Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1549: Climate change

"Go to hell!" Ledo roared, the tower-like figure fell from the sky, and the serrated war knife in his hand chopped off the head of the giant insect. ..The light green insect blood spurted out like spring water, spilling the imperial general. The acid blood fell on the general's armor, and immediately sizzled, and wisps of light smoke rose, and the armor eroded shallow pits. Ledo didn't care, this acidity naturally didn't give him attention. Turning around and swiping a few swords, the blade cut out a few dark red blades, and chopped the hundreds of spontaneous ants that had crawled out of the surrounding buildings to pieces.

"These annoying things are so many," Ledo murmured, and a group of Shadow Army rushed over and used the chariot to quickly construct a street defense line to resist the explosive ants that crawled out of other streets and from the sky. The giant bee whizzing. Ledo was not idle either, and rushed into the ant colony with a roar. The sword swiped across, and a blank space was cleared. With the imperial generals in town, the battle of the Shadow Army is much easier. Although the number of these worms was large, they did not have the power to match the imperial generals, and it was only a matter of time before they were completely wiped out.

After killing a piece of insects, Ledo looked at the peak nest of the Daruo mountain range in the distance. Devlin has been in the hive for a while, Ledo doesn't know the environment inside, but he has almost blind confidence in Devlin. That is the tyranny that the No. 1 General has shown in countless battles, which brings absolute trust to subordinates like Ledo. Unless facing the Supreme, Ledo couldn't think of anyone who could defeat Devlin.

Of course, the new owner of the empire who has now gone to the eastern cities is probably an exception. Although he was not the Supreme, but from the young emperor, Ledo felt no less pressure than the Supreme.

There was a scream.

Ledo heard the sound and saw it, and suddenly a jet of black sword flashed over the hive. The light of the knife soared into the sky like black lightning, and the swarm of bees hovering above the city was rushed out of a huge gap by the light of the knife. Then the source force in the knife light spread all over, split into thousands of source force jets, and tore the bee colony above to pieces. Countless giant bee corpses continued to fall, like a heavy rain. At this time, there was a loud rumbling sound in Ledo's ears, the huge honeycomb was disintegrating, and cracks winding down from the top of the peak where the knife light rushed out. The outer wall of the honeycomb cracked and slipped, as if the ground was cracked and the mountain collapsed. From the collapsed honeycomb, a dense swarm of bees could be seen escaping around. The large number made Ledo curse secretly.

The honeycomb broke and fell off, and it didn't stop until the second half of the time. The surrounding was full of hustle and bustle, and bee corpses kept falling into nearby honeycomb fragments. A pair of steel boots fell on several overlapping fragments, Davelin put away the mask on the helmet, and looked up at the sky. A huge black shadow fell from above, it fell into the ruins, but silently. It was a corpse, the corpse of the queen bee. It was smashed open by Devlin’s blast. Now only the fat abdomen is connected, and all the parts below the abdomen are cut apart, together with the surprisingly large head. After the two halves, the brains inside have been empty. The queen bee is the head of the swarm, and it seems to coordinate the actions of the swarm in the hive. Now that the queen bee dies, although the swarm will not die immediately, it obviously becomes disorderly after losing the command of the queen bee. The giant bees no longer act in groups, but blindly dash left and right. The giant worms that were big in the mountains also began to crawl out of the city. As for the explosive ants scurrying around, they even exploded in their own clusters. The worm swarm that lost its head is no longer a threat, and even the imperial generals don’t even need to participate. Only under the command of the next-level officer, the Shadow Army drove the worm swarm out of the city.

Ledo came near the hive and saw Devlin from a distance. Devlin used the Dark Sword to open the head of the queen bee and looked at some brain tissues that were still wriggling, showing a thoughtful expression. Ledo walked to his side, touched his head and said, "This thing is really big."

Devlin pierced the queen bee's brain with a knife, and immediately felt a weak will. She squinted and said: "This is the head of the swarm, but above it, I feel that there is still higher Level of existence."

"My lord, you mean, these things are controlled by people?"

"Don't you think their behavior patterns are a bit like the military? And these things have the same appearance of the same type, and they are mass-produced weapons." Devlin looked at Cape City, which was already in ruins. Reflecting on her frosty face: "Furthermore, I care about their behavior. They invade, kill the residents of the city, draw energy, and build their own buildings. If it weren't for us to come, maybe the next step is to produce more Soldier. No, it is absolute. I have seen this in the hive. Cape Town will become their base and expand into the depths of the empire. Ledo, what do you think of this behavior?"

The imperial general said with a stunned look: "Isn't this a standard planetary invasion procedure?"

"Yes, that's it."

