Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1566:  Himir

Although lacking substantive evidence, Allen believes that his inference is at least 70-80% close to the truth. This is not difficult to consider. You must know that Lamer holds one of the most important tools of the empire, and that is the intelligence network formed by the Shadow Army. If the largest number of shadow army is regarded as the shield of the empire, then the elite mad shadow army is the blade of the empire, and the shadow army is the eyes and ears of the empire. Once the Shadow Army betrayed the empire, then the emperor of the empire was blinded to his eyes and ears, and naturally he could not see or hear anything. If other people and Kidd secretly communicated, they should have called Ramer to find out. Therefore, the Shadow Army will remain silent only when Ramo is the inner ghost. This is also the biggest drawback of the empire. An important national machine like the intelligence network cannot be controlled by only one person, but because the one sitting on the throne before is Spinak. Forgive me to give Lamer ten darings and dare not betray, but it is two different things if it is replaced by Allen.

"Damn, I don't know if Mitinas can be reached at this distance." Allen clenched a fist and slammed on the handrail lightly: "If it can't be done, I can only rely on Twilight to notify Mitinas and use Weapons such as star beasts are searching for space."

Ellen can probably think that the magic circle city is no longer peaceful at this moment, but with Twilight's strength, unless she encounters Devlin, Lamer is not qualified to stop her. According to common sense, Twilight and Laura and others should have escaped from Oculus City now. Although the empire is big, the only thing they can go to is Mokdan. So if Mitinas didn't have a star beast in his hand, Morkdan could still send a starship, hoping that Melanie still controlled the city and didn't buy it for Lamer.

Thinking hard about the timing of getting out, Allen suddenly felt the light in the cabin dim slightly. He leaned against the porthole and looked outside, just to see the bottom of a starship. Just above his escape pod, a starship was slowly sliding past. The shape of the hull is neither the streamlined hull of the Baer people with black and red as the main color, nor the heavy industrial-style starship of the Kidd people. The starship is yellowish in color. With Allen's eyes, it is easy to see that there are many places on the bottom that are peeling off paint, and many parts have slight deformation marks. It looks like this is not a battle-shaped starship, but more like a transport ship. At this time, the armor on the bottom of the hull opened, two robotic arms hung down, and they fell above the escape capsule. After a while, Allen, who was in the cabin, only felt that the escape cabin vibrated, and it seemed that he lifted the robotic arm up. I don't know who are in the starship, but this result has made Allen very satisfied, at least let him get rid of the situation that he can't do anything in space.

After ten seconds, the escape capsule stabilized, and then a red dot appeared at the door. As the red dot moved, sparks from the hatch were splashed. It should be someone outside using a laser to cut the hatch. Allen sat still, and after a while the hatch was completely taken down, when seven or eight beams of light shone in, and there was a shout: "Don't move!"

Allen raised his hand and asked, "Who are you?"

Several beams of light were cast on the ground, and seven or eight aliens could be seen standing outside. They are obviously from different planets, and none of them look the same. The clothes on these people are not uniform, and the weapons in their hands are also varied. Suddenly the two aliens in front shook, and someone squeezed out from behind them, but it was a woman. She is petite and looks very close to humans. Except for her light blue skin color and two fluffy ears from under her blond hair, this alien woman is like a human 15 or 16 year old girl. . If she had another tail growing behind her back, it would be no different from Catwoman. The girl is wearing a wallet, which is protected by iron sheets on the shoulders. Inside, there is a black chest strap, a pair of shorts under the flat abdomen, a beam pistol hung on the waistband, and short boots. The left hand is normal, and the right hand has obviously been modified. It is a mechanical arm with a disproportionately large palm, which is bigger than those of alien men. There are a few metal conduits on the shoulders on the arms, but there are no abnormalities other than that, but such mechanical arms usually hide weapons, which are by no means as simple as their appearance. This girl seemed to be the leader of aliens. She blinked her eyes and looked at Alan from head to toe, and then said: "Who are you? You will never look like an ordinary person. Tell me, what happened here? what's up?"

"Before answering your questions, I want to leave here first. To be honest, I have stayed here for two hours. I have stayed enough."

