Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1593: Shock

"What is it?" It's about my future, and with Allen's calmness, I can't help but become nervous.

Orfascius didn't intend to appetite him either, and said directly: "It's the coordinates."

"Coordinates? What coordinates?"

"Pointing to a coordinate somewhere in the universe, and there are more than one coordinate. Only one has been resolved so far. So now Lucy has gone there first." Orfasis smiled slightly and said, "You might not be able to guess that coordinate points Where is it."

"Your Majesty, don't bend around anymore."

Ofasis laughed and said, "It's a heaven star."

"Paradise star?" The answer was indeed unexpected. The planet he arrived after he was lost in the interstellar space, the wonderful planet with the coexistence of various creatures in the universe. From the beginning, he felt that the heaven star was not simple. . Unexpectedly, this planet would appear on the origin slab. So, what kind of secrets are hidden on the heaven star.

"It feels incredible." Orfasis said, "We were surprised when we first learned about it. After all, according to your previous exploration, it has been confirmed that there are relics from the era of the Rosary on the heaven star. But in our literature, it is There is no record of this. Then there is no way to know what the Empress Rose did on this planet, and now, the origin stone slab directly points the arrow to it, which is even more incredible. But no matter what, this is good news after all. If you resolve other coordinates, then you may know the secret of the cosmic twilight, and you can reverse your destiny."

"To be honest, I didn't believe that there would be such a good thing before. But it was you and Lucy's persistence that made me believe it at first. If there is God's word, maybe he hasn't turned his back on this universe. Otherwise, it won't. Let us find the origin slab, and now, you are also quietly changing the pattern of the Yorton star field." Ofasis said happily: "I already know some of the things you have done during this period of time. I can only say that you have done very well. Okay, Alan. Take over Sponak’s Demon Kingdom, throw Morso Star into chaos, and merge Omisgar and Wild Stone. I have a hunch that the chaotic situation in the Yodon star field will be left to you for a long time. And change."

Alan moved in his heart and said: "If you can change my fate, when you and I have no reason to fight. I am willing to exchange everything with what I have now. I only hope that your Majesty can marry Lucy to me. I don't know if your Majesty can marry me. promise."

Ofascius was startled and asked, "For Lucy, are you willing to abandon everything now?"

"Everything I do is to give me and the people around me a stable living environment. If there is no need to fight at that time, these things are of little significance to me. And Lucy is a queen, I always want Can you get a bride price that fits her identity."

Ofasis nodded and said: "You do have a heart, but for this question, I don't want to answer you for the time being. Compared with this, there is another thing you have to pay attention to."

"what's up?"


Alan shook his whole body: "You have news from her?"

"It's not difficult to find out." Ofasis snorted coldly. "That woman is cunning and cautious. We can hardly find any clues. In the end, it was Charglyn that we found her. Ellen, she too After going to the heavenly star, I think you should set off to go to the heavenly star. As for how to solve it, I won't intervene this time."

Another shocking news.

Allen nodded and said: "You are right, the matter between me and Angeloni must be settled by myself."

"Oh, by the way, Xia Gelin asked me to tell you that you are going to be a father. We, Idahua, have a long nurturing period, but this time seems to be an exception. Xia Gelin is about to give birth, and she Foresee that it is a boy. So let me congratulate you first here."

"Father? Boy?" For a while, Allen had no idea how to react. Shocking news came one after another. Once, he was a wilderness boy, and now he is going to be a father. Even if Xia Gelin and the future child are on the far end of the star road, such a thing still shakes his mind.

Ofasis said: "I also have a hunch in this matter. I always think that Xia Glin's child will not be easy. But you'd better solve your fate before then, otherwise, Xia Glin's child will have It may be the next generation of Twilight Son. In this way, it is an entangled reincarnation."

Allen took a deep breath and nodded: "Thank your Majesty for telling me this. I will arrange to set off for the Heavenly Star in the near future. Before I find a complete solution, I will imprison Angeloni. In this case, At least it will guarantee that I will not wake up immediately."

"If you need help, you can just say it."

Allen shook his head: "I am afraid that no one can help me in this matter. In short, I am grateful for everything that your Majesty and the School of Truth have done~www.readwn.com~."

The meeting ended that day, when the black starship disappeared into the depths of the universe, the people on the space station were relieved. God knows how worried they were that the two emperors fought with each other, after all, Ofascius had hunted down Ellen before. Fortunately, nothing happened, which is enough for the space station people.

Grievous came to the hall, Ofascius was meditating, and the Grand Duke coughed: "How do you feel after seeing it, Your Majesty."

"Very good." Ofascius smiled and said: "He feels that he is very close to the Supreme now. It is no exaggeration to say that Allen is only one step away from the Supreme. But that step is easy and easy. It is difficult to say. Whether he can break through or not depends on himself."

"I also think that when I saw him on the unnamed planet last time, I had never felt such a sense of oppression. But when I saw it today, I almost thought I saw the young majesty." Grifo sighed: " He is really amazing. If he were to be replaced by someone else, he would have collapsed under the circumstances at the time. But Alan clenched his teeth and got to this point. If he can really solve his problem, it would be great. Up."

"I think so too. If he can combine with Lucy, then I can really rest assured."

Grifo said: "Heaven Star and his party, they will meet again. Your Majesty, are you not afraid that he will abduct His Royal Highness Lucy?"

Ofasis laughed and said, "I still know a little bit about that kid, and Lucy wouldn't do such indiscreet things. I'm still more worried about Angeloni, she is like a time bomb, I hope Alan It can be handled well."

"It can only be this way. If we interfere rashly, it will make things even more unpredictable."

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