Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1568: Grey Sheep Market

"Get out of my way, don't get in the way."

"Do you know who I am? Go to Laozi."

"Asshole, dare to lie to me and kill him!"

"Sir, this is the beauty slave of Povstar, take a look..."

Walking into the Grey Sheep Bazaar, Allen saw chaotic pictures. The market is located on an oasis in the desert, with weird buildings from various planets and different styles scattered around. There is no so-called planning here, basically it is based on its own strength to occupy a place in the market. The Grey Sheep Market is chaotic, but also intuitive. If you want to distinguish the strength of the opponent, you only need to look at how much land he can occupy in the market.

Walking in the winding streets, passing by shops with different styles, Simmel next to him introduces his uniqueness to Allen from time to time. The backstages of these stores are generally very involved. Once the goods enter the store, even if the victim chases them, they can only be redeemed at the store's pricing. If you want to grab it, you have to weigh your own strength. Generally speaking, those who dare to open a store in the Grey Sheep Market, no matter how inconspicuous the store is, it is better not to provoke it easily.

Allen has witnessed violent clashes in several shops, but without exception, the bodies thrown out of the shops are all customers.

"What on earth are you here for?" Allen asked softly.

Himir responded succinctly: "Look for hope."

"What hope?"

At this moment a few drunk aliens came to face each other. One of them saw Himir grinning, and reached out his hand to catch the girl's chest: "The chick looks good. Let me drink with me."

Ximir didn't even look at it. He lifted his mechanical arm and lost his palm. A beam of light from his palm directly penetrated the man's chest. The alien fell down without humming, his companion screamed and pounced on it, and Tarot and several other accompanying people quickly solved it.

"Here, as long as you have the strength, you can walk sideways." Himir whispered.

Allen looked at the corpse on the ground and said, "I thought you would be more low-key."

"I don't want to make trouble, but if you dare not do anything with this kind of garbage, you will find more and more annoying flies." Shimir blinked, obviously this tough method is a warning. At the very least, before someone is looking for trouble, they must first measure the strength gap between the two sides.

They stopped in front of a round building. This weird building had no windows and its outer walls were gray. On the roof stood a gray goat statue. Of course, this so-called goat was somewhat different from what Allen knew.

"Grey Sheep Bar, the place where we meet the couple. It seems that the other party hasn't arrived yet. Before that, I'll buy you a drink." Shimir pushed open the door of the bar and walked in. Although it was open, the guests were there. There are fewer surprises.

Since the building is a circular structure, there is a lot of space in the bar. In the middle is a circular bartender, where seven or eight aliens with multiple long arms are mixing. Human-like, alien women with gray skin and curly hair with horns play the role of bartender. They are responsible for delivering the prepared drinks to the hands of every guest in the bar, and occasionally wiping oil is indispensable, but compared to the outside, the guests in the bar have unexpected rules.

"The owner of the bar is the owner of the market. No one dares to make trouble in Old Blow. So those who enter the bar defaulted to Old Blow's rules. Once the rules are broken, an apology is useless." Xi Mill winked at Tarot, and the old Guss led the others to the corner of the bar, and sat down at a wine table in a familiar manner. Seamill and Alan went to the bartender and sat down, and the girl reached out to clasp the table: "Where is Uncle Blow?"

"It's you, Miss Cat. The boss is sleeping on it, I'll go and notify him." A croissant girl said, not forgetting to look at Ellen more. But Allen lowered his hat and wore goggles again, really seeing nothing.

After the girl left, Allen said, "It seems that you are a regular customer here."

"More than regular customers, old Bro is ours, so I am half the owner here." Shimir said to a bartender, "Bring us two glasses of Blue Storm."

"I don't drink." Allen said.

"Appreciate your face." Shimir grinned: "Besides, there are no men who don't drink."

Obviously it is a radical approach.

Allen smiled, but did not refuse. After a while, two cups of cold blue drinks were placed in front of Alan and Himir, and the girl took one of them and took a sip. Then he shivered and shouted: "No matter how many times I drink, this thing is still so exciting, I really love it!"

At this time, someone coughed and said, "Miss, Blue Storm should drink less. May I make you some other drinks?"

Behind the croissant girl just now, an old Gus who was about the same age as Tarot came over. He had cat-like ears like Himir, limped, and walked staggering. He looked at Alan with a wary expression and said, "This guest has a very unique smell, miss, your friend?


"My secret weapon!" Simmel patted Alan **** the shoulder~www.readwn.com~ with a smug look on his face.

The old man Blow shrugged and said, "Mr. Thom contacted me ten minutes ago. It should be coming soon."

"Well, before that, I want you to inquire about some news."

"what news."

"About the Demon Kingdom."

Old Buluo frowned and said: "Miss, there is nothing good to ask about that empire. As far as I know, a lot of things have happened in Demon Shadow Nation recently. If you still don't inquire, we don't have the capital to stand up enemies."

"Just ask." Shimir exclaimed with two tiger teeth.

Old Blow made a gesture of surrender and called a girl over and whispered a few words. The girl left soon, and Old Blow walked to the bartender, took a look at the drink in front of Allen and said, "Isn't it tasteful?"

Alan picked it up and tasted it. The entrance only felt that the whole mouth was going to freeze, and then he quickly recovered warmth, and a warm current with warmth entered the body, and then filled with a strong fragrance. This blue storm is really interesting. , He nodded and said: "Not bad."

There was a look of surprise in Bu Luo's eyes, and the blue storm was not something anyone could afford. The humble person in front of him took a sip of his face and didn't change his color. It was not easy. The old man glanced at Himir again, when a bracelet on his hand was shining red. The old man turned around and turned around after a while and said, "A chaos incident has just happened in Demon Shadow Kingdom!"

Simir glanced at Allen unexpectedly and said, "Pick the important ones."

The old man said "Um" and said, "Today the emperor of the Demon Shadow Kingdom was supposed to be an ambassador to Omisga, but he was attacked in space. It is said that the entire fleet has been wiped out. Just after the imperial emperor's accident, Lamer The headed rebels quickly seized the Occult City, and it seemed that they should have colluded with the Kidd side. Because after the Occult City was taken, a fleet of Kidd people entered Agareth."

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