Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1606:  To make trouble without reason


Chapter 1606 of the main text unreasonably making trouble

"According to you, that Hong Lie's death, I just forget it?" King Jiwu's voice became extremely cold, like a cold wind blowing in the winter.

The iron-faced man said indifferently: "Of course not. If the prince finds the trouble of King Pingxi, it is not impossible, but he has to change another way."

"tell me the story."

The iron-faced man stood up and whispered a few words beside King Jiwu. King Jiwu nodded and said, "Okay, just do what you say."

The third day of the Battle of Bauhinia City.

After retreating that day, King Pingxi’s army camped in the wilderness 30 kilometers away from Bauhinia City. It took three full days before the morale of the soldiers recovered. King Pingxi's face had been gloomy for these three days, even his confidants did not dare to offend him at this time. King Pingxi was indeed very angry. Originally, Hong Lie was desperately killed by the opposing strong, and he was in his arms. Everything went smoothly after that, and only after he solved the crazy woman, there would be no other strong person in Bauhinia City that could stop him. But at this moment, there was a surprise attack in the sky. Those surprisingly powerful beams of light, every time they fell, they harvested a large number of his soldiers. So far King Pingxi hadn't figured out whether it was the ability of a certain powerhouse or the secret weapon in Bauhinia City.

If you talk about the former, if there is an unworldly powerhouse hidden in Bauhinia City, why not take it out to deal with him. After all, if you kill him, it is far more cost-effective than bombing soldiers; if it is the latter, if the enemy has that kind of overbearing weapon, it should be sacrificed during the offensive and defensive battle of Ark Harbor. It's him.

After thinking about it, there was no answer. King Pingxi waved his hand, unintentionally listening to the music of the musicians, and kicked them all out of the account.

After the musician left, a general stepped in with an expression of embarrassment. King Pingxi glanced at him and asked, "Is there a letter from King Jiwu?"

"Just received the news that King Jiwu will arrive at our military camp this evening."

King Pingxi frowned: "That old man came here in person? Isn't he besieging a city of barbarians?"

"Yes, it is said that King Jiwu handed over the task of besieging the city to a general under his command, and he brought his guard to command Yuyao and an army."

"Bring the army?" King Pingxi shouted: "The order goes on and everyone is ready. The old guys are probably coming to make trouble."

"Yes, Lord."

In the evening, the setting sun is like blood.

Just under the scarlet light, a wave of blood appeared on the horizon.

No matter the man or the harness, they are all red armors. It is the most elite trump card in the hand of King Jiwu, the blood-clothed army! It is said that wherever this army goes, blood flows into rivers, and the armor of those soldiers is dyed red with the blood of the enemy. Seeing the red tide, King Pingxi squinted his eyes and said: "The old guy is really bad, and he brought the main force here. I want to see, he dare to risk a big deal and go to war with me?"

When the news of Hong Lie's death was passed to King Jiwu, King Pingxi had already thought that the old prince would come to make trouble. Unexpectedly, King Jiwu would move the blood-clad army over so violently, but he did not believe that King Jiwu dared to use force against him, after all, he was also a prince of the Empire. If King Jiwu uses force against King Pingxi because of a righteous son, he will definitely be impeached by the ruling and opposition parties.

Before sunset, this murderous army arrived at King Pingxi’s barracks, and the blood-clad troops stationed outside the camp, propping up their tents. King Jiwu took his personal guards to command Yuyao and a confidant guard went straight to the big account of King Pingxi. There was no notification, and he just broke in. King Pingxi was almost about to have an attack. He was still suppressed and grudgingly said with a smile: "King Jiwu, don’t come here, what’s the matter? Just let me know what’s the matter. Why do you take such a trip yourself."

Unexpectedly, King Jiwu didn't speak up, but sneered: "King Pingxi is really not small. If you know that your father Anyang King saw me, you must respectfully call the Nian Lord. You are good, that's it. Calling the title of this king directly, very powerful, King Anyang has such an excellent son as you, so he should be smiling at Jiuquan."

He particularly emphasized the tone of the word "excellent". King Pingxi couldn't hear his off-string tone, and immediately sneered: "If this is in the empire, in the court. It would not be too much to call the prince of the year. Forget it, now we are on the battlefield of a foreign country. Empires have always been battlefields regardless of seniority, and only on merit, this king will save those red tapes. What does King Jiwu think?"

King Jiwu laughed and said, "Okay, since you talked about merit, this king will discuss it with you. It has been three months since you arrived in the Xiyi country, but you, King Pingxi, seems to be stagnant, and you have a negative impact. Pingxi title~www.readwn.com~ This king sees you playing so hard, and kindly sent my son Hong Lie to help you out. You are good. One battle will kill my most promising son. Dare to ask King Pingxi how to explain this matter?"

King Pingxi narrowed his eyes and said: "At that time, Commander Hong had to be the vanguard. All sergeants in my battalion can testify about this. If the prince doesn't believe it, you can ask someone to ask."

"Forget it, this is in your camp. You say black, and your subordinates dare to point white? You say it's a horse, but they dare not call a deer? Really, this king is a fool!" King Jiwu said with arrogance.

King Pingxi nodded and said, "Then what are you doing?"

"It's very simple. This time this king is here to avenge my son Hong Lie. My son Hong Lie actually died in that enemy city. Then I will kill everyone in the city and let them help my son Hong Lie. Lie's burial!" King Jiwu stepped forward and said: "This is a personal grievance. There is nothing wrong with King Pingxi here. Or, you can ask Dasheng King to find out which barbarian city is still under attack. Yes, let you join in the fun, so that you can gather some military merit and go back to meet your father under Jiuquan."

"You!" King Pingxi couldn't help yelling at last: "King Jiwu, don't deceive people too much! I attacked here from Ark Port, and I have lost more than 10,000 soldiers. I attacked the Bauhinia City first. You can give up halfway. You do this, just under the guise of revenge for Hong Lie, and openly snatching my military exploits! You are making trouble for nothing!"

King Jiwu didn't get angry, and said in a soft voice: "I'm just stealing your military exploits and making troubles unreasonably. What can you do with me? In public, I help you attack the enemy city; Yusi, I avenge my son. This matter Even if you make trouble with your Majesty, you are at a loss. After all, my son died with you. In any case, you must give me an explanation. Or, King Pingxi, you have forgotten the rules of the empire? "

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