Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1627: Big changes (5)

Under the firelight, the various forces on a tactical sand table are clearly distinguished. It can be seen that this sand table basically covers the entire area of ​​the Bairegang Empire, and the basic situation of the various forces of the empire is marked with different color models.

Among them, the yellow model representing the imperial royal family is basically concentrated near the imperial capital, while the purple model representing the Great Victory King surrounds the imperial capital, firstly besieging the imperial power of the empire, and secondly preventing other imperial powers and imperial families. The confluence of soldiers and horses. This strategy is simple and rude, but it is really difficult to do without a big victory over the king’s army and a strong army.

As for the southern border of the empire, the gray model representing Iron Gun Ridge and the brown model of the Empire Hall are still eye-catching. Especially Tieqiangling, this area should have been captured early in the morning. Helplessly, King Jiwu is dead, and now the army is scattered, and it has taken a long time to capture this territory.

King Pingxi rubbed his eyebrows. After King Jiwu died, he had successfully taken the command of the old division of King Jiwu through the Great Victory. However, King Jiwu’s old orders were against him, especially the confidant Yuyao of King Jiwu, which made it difficult for Pingxi Wangkong to have military power.

Every time he thought of this, King Pingxi would tick his teeth with hatred. But now the King of Great Victory is concentrating his forces to break the imperial capital. Even if he is not angry, he knows that he can't disturb the prince too much at this time. Pingxi Wangkong has an ambition, but he has encountered many setbacks after coming to this country of Xiyi. Now he has no arrogance that he had at the beginning.

He looked to the south of Tieqiangling, where black models were piled up there. Looking at these models, he thought of the alien army that suddenly appeared that day, and the man who killed the King of Extreme Wu. Now that area is like a forbidden area in his eyes, as long as the opponent does not expand, King Pingxi does not want to take the initiative to attack.

For him now, it is more important to capture Tieqiangling. Otherwise, once the imperial capital is broken, he still has nothing to do with it, so there is no face to go back to see the ancestors.

Suddenly, King Pingxi's heart moved. He just felt flustered, as if something terrible was about to happen. Before long, he heard the sound of rain. A general broke in, took off his helmet and cursed. Under the fire, the general was covered in blood, and King Pingxi's heart beat hard and asked urgently: "What's the matter with you? Why are you hurt so badly?"

The general laughed and said, "Master, don't be nervous, I'm okay. It's all because of the rain outside. This barbarous empire is also weird, and it rained blood. My body is called that strange rain."

"Blood rain?"

"Yes." The general opened the camp tent and said: "Lord, you see, there is a rain of blood outside. I am afraid that there is something unclean. The soldiers have already asked the soldiers to return the tent, but there are still many people drenched in blood. That’s it."

King Pingxi moved to the entrance of the camp and raised the lights to shine. As expected, there was a rain of blood outside the tent, and the tent was dyed red. When I looked up at the lamp, I saw blood tents standing in the rain, how uncomfortable I looked.

This night, there was a **** heavy rain in the entire Balkan, from south to north, no one was spared. On the next day, although the rain stopped, there were more blood clouds in the sky. This dark red rain cloud gradually moved westward towards the direction of the Principality of Shadow.

It was during the daytime. Everyone in Iron Gun City took buckets of water in their hands and poured them onto their houses. The **** rain that rained last night poured blood on the buildings of this city, how shocking it was, it seemed like **** appeared in the world. Earlier this morning, the Marquis of Iron Spear issued an order to cleanse the city. Except for the army, all the residents in the city were mobilized. After a bucket of clean water was continuously poured, the washed blood flowed down the street to the sewer. The scene was truly blood flowing into a river.

Standing on the rooftop of the City Lord’s Mansion and looking down, you can see rivers of blood flowing in the city. Huoyi frowned, his face worrisome. Next to him is Belleky, one of the ten saints of the night, the strong town clan of the Bolin family is still dressed like a wandering mercenary, wearing a black suit that is easy to move, and biting his smoke gun and said: "The Marquis is here. worry about what?"

"I've lived for most of my life, and I haven't seen a rain of blood like last night, Master Bellekay, it's definitely not easy." Huoyi said solemnly.

Belleky put down his smoking gun and said: "The Marquis has asked all the doctors in the city to examine the residents who have been soaked in blood. If there is anything abnormal, it should be known now."

Huo Yi sighed: "There are too many incomprehensible things in this world, including this rain of blood. Although the doctors can't detect anything, I always feel that something will happen."

"Maybe it's just that you are too worried about the Marquis. I think that instead of worrying about a strange rain, the invaders outside the city are more worthy of attention."

Huoyi nodded and said, "I hope I'm just worried."

Just when the two were about to leave the rooftop ~www.readwn.com~ a soldier hurriedly ran over and knelt down and said, "It's not good, Marquis. The soldiers in the army suddenly developed fever, and many soldiers have fallen. "

Just after finishing talking, a man who looked like a housekeeper came up: "Marquis, there is also a fever in the city. Many residents have a high fever and become unconscious. The doctors seem to be helpless."

Hoy glanced at Belleky, and both of them saw a sense of anxiety and solemnity in each other's eyes.

However, it was not just guns that had fever. Soon, King Pingxi also received related reports. On the same day, many parts of the empire developed fever. In both the north and the south, in large and small cities and towns, more than 40% of the people developed fever. Even the Great Victory King, who was planning to concentrate his forces to attack the emperor, had to interrupt the plan because of the large number of febrile soldiers in the army. Suddenly, this strange high fever symptom spread across the country like a plague. The doctors in the empire or the military doctors of the Panlong Empire were helpless against this strange disease. They tried all kinds of methods, but they couldn't cool the patient, just as the patient's blood burned up on its own. Every patient with fever had red skin.

Fortunately, one day later, in addition to coma, the febrile patient finally showed signs of death. But for the Empire or the Eastern Army, this was a huge blow.

However, greater blows began to follow.

In the evening of the next day, an exclamation sounded from Gun City. Ho Yi, who was in the study, heard the scream and quickly opened the door, and saw the butler running over and shouting: "My lord, you have to come and see."

They hurried to a room that was originally a servant in the asylum house who was suffering from fever. When Hoy opened the door, a wave of heat surged over. When looking at the scene in the clear room, the old marquis was shocked on the spot.

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