Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 165:  Servant beast

From nightfall to the sun rise, only seven hours!

Before Allen's jet lag was adjusted from the earth, he held his swollen head and quickly put on his uniform, and brought his team to the big playground. Pluto star only has 18 hours a day, and the days are long and nights are short. When you first arrive on this planet, you have to adjust and adapt for a period of time. Of course, the army will not let you change slowly on your own, but will use strong means to turn you from the body to the mind in a very short time.

Those who couldn't adapt were either sent back or died in an armed conflict.

On the big playground, ten teams, hundreds of soldiers lined up neatly. Today, Colonel Berry brought another officer to the playground. The officer looked quite young, in his early twenties. Her short hair was dry and gray and dull. On the cold face, an ugly scar ran under his eyes, across the bridge of his nose, and almost cut his head away.

The eyes with azure blue pupils shot out icy gazes, passing across the soldier's face. Allen noticed his right hand, which was a mechanical prosthesis. There is no artificial skin graft in camouflage, but the cold metal bones and the energy wires that replace blood vessels are all exposed. A tactical long knife was hung diagonally from the officer's waist, with an eagle head logo on the knife. It was an extended version of the steel eagle sword, which belonged to the military's standard equipment for close combat, but not a weapon such as magic weapon.

His epaulettes are two long swords upside down side by side, indicating that he has the rank of major. When a major uses a standard weapon, he is either exaggerated, or he has excellent skills in this weapon. Judging from the brutal murderous aura he could not hide, Allen believed it was the latter.

"Rookies, this is Major Kojis. It is also your instructor. What you have to do is to follow the instructions in the soldier's manual, obey and obey!" Colonel Bailey said loudly: "Now, report the number!"

When the soldiers began to count, Berry and Kirgers talked a few words in a low voice, and after pointing at Ellen and Lucy, they turned and left. After the soldiers reported the count, Kejiesi stretched out his hand and signaled to be quiet, and then said: "You have a three-month internship period. Only those who can stay after the internship period will be officially used by the base. Otherwise, those who do not Fuck me all qualified."

His voice is hoarse, like sand scraping over an iron plate, which is definitely not pleasant. The major's gaze swept over both Ellen and Lucy, and said, "I know that some of you have special identities. Hey, it's a pity that this is not Babylon, so I don't care about the young master. Here it is. , You are just soldiers! Only soldiers! If I let you run, you will definitely not be able to use it for me, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!" everyone responded in unison.

Kejiesi nodded and said, "Then now, I will announce the task you are going to complete today. Sergeant Allen, please bring your team out!"

Allen immediately led his team out, and Kejiesi walked up to Allen with a smile on his face. He randomly pointed to a barracks on the other side of the playground and said: "Your task today is to clean that dormitory. Yes, I want to see every corridor spotless. This work must be completed before sunset, otherwise, today You don’t have to eat in the evening."

"Yes, sir." Allen replied, and then made a gesture, leading the people to the dormitory designated by Kejiesi without saying a word.

Seeing this, Hubble smiled triumphantly. Yesterday he found his brother, who was a major, and sued Allen severely. Now that Allen is obviously making things difficult for Kojies, Hubble thought to see who would dare to have trouble with him in the future.

"Sergeant Hubble! Lined up!" Kejiesi suddenly called.

Hubble hurriedly reduced his smile and led his team out of the queue. Kejiesi pointed to another dormitory without expression and said, "That's your job today."

"Brother, are you right?" Hubble thought he had heard it wrong.

Kejiesi said coldly: "Please pay attention to your tone, sergeant. There are no brothers here, only majors and sergeants!"

"Yes, sir." Hubble said hurriedly, then led the team away dingy.

As a result, the tasks assigned to the ten teams are all the same today. Each team is responsible for the cleaning of a barracks, without exception.

The second and third days are all the same work. On the fourth day, soldiers finally began to complain.

"I quit!"

Allen was cleaning the corridor with a vacuum cleaner when he heard a soldier yelling and dropping the broom on the ground. He shouted: "I'm here to fight, not to be a worker! That major is clearly teasing us!"

"That is, even if it is like training us in the reserve team, let us be cleaning workers, what is this?"

Several soldiers responded.

Allen raised his head and asked in a deep voice, "What is the first item in the soldier's manual?"

No one answered, Allen himself said: "It's obedience."

"How about the second?" he asked again.

Naz stood up and replied, "I still obey."

"Number three!" Allen's tone began to become sharp.

The few soldiers who wanted to strike reluctantly replied: "Obey."