While the two were talking, an officer hurried over and yelled at Devlin from a distance: "It’s not good, General. The Horn of War, the Ironclad City, the Dragon Fort, the Welsh Leader, etc. All cities have been attacked, and they have all fallen!"

The wind blew, and Davelin's eyes were a little bit painful. She squinted her eyes and looked at the dim night sky: "Where did these things come from!"

Forsaken realm.

For some reason this year, the temperature in the remains was lower than in previous years. For the strong, there may be little difference in temperature difference, but not all strong in the legacy. Take the fringe area near the wasteland as an example, there are tens of thousands of civilians living in various towns. Even if the temperature drop here is smaller, it makes the residents of the town quite uncomfortable.

The civilians living on the fringe may last for several decades, and they spend most of their lives on this land of polar night. But even the vast majority of them didn't know that besides them, there were other residents in the remains.

It was after the Rodo Pass, the various alien tribes inhabiting the middle of the remains.

These tribes are loyal to the owner of the valley castle, and under the protection of Alice, they have been thriving for more than a thousand years. They are the real residents of the remains, and they are naturally very adaptable to the environment of the remains. However, these residents have also begun to feel unwell due to the increasingly severe weather. In some tribes, even frail and old tribesmen died one after another, which is unprecedented in the history of the tribe.

The patriarch of each tribe is actually Alice's general. After the weather became bad, the generals did not pass Alice's call for the first time. All the generals gathered together spontaneously, and the place was the ancient castle in the valley. They hoped to meet Alice, but they were turned down by the butler on the grounds that Alice had already gone to Canon Black Gate, and the return date was uncertain.

Hearing this news, the generals' faces were naturally not so good. Although Alice is not in the castle, the castle is still open to the generals. In the castle hall, several generals gathered to discuss the environmental changes in the remains, but there was no result.

At this time, Tong Wu walked towards the gate. The Spider Queen raised her head and said softly: "Where are you going?"

"Go to the lord."

"My lord went to the Black Gate."

"I know." Then, as always, there was no explanation, Tong Wu pushed open the door, and even the generals felt a bitter chill from the cold wind blowing from outside the door.

"I'll go with you." Yami said.

Tong Wu shook his head.


"If I go, I may not die. If you go, I will definitely die." Tong Wu, who has always spoken very little, has a lot of words today. After saying this, he stopped staying, and the burly figure disappeared beyond the gate.

After leaving the castle, Tong Wu walked forward silently.

A few days later, there was already a barren plain in front of Tongwu. The earth is cold and hard. Alice, who was barefoot, has walked from here, but now Tong Wuze has walked the same path as her. The Cannon Gate is a forbidden place in the relic, even the general of Alice is also forbidden to go. Only the first general to follow Alice, Tong Wu, had followed Alice to the Black Gate a long time ago. But even that time, Tong Wu only stopped in front of the Abyss Bridge. Across the abyss, he looked at the Black Gate far away.

The silent journey continued, but at noon the next day, Tong Wu saw a figure. There will be no life on the plain, so seeing a figure here, no matter what it is, is enough to attract Tong Wu's attention. Tong Wu was even ready to fight, but when that figure approached, he was surprised ~www.readwn.com~ Is it you? Tong Wu said solemnly: "I remember you, you are a subordinate of Lord Allen. "

"Yes, my name is Mitinas." It was the fire of the abyss that appeared in front of Tongwu, and Mitinas asked in a toneless tone: "Can I ask you a question, Mr. Tongwu? "

Tong Wu stopped, he did not refuse, but accepted. Mitinas was not polite, and asked, "What's in the depths of the remains in front of you?"

Tong Wu didn't answer and asked, "Why would you ask like that?"

Mitinas said: "Mr. Tong Wu should have also discovered that the climate in the remains has been changing recently, and it has developed from a bad perspective. Of course, this has no effect on me, but it has come with this bad weather. A will. I have a keen sense of spirit, and I have noticed that the will comes from the depths of the legacy."

"That's why you came here?"

Mitinas admitted: "Yes, this is why I am here. But I can no longer move forward, and the will has issued a warning. Although it is not a clear warning, I know that if I close again, it It will destroy me. It is complete destruction. I am curious, but I have a more important mission, so I stopped at the warning. I planned to go back, but I can see Mr. Tong Wu here. It seems that your intention is the same I am the same. But looking at you, you should know more than I do."

"You are right to follow the warning, Mitinas, I can only tell you. The depths of the remains are the Cannon Black Gate, which is the forbidden area of ​​the remains. Lord Alice is there, and I am going to see you at the Black Gate My lord. As for the rest, please forgive me for not being able to disclose more." Tong Wu rarely said a big call.


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