated for a while. Although Alan was reluctant to give up, but knew how to measure, he nodded to Lucy. At this moment, a mighty and deep will swept across the crowd, and then Frios' voice came from far away: "Ofascius, you are finally here!"

Orfasis snorted and said to Lucy: "Return to Idahua and wait for me."

"Father, be careful." After Lucy finished speaking, she glanced at Alan again before stepping onto the ship. The spacecraft half-closed its cabin door, lifted off and went away.

Only then was Ofascius said to Allen: "Are you going to be an audience?"

"If your majesty doesn't drive me away." Allen smiled.

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