Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1590: Vassal clothes

Alan stretched out his hand and stroked the blade of the Anthem of Destruction, and now he understood the inner feelings of these top figures like Frius. ??? At their level, although the universe is large, it is difficult for opponents to find it. The kind of loneliness and loneliness is not difficult for the parties to understand. So they each have their own way of dispatching. Frios took Spernak as the target and worked hard to manage Dobia. Spinak was only interested in creators, and when new clues appeared, he didn't even need an empire. As for Alan, although he did not step into the realm of supreme, but he has fought against Frieus twice, especially the battle between the two supreme of Yongyexing Shangguan has benefited him a lot. This makes his understanding of power and even the rules far ahead of others.

Sarfo can sit on the throne of the Kidd emperor, and his strength is definitely not weak. Allen felt that he was weaker than Cagaso, not really, but compared to him when Cagaso was in the duel, now he has grown a lot, only to feel that Safo is inferior to Cagaso. In fact, Saffron’s ability to create war machinery has some touches of the rules, but for Allen who has witnessed the battle between the two supreme, this superficial rule seems dull. Even Sarver used his abilities in the mechanical combination, which in Alan's eyes seemed to be "not doing business properly".

On the other side, Sarph stood up with a halberd.

Allen suddenly felt disappointed. He wanted to use Sarph to sharpen his combat skills, but it would happen that even if he was as strong as Sarph, he could no longer be his whetstone. Between him and these powerhouses, there has been an insurmountable gap.

"Kneel to me, Sarver. In that case, you can continue to live." Allen said lightly.

Safo laughed: "Don't think that if you cut me, I will be afraid of you. Do you really think you are Spinak?"

"I will get there sooner or later." Allen did not argue, his tone was flat, as if he was just telling a fact.

"Then wait until the day you become the supreme, before you say this to me!" Sarver raised the golden halberd, and the metal fragments floating in the air revolved and regrouped.

Allen shook his head: "Unfortunately you have no chance to see that day."

Then raised his hand, the four Baidi swords flew out, and burst into thousands of white fireflies in the middle, and slammed into Sarfo like thousands of troops. Sarfo's face changed slightly, the halberd sank, and the metal fragments that had been assembled to the halfway made another change, forming a thick shield again to block Sarfo. But this time the thick shield can no longer stop Alan’s attack. The fluorescent light from the Baidi Sword passes through the thick shield, like a shower of rain splashing on Sarfo. Every light of fluorescent light is a sword gas, thousands of swords. Qi immediately pierced Sarf into a lot of holes, and Sarfo realized that his source barrier and engraving weapons had no effect at all, and his eyes were opened to the limit. At this time, the sword energy that passed through the body gathered again, condensed into a giant sword and pierced back from the back, penetrating Sarver's body twice. Sarfo shook his body sharply, lowered his head and glanced at the gray sword body that passed by, and then the world in his eyes gradually slipped into the darkness.

The thick shield disintegrated with a bang, and scattered into countless fragments piled around Sarver's body. Ellen carried the giant knife past Sarver's body and went deep into the palace. After he left, the Baidi sword inserted into Sarfo gradually disappeared. Without the support of the Baidi sword, Sarfo's body finally softened and fell onto the pile of metal fragments. After a while, the blood gradually spread.

Along the way, Alan bumped into many Kidd people, but no one dared to shoot him. They looked at Alan at a loss, and Alan didn't bother to take action against these lower-level fighters, as long as they didn't stop him. He walked to the main hall, on the high platform, and sat down on the throne of Saffron. When there was a sound, the hymn of shatteredness stood in front of the seat, and Alan put his hands on the hilt of the knife with a cold expression.

After a while, a group of Kidd soldiers swarmed in, behind them, there was a platinum royal family. The royal family looked at Alan on the throne, and as usual, if he dared to sit on the throne, he should have difficulty immediately. But Sarfo's body was placed at the gate of the palace. He had already seen it when he came, and how dare he attack the emperor of the Demon Kingdom who could kill Sarfo. At this time, it was not a shot, and it was not a shot. The royal family's expression was ugly.

Alan looked ahead, as if looking far away, and even his voice was a little hollow: "Let your people surrender. Sarver is dead, and you don’t have a reason to fight, do you? I wasted some of my strength, and you lost even more."

"Of course you can also refuse, then I will start with you." Alan finally lowered his head, unable to see a trace of emotion falling on the royal family: "I will start with you and kill the last one. Royal family. If you still refuse to return, then I will kill your nobles. Tell me, can you withstand such a loss?"

