Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1723: Foolproof

Several battleships appeared on the thick clouds in the night sky, with the logo of William's house on them, and five warships cast a thick shadow on the clouds. Soon, the flying ships began to descend, they passed through the clouds, and below was the brightly lit Beer City.

On the first flight, the pilot looked at the town below and smiled: "This is a good place. Now there are not many good places like this on the surface. It's no wonder that the young master didn't return to his house and made a special trip here for vacation."

The driver is still young, but there is already a scar on his face like a centipede. As soon as he spoke, his muscles twitched, and the scar seemed to come alive, unspeakably hideous. It is a badge left by the war. As long as they participate in a war, men will leave such a mark more or less. Of course, this is also a "souvenir" they are proud of.

On the other side of the seat is a middle-aged man wearing a blindfold. There is a golden flying eagle pattern on the blindfold, and his beard and hair are gray and white, in sharp contrast with his dark skin. He has a gray-blue eye, his eyes are like eagles, and his thin lips are as sharp as sabers. This person is full of sharpness and solemnity, which is a temperament that can only be honed on the battlefield. He was playing with a saber in his hand. The saber was turning flexibly in his hand, and the tip of the knife left circles of silver in the air. He said: "That is indeed a good place. I used to have a dozen girls in that town and killed some **** who didn't have long eyes. Master went there and it was nothing, but someone dared to kill William's house. It's time to end it."

He spoke with murderous aura, as if there was also a glowing red glow in the spaceship, like surging blood.

"Master Leon wouldn't do this, you don't know him." The driver smiled and said, "After taking this place, where are we going to have fun in the future? Go to your house?"

"If you dare to come, I will chop off your stuff." The middle-aged man laughed.

"Come on, I won't hit the idea of ​​your three daughters."

"Stop talking, let's land."

The airship landed outside the Beer City. The commander of this team, the dark-skinned middle-aged man, stood up and got off the airship. The team quickly assembled in the open space. This team of about 20 people is well-equipped and has a clear division of labor. There are sword fighters in charge of close combat, shooters who guarantee fire protection, and two sniper experts and observers. In addition, there are tracking masters, battlefield doctors, and informants.

This is a standard independent combat team. This team has the highest source strength of that commander, with twenty-two levels. For the other team members, those skilled in close combat are all twentieth-level standards, while shooters and sniper experts are seventeen-eighth levels. The rest also have the lowest level of fifteen, so there is no burden in this team.

Allen could not help but nod secretly after seeing this team. This independent combat team not only comes from William's family, but is also directly managed by Leon. This is also one of the achievements that Leon has accumulated over the years of fighting on the surface. There are three more teams like this, and they are Leon's trump cards.

Such a team is enough to complete tasks such as infiltrating and killing the leader in a regional battlefield. The effect is not great in large-scale battles, but it can play an amazing role on the regional battlefield. In fact, there are many tasks that independent combat teams can accomplish. From assault to rescue, they are almost all-rounders on the battlefield.

So it can be similar, how much money and time it takes to develop such a team.

"Well, I told you that they are all good players." Leon stabbed Allen in the arm, and then walked to the commander: "Good evening, Lask."

All the soldiers stretched out their hands, clenched their fists and hammered their own chests, then bowed. The commander named Lasker looked up and said, "Good evening, Master Leon."

"I originally gave you a holiday, but you are the closest to here, so I called you over."

"It's okay, master. We like this job, we are used to the battlefield, but we are awkward on vacation or something." The murderousness surged in Lask's eyes again, and he could almost smell the disgusting blood.

Such a person may not be of high rank, but it is absolutely unambiguous to kill.

"I'm glad you said that. Today, there were a few blind guys who made trouble for me. I heard that the main ambassador behind the scenes is the old boy Brystin. How about, are you interested in coming with me?"

"my pleasure."

Leon turned his head and gestured to Allen: "Go, brother."

The commander gave Alan a deliberate look, and then asked in a low voice, "Master, is it the one from Beth Kod?"

The soldiers who have been with Leon for a long time know that his young master has a good brother, and that man has made a huge contribution in the previous Nirm invasion. Like Horne of Beth Kod, that man has become a famous star and an idol in the hearts of many fighters.

