Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1632: Underground dragon

"It seems that this door needs a special method or a designated ‘key’ to open it. It cannot be opened with external force."

Lucy's voice came from behind, and Allen nodded. They arrived in front of the huge bronze gate yesterday. Allen had used all the means known, no matter it was the strongest killing style Zhantian or the Baidi Sword, they could not destroy this gate. Even the hymn of destruction, which claims that everything can be cut, is at a loss in front of this bronze gate. Anthem of Shattering was to cut open a crack in the bronze giant door, but soon the crack closed by itself. It can be seen that although the material of the door looked like bronze metal, it was actually not that simple. Some are like Thames silver, but are much stronger in hardness than the metal with memory ability. And even if it's Tames Silver, to build such a huge gate of one hundred meters, I don't know how much material it will consume.

"Didn't the Origin Tablet give any hints?" Allen found a rock and sat down.

Lucy sighed and said, "It would be great if I had it. Unfortunately, although I took the slate with me, it didn't respond to this door."

"You said that the origin slab released this information on its own. So, do you know what caused it to release the information?"

"I don't know, but according to the time recorded by the brain, when the origin slab released the coordinate information that day, it was when Spinak entered the royal tomb of my king. This time is very coincidental. My father and I guessed the origin. The reason why Slate released this information should have something to do with what Spinak took."

"Speaking of which, what exactly did the Demon King take away from your imperial tomb?"

Lucy squinted her eyes and said, "Golden Tinder!"

Allen was surprised: "The golden fire is not in the city of gold, how can it be in the king's tomb?"

"You don't understand, the fire on the Golden City is nothing but a deceitful thing. The real fire is stored in the king's tomb, but it is very strange. In fact, the golden fire has no specific power, it is more of a symbol. It is the origin of our civilization. Many doctrines were born in fire, so we don’t know why the devil took fire."

Allen sighed: "This question is probably only known to Spinak."

He wanted to go deeper. Spinak has been digging out information about the creator all his life, and maybe the so-called golden fire has something to do with the creator. It is already certain that the creator is the Son of Twilight in a certain era. Milo, or Archimedes himself, said that Son of Twilight is the **** of creation and destruction in many civilizations. To be sure, the Twilight Clan can not only destroy everything, but also create everything. Alice is a clear proof that even she, the creator's creation, created the Baer herself.

If this is the case, maybe the bronze gate in front of you and the things inside the gate were probably built by the Twilight Clan. Since the origin slab points to this place, there should be a significant connection between the gate and the Dusk clan.

"Perhaps, we have to find Archimedes..." Allen stood up suddenly and said with a stern expression: "Those things are here again."

In front of the bronze gate, the warriors of the Golden Rose family arranged a temporary camp. At this moment, two warriors outside the camp were stirring the fuel in the brazier to make the fire more vigorous. A cold wind blowing from nowhere suddenly put the fire out. Both felt different, and at the same time they set aside their swords and stood up. At this moment, a golden full moon appeared in the darkness in front of them, but there was a moon under the ground. Unexpectedly, this round of full moon appeared, and another round of full moon appeared. Between the two full moons, a vertical line appeared at the same time. It turned out that what kind of moon was there, but the eyes of some behemoth!

When these eyes lit up, there was a bad wind in the darkness. The two warriors raised their swords knowingly, and felt that they were swept by something, and they flew out. In the light of my eyes, I saw a fire shining in the darkness, and in the fire I could see the shadow of the fangs. It turned out that the giant opened its mouth. That big crater was like a volcanic crater, and suddenly flames spurted from the mouth!

The flames soared like a dragon, the temperature of the surrounding space rose sharply, and the two warriors could even feel the armor on their bodies getting hot. Seeing that it was about to be swept by the fire dragon, the flame was like a small beast encountering a natural enemy. The two fell to the ground, only to see smoke rising from the ground, someone walked past them, and then they heard Lucy's voice: "You come back soon."

The two woke up like a dream, while running back and looking forward, they just saw Alan walking towards the giant beast holding the hymn of destruction. Although Alan has lost all abilities related to the blood path ~www.readwn.com~, the Void Secret Flame is still there, and the abilities related to it have not disappeared. Now that the fire king's ability was activated to suppress the flames of the giant beast, it was obvious that Alan was his natural enemy, and the giant beast issued a series of low noises from its mouth. It receded slightly, and this movement was a burst of flying sand and rocks. The bottom cemetery where Allen and the others are located is different from the layers of mazes above. Apart from the bronze gate, the cemetery on this floor has no other buildings, only underground passages tens of meters wide, forming a complex topography like a spider web. However, this bottom cemetery is by no means lonely, there is a huge underground creature living in it.

Allen raised his left hand falsely, and the brazier in the camp immediately burst into flames. Pillars of fire sprang up to illuminate the surrounding space like daylight. The bronze gate is located in a hollow bottom of the ground, like an underground hall, with a huge pillar that requires a dozen people to hug the dome. As soon as the fire light was on, the giant pillar cast shadows on the ground. The black shadow ran across its head, and the bright firelight made it uncomfortable, and it backed away a little bit, hiding behind a pillar. It can be seen under the fire light that this is a lizard-like reptile. This large reptile is 100 meters long to the end. Its skin is rough like a rock, and its body is covered with thorns. During the breath, the skin showed a faint red light, as if there was a furnace hidden in the body. In fact, this lizard dragon can breathe flames, waiting to be sprayed by its flames, even those twenty-level Golden Rose Warriors will be burned alive. Because those are not ordinary flames, but source fires full of energy.

When Allen and Bai entered the underground that day, they also needed to carefully avoid these lizard dragons. It can be seen that these underground life are the overlords of this cemetery. It's a pity that Allen is no longer what it used to be, and has already killed several lizard dragons before coming to the bronze gate. But these guys didn't seem to be obedient, otherwise, they wouldn't be here now.

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