The platinum royal family shook his whole body. He looked at Alan, and from Alan's eyes, he could not see the half-parting joke. The faces of all the soldiers around were gloomy, and even a few golden nobles were afraid. At this moment, the murderous aura on Allen was real and everyone could understand his mind. The young man on the throne has no patience for this game, and is not prepared to accept Omisgar in a gentler way. If the Kidd people do not compromise, then this race is greeted by the fiercest fire in the universe. This fire will burn the roots of the Kidd people clean. From now on, the surviving people can only wander between the stars like aliens who have no mother star to rely on.

The platinum royal family finally softened its knees and knelt toward the throne on the high platform. The proud head of the past is now humblely buried on the ground. As soon as the royal family knelt, the other Kidders naturally did not have the will to resist, and immediately fell to their knees in the hall. Alan looked at these people, but he didn't have the slightest color in his heart, but some was just a kind of empty loneliness.

On the same day, Omisga announced his surrender and joined the Demon Empire unconditionally. Although Spinak was there, Omisgar was also a vassal of Demon Kingdom. But it wasn't as thorough as this time. Of course, it wasn't Spinak who couldn't do it, but the devil's mind was completely out of these things.

Omisgar’s incident had far-reaching impact, especially after the Kidd people showed the power of space weapons, no one would doubt that this empire will master the same force in the near future, even after the Kidd people have joined the Demon Shadow Kingdom. Go up one floor. Alan also complied with the previous agreement, the Gus were completely free from the slavery of the Kidd, and they got a territory in the Demon Kingdom. In return, Himir and Tarot personally selected a team of technicians to join the technical department of Demon Shadow Nation. These people will be paid by the Imperial Engineers. For them who have been enslaved by the Kidd for a long time, it is undoubtedly a heaven. Big happy event.

Back in the magic ring city that day, Allen stepped off the starship and hugged Laura when he saw him. Laura sensed something sensitively. She felt Alan's body hard and cold at first, and after a while, she slowly relaxed and felt warm. Laura hugged him and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Alan was buried in her long, closed his eyes and said: "It's nothing, just recovered something."

"What did you get back?"

"Find some goals that I must adhere to, and at the same time remind me that I have a lot to do, but I don't have time to groan without illness." Allen smiled.

Laura shrugged: "Although I don't know what you said, as long as you are okay."

"Well, I'm fine."

"That's not necessarily." Laura laughed: "I bet you will be busy again next time. I just received a message from Idahua star."

"Oh, what news?"

"Ofascius wants you to meet at the Interstellar Defense."

Allen looked at Laura: "Really?"

"It's true!"

"Okay, reply to him, I'm going to the appointment as scheduled."

On the other side of the blood sea, in another empire of Agareth, in the royal city of Dubia, the fire demon Beluka is walking fast in the corridors of the dark castle~www.readwn.com~He is walking fast Arriving in front of Frius's palace, without asking for instructions, the palace door opened by itself. Frius' voice came from behind the door: "Come in, Belukai."

Belukai walked in and saw Frius in the hall. The Black Emperor was naked, leaning back on a large chair, and a maid was gently pressing his shoulders and arms. Frios closed his eyes and said softly: "Has Omisga got news?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Belukay said solemnly: "Safir has been killed. Now Omisga accepts the rule of Demon Shadow Nation. A royal family has been elected to manage Omisga, but not the emperor. , But the agent of Moying Nation."

"Oh?" Frius slowly opened his eyes, and said with a smile: "Our Majesty Allen is really capable."

"Yes, His Majesty Allen invaded Omisgar alone, first destroying the space weapons of the Kidd, and then killing Saff in the palace. The Kidd was hit hard and could only choose to surrender. And I also inquired about some news that a group of aliens called Gus were involved in the space weapons of the Kidd people. Now these Gus people have joined the Demon Kingdom, and a group of them have become the engineers of the empire. It is foreseeable, In the coming time, the weapons of the Demon Shadow Kingdom will usher in a leapfrog exhibition."

Frius smiled and said, "Berukai, are you suggesting that I should be careful of our allies?"

"Your Majesty is wise."

Frios waved his hand: "Your flattering is always unskillful, so forget it." He leaned forward slightly, and the black head slid down his shoulders, making Frios look like now. There is a somewhat wicked sense of beauty: "Go tell Demon Shadow Kingdom, if they plan to build a sabotage cannon, then I will visit their emperor personally."

Beilukai nodded and said, "I will do it now."

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