Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1612:   either roll or die


Chapter 1612 of the main text, either roll or die

After King Jiwu held his hands, although the Origin Force Red Dragon was cut, his appearance still looked so energetic and unbelievable. This is the extremely martial king in the eyes of the blood-clothed army, and it is also his proper posture. He stood so deep and sturdy like a mountain, as if he would be completely blocked by him even if there was a monstrous flood ahead. As long as you see King Jiwu still standing on the battlefield, the blood-clothed army that has fallen in the wind will have the fighting spirit and confidence to fight again.

But this army didn't know that King Jiwu at the moment was just trying to calm down, but he was shocked in his heart.

Only he knows how tough the opponent's fighting spirit and spirit are if he can directly crash into his spiritual will. At least, that is absolutely above oneself. King Jiwu went to the battlefield at the age of 16, inherited the throne at the age of 18, traveled throughout the empire before the age of 25, and became one of the most prominent figures on the dragon list after the age of 30. In the years since then, he has read countless enemies and never lost. His martial arts shocked the field, so he changed his name to Jiwu.

A character like him, whose mind and spirit have long been sharpened and indestructible, is really hard to imagine that he will be directly broken with his spirit like today, and will collide with him.

So he was shocked.

He couldn't help being shocked, so the hand behind his back trembled slightly.

Then, in the field of vision, a dark cloud surged from the distant sky. After a while, four-winged flying wolves swooped down, and the knight on the wolf threw spears and spears. Both the spear and the spear were full of source power. The armor of the Knights in the Blood Coat was like paper paste in front of these spears, and people and horses were constantly being pierced. The guns fell like rain, and after a wave of gun rain, the blood-clad soldiers fell, and the blood stained the red armor on their bodies even more red.

The red ones also have the eyes of King Jiwu.

His eyes were full of anger, but this time he did not rush to deal with the flying wolves in the sky, because there are still opponents that make him worthy of his full attention soon. So King Jiwu stood on the battlefield with his hand in his hand, and all around him were flying knights that rushed down the battlefield and flew into the sky. Strangely, those flying knights seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they didn't even attack King Jiwu, so within 100 meters of King Jiwu was the quiet eye of the storm on the battlefield.

Then he saw the man.

A giant beast with gushing firelight was descending from the sky, just in front of King Jiwu. On that giant beast, the man with black hideous armor added to his body, and the man behind his eyes behind the black iron face, holding a fierce giant knife in his hand, looked at King Jiwu from a high position, just like a king from above. An insignificant subject. King Jiwu took a breath, even the emperor of the empire didn't dare to look at him with such a look, but the young man in front of him did it so arrogantly.

"Who are you?" King Jiwu asked, without raising the volume in the room, but there was a sharpness in his voice, like a sword, stabbing the man.

The giant beast was scratching the ground anxiously, and the man patted its head lightly, and the giant beast became quiet. He looked at King Jiwu again, his red eyes seemed to burst out with fire: "I am the master of this land, so you must either get out of me; or die here."

His tone was flat, without much emotional ups and downs, as if he was telling a trivial thing, but he heard it in the ears of King Jiwu, but it was as harsh as the roar of thunder in the sky.

King Ji Wu didn't get angry but smiled: "You want me to get out? Otherwise, I will die?"

The man did not respond, silence is the best answer.

"In the past sixty years, I have never heard of anyone daring to ask me to go away or make me die." King Jiwu laughed, his eyes shot bright.

The man said lightly: "Then you hear it now."

"You know, what will happen to the person who dared to say these two words to me before?" The figure of King Jiwu suddenly turned from the real to the virtual. At the same time, the other one appeared on the head of the giant beast: " They are all dead!"

King Jiwu stepped on the giant beast with one foot, and the giant beast immediately sank down, unable to restrain the power of King Jiwu from sinking on all fours. So the man on the giant beast sank in the same figure, and when his head was at the level of King Jiwu's chest, King Jiwu slammed down.

Seeing that the fist front was about to hit the man's head, a knife was inserted between the two, so the fist slammed into the blade, and the force of the fist was separated by the knife and rolled away from both sides of the blade. The eyes of the man who looked like a demon shone brightly, and the giant sword fell like a jade pillar and slashed, slamming King Jiwu back. As soon as the figure on the ground turned into nothingness, King Jiwu returned to its original position, which shows how short the confrontation was.

Alan lightly pressed the head of the giant beast with one hand, floated down from it, and looked at the jealous King Jiwu said: "This is nothing to be proud of. Those killed by you only show that they are not strong enough. And I, Not the opponents you have met before."

"You mean, you are better than the old man?" King Jiwu narrowed his eyes.

"Yes or not, it's not what you say." Allen lifted the hymn of destruction and pointed it at the old prince of the Eastern Dynasty~www.readwn.com~, swept away with a fierce sword air.

King Jiwu almost suffocated, he shouted, his tongue was spring thunder. He clenched fists with both hands and shook his shoulders. An air burst out of his whole body and shattered Allen's sword air. Then he walked swiftly and stepped a smoke dragon on the ground with his feet. The distance between the two quickly shortened until it disappeared. King Jiwu raised his arm and smashed out a punch. Allen raised his knife and cut it towards the center of his punch. The fist and the knife hit together at the same time, strangely making no sound, but the scenery between the two began to twist. Just like the heat rising from the road in summer, making things distorted, the distorted phenomenon continues to spread out from the first ten meters to a hundred meters. At a point where the fists and knives meet, a ripple suddenly spreads, and finally using the two as the origin, the ground explodes!

Circles of smoke spread and spread, eventually forming a thick smoke dragon rushing into the air. Among the smoked dragons, King Jiwu flew upside down, one hundred meters away. Two feet propped to the ground, still pushing another ten meters before stopping. His right hand trembled lightly, blood dripping on his fist, dripping on his feet, like a red plum.

He was injured for the first time in decades. King Jiwu's pupils shrank, and then suddenly enlarged. The red robe on his body swelled like a ball, and then he supported thousands of tiny cloth scraps for the air that exploded. Under the flying cloth scraps, King Jiwu revealed a body that was as strong as a mature man. He stomped his feet fiercely. In the flames of Yanhong's source power, there is a dragon rising! King Jiwu pushed forward with both hands, the flames of the source force turned into two giant red dragons, shaking their heads and swinging their tails into the dust. However, when the two dragons hit the smoke and dust, a light appeared in the crowd. It's not huge, but it's definitely bright. As soon as the light flashed, the two giant dragons of Genesis burst into pieces from the dragon head. King Jiwu snorted, receiving the source force countercurrently, he spouted blood from his mouth, and took another three steps.

Both shocked and angry in the eyes!

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