Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1025: Big change (3)

Seeing Archimedes heading towards the throne of destruction, Allen said anxiously: "Stop it!"

Reach out to catch him.

Unexpectedly, Archimedes turned slightly to his side and let him catch him. At the same time, he turned around and hit Allen's chest with a punch. Allen immediately flew out. The picture in his vision was shrinking, and Allen clearly saw Archimedes sitting on the Throne of Destruction. In an instant, countless sparks floated in this space, and after the fiery red planets appeared on the throne, the throne of destruction seemed to be suspended in the universe, and Archimedes controlled the life and death of the entire universe!

Then the picture disappeared.

When Allen recovered and found that he was still in the woods, Angeloni's body was not far away. As for Archimedes, he has disappeared. The vegetation where he stood just now is burnt, and the source device demon praise is inserted in the middle of this burnt ground, which is very conspicuous. Allen raised his head, and there were fire clouds across the sky. It was morning, but they were decorated like dusk.

It was late afternoon when he returned to Sardin. Alan buried Angeloni. Although she had thought of transforming her into a servant, a person who could be so proud of Angeloni might not be able to accept such a thing.

Due to the relationship between Ellen and Angeloni before, Sardin City is currently under martial law, which of course can not trouble Ellen. After entering the city unconsciously, Allen found a new hotel to stay in.

He shut himself in the room and did not eat dinner. He needs to calm down and think about the causes and consequences of all this, but just after dinner time, the door rang. Allen frowned, thinking it was someone from the hotel, and said: "I won't eat dinner, don't disturb me."

A voice sounded faintly outside the door: "Neither can I?"

Hearing this sound, Alan's eyes lit up and he immediately got up and opened the door. There were a few people standing outside the door, all wearing cloaks and their faces in hats, like adventurers in the dust. But Alan could hear the voice just now, it was Lucy's voice.

Sure enough, when the leader took off his hat, Lucy appeared in the light.

Allen quickly let them in, closed the door and asked, "How did you find this?"

Lucy took off the cloak and said: "We came in the morning, just as the city was in a mess, so people went to inquire about the news. After learning that it was you, the Marquis Main has been paying attention to the movement in the city. When I found your whereabouts, I immediately notified me. Speaking of which, letting the Marquis Main act as a spy is really sad.

Other people took off their cloaks one after another. One of them was Ma Yin, who served as a guard on the Evernight Star. The others were warriors from the Rose family. Everyone had a golden flower on their sleeves. Rose flower.

Marquis Main smiled and said: "With the skill of Lord Ellen, probably no one except me can detect his whereabouts."

Lucy then looked at Ellen: "What happened, I heard from the news that I heard, and it seemed that Angeloni was fighting you."

"Yes, it's her." Allen gave a wry smile: "She is dead."

"then you?"

Allen shook his head and pulled a chair to sit down: "I have two news to tell you, one is good news and the other is bad news. The good news is that Angeloni is dead, but I am not fully awakened. Even I am no longer a **** voter, and all the blood-related forces have disappeared."

"How is it possible?" Lucy and Ma Yin glanced at each other, both of them were beyond shock. Especially Lucy, because of Ellen's relationship, she spent almost more than a year in the Royal Library, studying books related to Universe Twilight. She knew very well that the inheritance of the blood path was fundamentally irreversible. Since the record of the cosmic twilight, no one has heard of any generation of twilight sons who will get rid of the blood path inheritance. Although what she had been working hard for was to get Alan out of the fate of becoming the Son of Twilight, Lucy never thought that Alan could get rid of the blood heritage and reverse her fate.

"It's really hard to believe. Even I took a long time to accept this fact. But the fact is that. I have tried it. Reverse Blood, Dark King, Judgment Day, etc. The abilities and powers related to the blood path inheritance have all disappeared. I only retain my own power, such as the Void Secret Flame, such as my own ten combat skills. In general, my combat power has dropped a lot "Alan looked helpless, without the posture of the dark king, without the ability to burst like blood, his combat power can no longer be compared with before. Allen secretly considered that at the moment when he didn't even have the engraving weapon, his combat power was at most equal to the level of the first general Davelin.

Lucy exhaled and nodded: "Well, at least you are no longer the Son of Twilight. This is indeed good news. But I guess it won't come without a price, so let's talk about your bad news~ www.readwn.com~ indeed." Allen sighed: "The price is that Archimedes replaced me on the Throne of Destruction. He has fully awakened as the Son of Twilight. And soon, it will be for the whole The universe brings its end. At that time, it will be the real cosmic dusk!"

It was another shocking news. If Lucy could hold the previous news, then the second news made her calmness fly away from the clouds. The blood on her face faded, and her body shook and sat on the chair.

Ma Yin and the others were also unhappy, and his expression was too ugly.

"Why, we have always wanted to stop the cosmic dusk, but it's just coming?" Lucy shook her head: "And you said Archimedes, isn't that your father? How could he be on the heaven star. "

"He has been with us, and you know him."

Lucy was so clever in her mind that Allen immediately thought of the answer with such a prompt. She widened her eyes and said, "Could it be that Father Miro is that?"

"Yes, it's him. I just learned about it today." Allen laughed to himself, "I am stupid, too. How can my father be the son of the twilight of the previous generation, and how can he be with a priest who loves money like his life? Stuck together. Besides, Milo knew so much about Archimedes, in fact, I should have suspected it early on."

"How can you be blamed, and what can you do even if you realize it? But since your father is the son of the twilight of the previous generation and is not dead, then how can you embark on the road of burning blood. And just at the end. When I was fully awakened, the Blood Path Inheritance left you and chose Archimedes again?" Lucy looked puzzled: "This is really confusing."

Allen raised his forehead and said, "I have been thinking about these questions in the afternoon, but I have a little eyebrows. They are just the real answers. I am afraid that only the man Archimedes can understand.

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