The girl quickly exchanged glances with the men around, and then nodded: "You'd better be honest, I will stare at you. If you do anything strange, these guys won't be soft-hearted."

Alan smiled at such a threat. In his eyes, although these people looked fierce, their source power was not very good. The strongest one should be that girl, the source of her body is radiant, but she seems to be no more than 25-6. Seeing Allen's faint smile, the girl squinted her eyes, but still gestured to make her companion back a little. Allen got out and moved his muscles. Looking at Alan’s armor and cloak, the girl’s eyes were full of doubts: "Now it’s time to answer my question. Your outfit is just like those ancient nobles in the Baer people, but you. If I read it right, Are you human?"

"In fact, that's the case, yes, I am a human." Allen looked at her and said, "A human who settled on Agareth. You see, I need to return to Agareth, if you send me If I go back, I promise to give you a good reward."

"Compared to that, I want to know what you encountered." The girl's expression was a little nervous: "You won't drift in space for no reason. We found the wreckage of a starship not far away. Have you been attacked? "

"Well, my fleet was killed." Allen roughly described the incident of a flood of energy attacking the fleet.

The girl sighed immediately, and then a voice came in: "Miss, it should be correct. We have discovered a high-energy energy response before, plus what he said should be the Kidd destruction cannon, they Finally used that space weapon!"

It was an old alien with dark blue skin, and he seemed to be of the same race as the girl. His body was covered with scars, and both arms and one leg were replaced by machines. He stared at Allen and said, "You mentioned the fleet just now, why did the Kidd attack your fleet?"

"Because I am the emperor of the Demon Shadow Kingdom, and obviously, the Kidd people and some of my subordinates are secretly conspiring to rebel."

All the aliens were stunned, and then one or two of them laughed, including the girl, almost everyone was smiling, except the old man. The girl laughed and said, "You said that you are the emperor of the Demon Shadow Empire. This is really ridiculous. Hey, there must be a limit to big words. Who does not know that the emperor of the Demon Shadow Kingdom is the supreme, but I never I never heard that your Majesty is a human being."

"Believe it or not, do whatever you want. Now I have told you what you want to know. Then go back to the question just now, take me back, and I will pay you." Allen said.

The girl shook her head: "I refuse. We have more important things to do. We just happened to pass by here, but there is no time to send you back."

"Well, then, there is a small starship on this ship, I can buy it from you." Allen patted the armor and said, "This thing is worth some money."

"First of all, we don't have another starship. Besides, you want to buy a starship in armor. You think too much." The girl said: "Well, we are going to a place where we can take you anywhere. You can find another ship there."

Allen said: "I don't have time to wander around with you. If you don't want to, then I can only seize the ship."

Upon hearing this, the girl narrowed her eyes, and several men around raised various weapons. Allen squinted slightly, and the cloak at his feet suddenly rose, and immediately a mighty force filled the entire space. The light in the cabin became dim, sparks fell, and the temperature of the space rose linearly. If you close your eyes, you might think that you have fallen into a furnace, and the guns in the alien hands suddenly become red and hot, and the girl's metal arms are gradually glowing red. The girl finally turned her face and shouted with difficulty: "Stop, please stop!"

Allen took back his energy ~www.readwn.com~ This time, the aliens looked at him completely differently. There was a certain kind of enthusiasm in the girl's eyes. She pressed her hand to her chest and said: "My name is Simir, and Tarot are both ancients. We are going to Vega, can you please be our guard?"

Allen was stunned, and shook his head: "Do you not understand me? I want to go back to Agareth and go back now, but I am not interested in being your escort. If you don't plan to send me back, then I will only I can use a little force."

The girl named Himir grinned and said, "Even if you rob this ship, it's useless. It is modified by myself, and the operating system is encrypted. No one can manipulate it except me."

Allen had a big headache.

At this time, the older Guthian stepped forward and said, "Let’s do it, whether you are really the emperor of the Demon Shadow Kingdom, but you shouldn’t be friends with the Kidd? We are also enemies of the Kidd. Let us join forces. You will be our **** once, and after the incident, we will tell you the information about the sabotage artillery. If that space weapon was directly used against Agareth, even you would be helpless, right? But we Know the intelligence of the saboteur, know how to make it unable to work. Because it was made by us!"

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