Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1573:  The distance from hope to despair

There is no sense of time or distance when walking in the mine. I don't know how long it has passed or how long it has traveled. The team finally stopped. Because the front was blocked by rocks, he could no longer move forward. Himir said in a deep voice, "Look for another way."

Tarot said bitterly: "There is no way, miss, this is the last one."

They had gone through many forks on the way here, and many of them had been blocked. This should be the end of the mine. Himir was unwilling: "Aren't we stopping here? His Majesty Andorra must be here!"

A guard posted on the pile of rocks and said, "Miss, it's windy."

If there is wind, it means that there is more space behind the rock pile, and Simir immediately said, "Blast it."

"It's better for me." Allen stepped forward and put his hand on the rock pile. Soon the rocks began to glow red and shiny. The large and small stones turned red, and then a circle of flame spread out using Alan's palm as the origin. Everything in the flames turned into ashes, creating a gap for Allen. As a result of the rock pile, there is another space. Seven or eight beams of light swept in. You can see that this is a ground hall. I don't know whether it is natural or man-made. The stone pillars support the dome of the ground hall.

A group of people walked in, and after walking a distance deep in the underground hall, they heard the sound of water and an underground river flowing past. There are luminous microorganisms in the underground river, which makes the whole river seem to glow. There are fish swimming in the river water, but these fishes that live underground for many years basically have no eyes and look very strange. Suddenly there was a light in front of him, and after a while, heavy footsteps sounded. As the light gradually approached, Allen saw that it was a torch. Under the torch was a man in a cloak. He couldn't see what he looked like, but from the hand holding the torch, he was a little old. The other side stopped on the other side of the river and said, "This is the cemetery of the dead. They shouldn't be disturbed. Who are you? The mining area has been closed. Why come here to disturb the dead."

Himir looked excited. As expected, there were people living in the depths of the mining area. She trembled: "We are Gus, you... No, are you your Majesty of Andorra?"

Hearing these words, the man's shoulders trembled, then he took off his hat, revealing an old face. The old man has only a few sparse strands of hair, but no matter the skin or the cat ears, it means that he is also an ancient Si. His eyes were small and looked very strange. The old man said, "What did you just say?"

"I said, are you your Majesty Andorra?"

"Are you here to find a sunstrider?" The old man laughed bitterly, "Miss, that's just a legend."

"I don't believe it!" Ximir took out the remnant sword and said, "His Majesty Andorra must be here, otherwise, why would his sword flow out of this mining area?"

"So, it seems that you have really worked hard. That's right, my compatriots, Your Majesty Andorra is indeed here. Well, you come with me. Your Majesty should also hope to see his people again."

Shimir yelled for joy, and Tarot and the others were also very excited. Only Alan remained silent. First, he was just an outsider, and secondly, he didn't think Andorra was still alive. The reason is simple. He deliberately released his qi when he created the gap just now. If Andorra is here, he should feel his aura with his strength, then Alan should feel a little bit in response or other actions. However, there is nothing, everything is too peaceful.

They crossed the underground river and followed the old man in front of them. The floor of the underground hall gradually narrowed, and at the end, a stone stele with no words was erected in front of everyone. Behind this stone stele is piled up a piece of dust-covered armor, a few spears, a sword blade, and a dozen other scattered objects. Seeing this stele and the things behind, Himir trembled all over, and she looked at the old man and said, "Where is your Majesty Andorra?"

The old man stretched his hand across the stele and said, "It's here, this is the resting place of His Majesty Andorra."

Hearing these words, Allen lowered his head, and his feeling was right. For Himir and others, it was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. Especially Himir, just now, she thought she could see the legendary character. However, what was left to her was a cold, wordless stele and some Andorra relics. As if he had lost all strength, the girl sat on the ground, looking at the wordless monument for a long time without words.

The old man said: "After His Majesty Andorra was seriously injured in those years, the Kidd were hunted down. His Majesty's personal guard risked his death and rescued him. After several twists and turns, he came to Luozi and settled down on this planet. I plan to make plans after the injury recovers, but I did not expect that your majesty's injuries are getting heavier day by day. While recovering here, your majesty missed his people very much, and deeply blamed himself for his inability to save everyone~www.mtlnovel. com~ In the end, His Majesty was still unable to return to heaven and died with despair and self-blame. He said that he was ashamed of the Guss, so the tombstone did not need to be named after death, because he was not worthy to be an emperor. The guard was buried. He, and in order to guard the mausoleum of His Majesty, he has never left. I am the descendant of that guard. We have guarded this place for generations. I am already the last tomb guard. Now you are here, good. How, your Majesty shouldn't be here, he should go back to his homeland..."

While speaking, the old man was silent. He was standing there, touching the stele with a smile on his face. Seeing that he hadn't been moving for a long time, Tarot walked over, put his hand in his nose, and then turned back to Himir and said: "He is dead."

Himir shook his body.

Coming out of the mine, the sky was extremely dim, and the night was about to fall. Allen glanced at the back of the few people, except for Shimir, everyone was carrying something on their back. It includes the remains of Andorra, as well as the emperor's armor and spear. As for the tomb guard, he was buried in the underground hall. He guarded the mausoleum for a lifetime, and eventually became his own resting place.

The group got on the land vehicle in silence, and the vehicle left the mining area and drove to the parking position of the starship. Himir curled up in the corner like a puppet without a soul. Tarot sighed and said to Allen: "Your Majesty, can I ask you something."

Allen seemed to know what he was going to say, shook his head and said: "I said long ago that instead of pinning my hopes on a legendary character, it is better to work directly with me. It is a pity that Simmel did not listen, but my promise is still valid, but Even so, it’s up to Himmel to stand up. No one can help her at this point, neither can I.”

:Merry Christmas! As I said before, changes will be added in the last week of the last month of this year, starting today!

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