Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1561: Create a new era one

"General, I have confirmed with the military department. By then, Your Majesty will use the ship of the former General Barry to go to Omisga."

Lamo raised his head and looked at his confidant in the Shadow Army, and Burak, who was also an imperial general, said: "Bally’s ship, which is the Black Storm? Very good, check the location code of Black Storm. Has it changed. If not, just give it to our kid friend."

"Yes, General."

Over the Dragon Fort, Lamer's ship is lifting off. Looking out from the porthole of the command hall, the angle of view was constantly rising. After a while, Lamer saw the vast sky. He was mending his sharp claws with a sharp short blade, squinted his eyes, and Lamo whispered: "Gronn and Bailo and I want to sit on the throne of Shadowhold. Sarver wants to get rid of The empire has been controlled for many years, sharing the sky and the earth of Agareth with Dobia. Hey, one or two are ambitious."

He lowered his head, and the smooth, mirror-like blade of the short-edged sword reflected Lamer’s face: "I am not greedy. I only need the financial contacts of the two big families, plus the military power provided by Sarver. With a little use and adjustment, the financial resources and I use all force. Then they will find that they are just serving me."

"This is the best opportunity. Spinak has left the empire, and the emperor of Dobia has fallen asleep again. How many people will see that this is the dawn before a new era. Yes, this is It belongs to my time." With a little effort, Lamo turned into a ball of twisted metal.

Magic Ring City.

"I just came back, and you are going to travel again. No, you have to take me!" Laura, who had just returned to the magic ring city, still had the aura of war, she put the long sword red on the table and put her hands around Looking at Alan Road.

Alan is being helped by the two sisters of Paige to put on the black heavy armor that smells like a devil. This time, he has to negotiate with the Kidd. This devil's heavy armor will make him look more powerful. If Sarver can be reminded of Spinnaker, then Allen will be able to win more benefits when negotiating.

This time the Kidd's participation in the battle on the Wild Stone Star was too rash, especially the openly attacking the Shadow Army of the Empire, which was tantamount to giving Allen an excuse to interfere. Alan didn't forget that Sarver still had the last fragment of the secret map in his hand, and he was worried that he had no excuse to go to Omisga. This time it's okay, Sarver offered the opportunity himself.

If there is no doubt about what the Kidd people do, it is impossible. The Shadow Army and Hubble entered the Wild Stone Star, making it clear that the Empire would support Hubble. But instead of leaving, the Kidd attacked the imperial army. This unwise approach was incompatible with the rumored Kidd emperor who had always acted carefully. All Alan could think of was that Sarfo didn't take himself as the new empire in his eyes. The method of attacking the imperial army is also to put oneself on the negotiating table.

After putting on the last piece of armor, Allen smiled and said: "I am going to Omisga to negotiate, not to fight. You are sure to follow."

Laura thought for a while and said, "Forget it, I'm not interested in negotiation at all."

"So you'd better stay here. If you feel bored, you can find Twilight. Devlin is now in the Forge City. It is probably impossible for you to find her for training. Twilight is also good, she will not be more aggressive than Dai What's the difference between Flynn." Allen held up his helmet and said, "You just came back, take a good rest. I have to go, and I have to talk to the ministers."

"Be careful yourself."

Allen laughed: "Don't worry, Sarve can't do anything unless he really wants to go to war."

In the Yorton star field, Omisgar is definitely not the largest planet, not to mention that the planet Misir where the Gly giant lives, even Agareth is more than Omisgar. less. But the planet Omisgar is definitely an alien in the Yorton star field. Because normally, it was destroyed hundreds of years ago. However, it did not become a supernova, which is the credit of the Kidd people.

Kidd people have a profound enthusiasm for machinery. Since their ancestors, they have been keen on the development and research of various machinery. Until they combined the machinery with themselves, the Kidd people moved on to a path of mechanization for the whole people.

Their tribesmen will undergo mechanical transformation after birth, and the intensity and extent of the transformation depends on their physical fitness. After each kid is born, he will pass strict but standardized tests to determine the number of transformations in his life and the height he can reach. Those with ordinary qualities only carry out power and physical transformations in order to adapt to various high-intensity tasks. These Kidd people are usually slaves to the lowest level. The class of the Kidd people is strict, and it can be said that their destiny can be predicted once they are born. Kidders with better physical fitness can get more resources and status ~www.readwn.com~ There is no bloodline in the philosophy of Kidd people. The concept of respecting the strong is even more pure in Omis than the Baer.

While developing themselves, Kidders are also keen to transform their own planet. I don't know how many generations of emperors have had plans to transform Omisga into a star destroyer. This plan is so huge, and at the same time, the damage to the planet is also very serious. At the end of the plan, Omisga couldn't see what half of the planet should look like. If viewed from space, Omisga is a huge iron ball in the universe. It has no atmosphere, and the surface of the planet is directly exposed in space. Omisga has been artificially cut into large parts by the Kidd people, and each part is an area. The closer you get to the center of the earth, the closer the "heart" of Omisgar is, the more advanced the area is. Each area is connected by huge metal pipes, so from space, Omisga is a big iron block connected by many pipes.

The entire planet is a huge starship, and as long as the Kidders are willing, they can drive this starship to leave the Jorton star field at any time. But the Kidd have never done this. God knows what they think, probably only their emperor knows.

The "heart" of Omisgar is also the source of power for this star destroyer. It is conceivable how much energy is needed to drive such a huge machine. The energy furnace in the general sense simply cannot provide such a huge power. Therefore, the heart of Omisgar is actually an energy supply station, the area of ​​which is equivalent to a floating island of Babylon. Kidd built the energy station into an inverted triangle shape, which is connected with the surrounding area through countless interlaced energy intersections.

On this inverted triangle energy station, there is also an undulating building complex, which is where the Kidd’s palace is located.

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