After all, it's not that anyone on Earth dared to directly enter the Morso Star, and also killed the emperor of the Nirm, causing that chaotic race to fall into a long-term civil strife, unable to carry out aggression against other planets.

Leon nodded and said proudly: "Yes, it's him."

So when Alan walked past these soldiers, all the soldiers, including the commander, stood erect and saluted Alan.

Allen and Leon boarded a spaceship and watched the ground outside the porthole gradually shrink. Allen asked, "Who is this Brystin?"

After Leon learned of the master behind the scenes, he called his team and asked Adele and Jin Liancheng not to participate. Adele is a sniper and can be ignored without a weapon in hand. Jin Liancheng was inconvenient to participate in these battles on the ground due to family relations. Of course, if you were injured in a previous assassin's attack, it's another matter.

Now the two are staying in the hotel in the town, and Allen and Leon go to the mastermind to settle accounts. Now listening to Allen asking about the identity of the other party, Leon opened a suitcase while saying: "Bristine is the patriarch of a family, and that family is attached to the Smith family. I killed him in a war last year. After his army was gone, the old boy had always held a grudge against me. He had troubled me during the period, and he was beaten back severely. It has been half a year since he dared to show up."

"Unexpectedly, this time he would dare to hire a killer to deal with me. I think there must be the Smith family involved behind this incident. If there is no approval from the Smith family, he would not dare to do it for Bristine."

There were some pistol parts in the suitcase. Leon quickly installed them. This magical pistol with a large caliber made Leon sway: "So I have to teach Bristine a lesson in person, and also warn. Smith's house."

Allen nodded, which was in line with the way nobles always acted.

At the same time that the airship began to lift off, there was a small town in a valley more than two thousand kilometers away from Beer City. The town uses the valley as a natural barrier, and heavy fire control is arranged at all commanding heights.

Although it was night, the town was still brightly lit, especially from the castle behind the town, there were bursts of laughter. That was the private house of the owner of the town, Brestine. Although Brestine built this castle at the request of the castle, it only took a year of construction to build the castle, regardless of scale or layout. Far from reaching Bristine's requirements.

Of course, Bristol knew this too, so he didn't force it. After the construction of the castle was completed, he placed it in and ordered that the oil lamps or candles used in the castle should be used on weekdays. Because of his unique hobby, the castle feels like it was in the 18th century. Even Brestine's clothing was designed in reference to that era.

There is a banquet in the castle tonight. People look through the black iron gate on the castle wall. You can see a lot of people gathered in the small square in front of the main building. There are bands playing in the square and chefs cooking on the spot. While eating food, men and women were talking intimately.

But these people are not the main guests. The main guests are in the main hall of the castle, which is brightly lit. The singers were singing on a small stage next to them, and there were only a few people in twos and threes talking in low voices. Therefore, the hall appears empty, but it also makes these people special.

"Mr. Wig, it's an honor to see you tonight."

In front of a floor-to-ceiling window in the hall, Bristine, who is over half a hundred years old, raised his goblet with a smile on his face, and greeted the tall man in front of him. Vig from the Smith family is the second in command of that family. Most of the affairs of the Smith family are entrusted to him~www.readwn.com~ No matter where he goes, Vig is a pivotal person, so tonight Brystin was very excited to be able to stand with the dignitaries of the Smith family.

"I wish you a nice evening." Vig, who had just arrived, put a red scarf on his silver-gray suit. He raised his goblet and said, "Excuse me for asking, I don't know how Mr. Bristin handled that matter. ?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Vig. As you ordered, I found one of the dumbest assassins to greet the young master of William's family. Leon must be able to easily ask who instigated them, so now, he should be rushing. Come find me on the troublesome road." Brestine said with a smile: "I know the character of that young man very well. He will not mobilize a large number of troops. He will probably only find a private team nearby and kill him ."

"It is for him to do this." Vig's eyes narrowed slightly: "Now Capulo has agreed to the second negotiation of the Federation. Before that, we need to do something to put pressure on the Federation. For example, the heir of the William family is in our hands. Here, presumably his father is in the negotiating table and will fight for Marshal Capro some necessary benefits."

"Sure, Mr. Vig, with you presiding over it, I dare say that this is a foolproof thing." Brestine laughed. He was able to serve the Smith family and perform well in this matter. He can do it in the future. The future is bright.

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