"Yes, it seems that you have not forgotten that you are a soldier. What we have to do with the command of the major is to obey and do our best. Instead of worrying about whether the command is for us to clean the dormitory or go to battle to kill the enemy. Besides, If you have the strength to complain, it is better to strive to pass the internship as soon as possible. After becoming a formal establishment, are you afraid that you will not have a chance to fight?" Allen said solemnly: "Then, if there are no other problems, just continue to work."

"Yes, sir."

"It's too low, I can't hear it."

"Yes, sir!" the soldiers shouted.

Standing in the lobby on the first floor of the dormitory, faintly hearing the roar from the upper floor, Ke Jies smiled and turned away.

Soon a week passed, and Allen and their tasks this week were boring. But every day, Allen would ask his soldiers to go all out, strictly in accordance with the requirements of the major to complete. At the same time, Allen quickly adapted to the environment of Pluto. On Monday of the second week, when he stood on the playground again, he had fully adapted to Pluto's law of long days and short nights.

Today, Major Kojis has a tablet brain. On Zhinao's screen is a table that lists the performance evaluations of ten teams this week. Among the ten teams, only Allen’s daily score is "a", the rest are ab, and some teams even score c. After Kejiesi announced the results, he said: "From this moment on, Sergeant Allen and his team will enter the second stage of learning. As for you, when the results of the week are all a, it is yours. The timing of the next stage of learning."

"I know that cleaning the dormitory is very boring. But this task assesses your obedience to your boss. On the battlefield, the orders of your superiors are everything. There is no time for you to question or object. What you have to do It’s best to complete it as quickly as possible. If you can’t obey the instructions, what kind of operations are you talking about?” Kejiesi said.

A sergeant raised his hand and said, "Major, do you mean that even if the superior's order is wrong, we must complete it?"

"Yes, there can be no doubt in the army, at least during the battle. One person's doubt sometimes affects the overall layout, and even drags down the battle situation in other places." Kejiesi insisted, and said: "Of course, if it is confirmed that the order is wrong after the war, then the person who issued the order will be punished accordingly. Perhaps this approach is unfair to the soldiers participating in the battle, but the military can only do this. At the same time, it also Everyone who is required to give orders must understand that he is responsible for the life and disgrace of the entire team! Every order must be cautious!"

From the beginning of the day, the place where Allen and the others gathered was no longer a playground, but a tactical conference room that could accommodate thirty or fifty people. Of course, there are only Alan and the team in this meeting room. Kejiesi stood on the podium in the conference room, behind him was an electronic curtain wall. Now, some pictures are emerging on the electronic curtain wall. These pictures are all dangerous species on the planets of the Pluto, and Kejiesi stretched out his hand to press the curtain wall, pulling out a picture from the inside and zooming in.

In the picture is a giant ant, with a human man next to it as a reference, so it is not difficult to see that this ant is the size of a light motorcycle. The giant ant's carapace is reddish-brown, with dark bristles growing on the joints and limbs, and the mouthparts on the head have two jaws that look like a scimitar. The most striking thing is its pair of forefoot, which has a blade-shaped front end.

"This is the knife ant. It is one of the most common dangerous species on Pluto. It is also a servant beast that the knife demon tribe can tame and use as war cannon fodder." Kejiesi said: "The blood eagle base is in charge of logistics work. , Is located at the rear of the battle line. But believe me, the chances of you encountering the sword demon servant beast will not be less. Like this kind of sword ant, they have strong adaptability ~ www.readwn.com~ short breeding cycle, Almost every medium-sized tribe will keep a servant animal like this in captivity."

"Knife ants are very aggressive, and the blade of their forefoot can easily cut an adult in the middle. However, they are very fragile, and ordinary firearms can effectively kill them. The reason why knife ants are troublesome is not in their individual combat power. It lies in their colony. When you see knife ants, there will be at least one thousand ant colonies nearby."

Kejiesi opened another picture, the picture is a long worm. Using the same adult man as a reference, it can be seen that this insect has a body as thick as an oil barrel, without eyes and nose, and has many pairs of feet. There is an open mouth hanging on his head, his mouth is turned with sharp teeth, and he looks hideous. The major introduced: "This is the burrower, and one of the servant beasts kept in the Sword Demon tribe. It is just different from the role of the Sword Ant in attacking. As its name says, the main job of this insect is to dig tunnels. The burrower and the knife ant are the two most widespread and numerous dangerous species on the Pluto star. Even if they are not kept in captivity by the tribe, they are also objects that we need to be alert to and eliminate."

"There are some knife ant nests and earth worm nests near the blood eagle highlands. A large part of the base soldiers' mission is to sweep these dangerous species to prevent them from breaking into the base and causing damage."

As soon as Kejiesi's voice fell, a harsh alarm sounded outside! r1058()

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