Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1600:  Chongzhen

Horse neighs sounded in the wilderness at dawn.

The flying flag has a black background with a golden dragon pattern.

Countless spears propped up a forest of steel in the wilderness, and the army from the east stepped through the wilderness and advanced in the direction of Bauhinia City.

Yiqi is at the forefront of the team.

On the black war horse with golden protective gear, a burly man sits on the horse, his body is straight, making people feel as if he will never fall down.

Hong Lie.

The adopted son of King Jiwu.

A terrifying figure whose fighting strength is close to that of the prince.

This is the impression of the soldiers of him. When this man came to the barracks, an unusually depressive atmosphere enveloped everyone's hearts. What made the soldiers even more surprised was that this man turned out to be the head coach of today's siege, and he and his soldiers and horses will be responsible for the charge. As for King Pingxi, he is currently in the main army, sitting on a big seat that needs eight people to lift.

"Commander Hong."

When Hong Lie heard someone calling himself, he turned his head slightly, and saw an officer Che Ma approaching.

The officer glanced back, and then whispered: "Commander Hong, we are here by the order of the lord this time, not for the sake of King Pingxi."

At 30 this year, Hong Lie is a burly physique like a human bear, and he looks very ordinary, but his eyes are murderous, and he knows at a glance that he is the kind of fierce general who takes the lead in the army of 10,000 people. When he glanced at it, the officer couldn't help but shrink his neck. Hong Lie said indifferently: "Of course I know that adoptive father meant to break down the power of King Xi. I promised King Pingxi to lead him in order to achieve the purpose of the righteous Lord. It's just a savage city. Don't you think I can't beat him? Come down?"

"Subordinate does not mean that."

Without giving his subordinates a chance to finish speaking, Hong Lie turned his head. The officer who was familiar with his temperament knew that he was afraid that he would lose his head any more, so he sighed and stepped back slightly. The thousand soldiers came with Hong Lie. When they came, they used the abacus of King Pingxi to be wild. Unexpectedly, Hong Lie would promise King Pingxi to be the commander of the siege today. This was different from what they had imagined before.

"I hope these barbarians will be a little better."

Bauhinia City is in sight.

Hong Lie raised his hand.

The army platoon stopped, moving and quiet, the army stopped naturally, like breathing. This alone shows that the Panlong Empire’s troops are well-trained. This is also natural, otherwise how dare you to cross the ocean and attack the city and land in a strange country.

After the army stopped, a team of scouts came to report.

"How?" Hong Lie asked immediately.

A scout got off his horse and knelt and said: "Commander Hong, the enemy city is ready for battle." Then he reported a series of fortifications in Bauhinia City and the defense situation of the opponent's army. At the moment, Hong Lie had an idea in his mind. Probably, he nodded, stretched out his hand and pointed forward: "Siege!"

On the city of Bauhinia, Orlando in armor stood on the head of the city with a spear. Looking up, the darkness on the other side of the battlefield was overwhelming. Even though he was mentally prepared, Orlando still felt his heart sinking when he saw the Eastern army of this size. He breathed in a special way to keep calm. At this time, horns sounded on both sides, but the soldiers on the watchtower informed the enemy that they were advancing. Orlando exhaled and secretly said "coming".

At this time, he suddenly thought of Ruola.

"Wait for me to go back," he said, then roared: "Ready to fight!"


King Pingxi’s army pressed towards the Bauhinia City in black and black, and ran across the wilderness like a black tide, and entered the battlefield planned by Edward. The cavalry rushing in the front was indeed the cavalry. All the cavalry of the Panlong Empire covered the eyes of the horse with black cloth. The knight kept urging the horse to advance, and clenched the spear tightly tied to the horse. Hong Lie rushed at the forefront of the cavalry. He clenched two dragon-coiling axes tightly and fixed his figure by clamping the horse belly with his legs. However, he sat motionless, no matter how the horse ups and downs. There was no change in her posture.

Orlando quickly noticed this rushing forward.

He frowned. Regardless of his stature, he seemed not to be the King of Pingxi.

Edward also received this information.

He was still in the conference hall, looking at the sand table, but there was a picture of thousands of troops in his mind, but not far from the battlefield outside the city.

"Isn't it King Pingxi? Who would it be?" Edward said loudly: "Notify Orlando, shelling immediately!"

Originally, the shelling was to wait for King Pingxi to rush into the battle line before using it on the enemy's center line, but now it clearly didn't match the original plan. The soldier was stunned before rushing forward. After a while, three red fireworks were fired in the direction of the City Lord’s Mansion. Orlando saw it and shouted: "Bullard! All the artillery fired!"

After a while, a continuous burst of cannons resounded outside the city.

Fireballs rose up in the cavalry of the Panlong Empire~www.readwn.com~ Every fireball appeared must take dozens of lives, and at this time, the cavalry of the Panlong Empire hadn't even rushed to the horse pit. band.

Hong Lie squinted his eyes. The range of the enemy city’s artillery was far beyond his imagination, and it was also far beyond the range of the artillery used by the Xiyi Empire. He also led an attack on the iron gun collar, so he naturally taught him to worship. The power of the artillery of the Legon Empire. But now, the artillery used by this enemy city was more powerful and had a longer range, which was beyond his expectation. Suddenly, the thousands of soldiers and horses he brought have already lost a lot.

Then the cavalry entered the horse trap belt.

However, the horse trap in Bauhinia City was not dug wide enough or deep enough. There were obstacles, but they did not cause large-scale chaos to the cavalry. Hong Lie sneered coldly. Obviously, these horse traps were driven out of work, and they were suspected of cutting corners. He couldn't help but feel contemptuous in his heart. If the engineers of the Panlong Empire were to dig, this pit belt alone would be enough to make a thousand-man cavalry chaotic here.

Now they can maintain the formation.

"The barbarian is the barbarian." Hong Lie sipped, and stepped off his horse and stepped into a tunnel. He immediately fell down. Hong Lie calmly jumped off his horse, full of energy, and yelled forward with a double axe.

In front is a shield wall.

In Hong Lie's eyes, this kind of imperfectly arranged shield wall is really limited. He laughed and slammed into the shield wall with a strong force. He immediately passed several times and attacked straight towards the city gate. .

In the city lord's mansion, Edward squinted his eyes, and the model representing Hong Lie was placed on the city head for him. He sighed and said, "Let Miss Anne play."

A purple firework lifted off.

Angeloni, who was sitting on the roof of the hotel, stretched her arms when she saw the firework, and said to Hana, "Let's work."

Then several auras rushed into the city at the same time.

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