Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1733: 1 hammer


Chapter 1733 of the main text is the final word

Allen's voice continued to ring in the minds of all life, whether they were humans or animals, no matter where they came from, they could understand Allen's words. Because this is not a dialogue in the ordinary sense, it is an unprecedented spiritual interaction.

"I was born on this blue planet, and I have been to many planets with different characteristics. Some planets are more beautiful and richer than the earth. But anyway, in my heart, the one I love most is this one. Planets on the edge of the Milky Way."

"Because on this planet, there are people I care about, and people who care about me. For me, it is my irreplaceable hometown. So I came with kindness in the universe beyond your sight. Deep down, a disaster has begun. I call it the cosmic twilight. When it completely descends and spreads to every corner of the universe, all life will die in the future, and no one will survive."

Allen paused here, no one would doubt what he said, because at this time, their hearts and Allen met. All life can really feel Allen's love for this planet, it is a blazing, but warm feeling at the same time.

Then, people saw something.

These things are familiar scenes for everyone, maybe the city you settled in, or the farmhouse you lived in when you were a child, or a certain street you know. Regardless of the type, in this familiar scene, the only thing unfamiliar is that those pictures that should have been sunny, have become cold at this moment.

The city is uninhabited, and the wind blows through and makes a whistling sound like a ghost; the door of the farmhouse is open, and there seems to be something hung in the dim shadow inside; no person can be seen in the street, and occasionally the wind blows by, and an empty space The can hits the ground with a crisp sound and rolls in front of your eyes.

Then they appeared.

Wild beasts with double horns, knights riding flame horses, giant beasts bursting into flames, giant birds flying in the air and spewing poisonous fire, giants without heads, and whispering dwarfs.

They emerged from the edge of the city, they rushed out of the dim farmhouse, and they walked onto the streets without people.

They rushed to everyone's eyes!

The picture disappeared suddenly.

People can see things in front of them clearly, but the images just now are still vivid. In the eyes of those monsters, no one doubted that if they hit them, they would be torn to pieces. Because in their eyes, people only see the hatred for life. There is nothing else.

"What you see is the Legion that spreads the twilight. They are the Burning Legion. This army will spread in the universe, wherever it goes, no grass will grow, and everything will wither. It may not be long before you will see them on the earth, you Those who care about, or those who care about you, will soon be torn to pieces by them. Don’t expect them to be compassionate, don’t expect them to have compassion. No, they will only hate all living things, they will tear you apart His skull, gnawing your brains, and finally torn your souls together!"

"On a planet I have been to, hundreds of thousands or even more people have been killed by them. I and my companions worked together to end the disaster on that planet. But such a disaster still It will continue to happen. As long as the evening of the universe does not end, hundreds of millions of planets in the nine star regions, and every planet with life will eventually meet the fate of its encounter."

"As I said before, I came with good intentions. I hope everyone on this earth will end the civil war as soon as possible. Mankind should gather all the strength to deal with the disaster that will come next."

"However, some people regard my patience as cowardice. Just now, they launched an extermination attack on me and the people around me. That's right, an attack that would put us to death regardless of the consequences. So now ,I am angry!"

Everyone's chest became stuffy, and everyone felt a sense of imminent disaster. This feeling is like a mountain collapse in front of you, like a tsunami after a tall building, like a bottomless crack on the ground, everyone will fall into a bottomless abyss!

Then Alan’s voice sounded in their minds, his voice sounded like a roar from a distant cloud, like a roar of a god: "Those who plan all of this secretly, I will find you, your body and soul will be there. My anger burned out. My patience was successfully wiped out by you, so I will not give you any more opportunities. The Golden Lion, the Freedom Gate, the Guanghide Society and all other organizations. From this moment on, it is necessary to unconditionally accept the Federation. The management of human beings must be united from this moment. I refuse any bargaining. Originally, I gave you this opportunity and it was your own hands to bury it."

"Maybe some people will say that this is unfair, yes, I admit it. But I originally wanted to give you justice, it was you who gave up all this!"

The sound like a tsunami and a landslide made people show painful expressions. Fortunately, Allen's voice gradually lowered: "The above is what I want to say to all the creatures on this planet. Swear in the name of the supreme, what I said and said. Go out!"


Mobitt's heart beat hard, although he was already speculating when he heard Alan's voice, whether the man who could connect all the creatures had reached the realm of supremacy. But that was just a guess, and now it's another matter to hear Alan say these two words himself.

Before that, looking at the world and the entire universe, there were only three supreme beings among the billions of creatures. And the existence of every supreme makes his own population flourish. Among them, the most representative one is the star Idahua. In the history of that planet, every supreme has supported a glorious era.

It was the accumulation of those times that gave birth to today's Ida Huaxing. If the earth also has its own supreme, there is no doubt that this planet at the edge of the Milky Way will shine in the universe. The rights and status that humans can obtain in the Star Alliance will surely rise to a higher level, even reaching the same height as Ida Huaxing.

At the time when Mobit was imagining the name of the supreme, the people at the venue, especially those at the window, seemed to have discovered something and squeezed toward the window. Mobit also looked towards one of the windows, and the light outside the window gradually brightened.

At this moment, people outside the White House, people in Caesars City, as long as they raise their heads, they will see a golden ball of light slowly descending near the White House. It is like a small sun, the golden band of light flying around the light cluster is the corona!

Almost all the people in the venue rushed outside the White House. On the lawn outside the White House, the light ball fell silently, and then the light ball gradually shrank. People can barely see something appearing in a strong golden light. After a while, a spaceship appeared in people's eyes. The airship was severely damaged, the surface armor was almost melted, and the parts inside the airship could even be seen in some places.

Just over the spaceship, a man slowly descended to the ground, but his red eyes were filled with indifference. Everyone shivered involuntarily when he saw him. He is like a high god, observing all beings on the ground at will.

It wasn't until the lift deck of the spaceship fell to the ground that there was a trace of warmth in the man's eyes, and he gradually changed from a **** to a person.

Allen had calmed down the anger in his heart, but the anger did not disappear, they were just hidden. As long as a suitable opportunity, they will erupt like a volcano.

Horn, Kate and others, who came down from the spaceship one after another, were naturally not friendly, but Alan had already attacked and they stopped making accusations. But Roddy was not so good at restraint. He jumped down and rushed directly to the venue, roaring at the people in Capro: "Why does the sword of dawn attack us? This is your ghost, right? Admit it, after all, if something happens to us, you will be the one who will profit the most!"

Capulo smoked a cigar in silence, Vincent sneered: "Mr. Roddy, please pay attention to your words. I want to protest this kind of accusation without evidence!"

"There is no evidence, but do you think the Federation would do this kind of thing on its own? If it wasn't for the Federation, then it couldn't be more obvious who did it?"

Roddy looked at Capulo and sneered: "I used to think that a mad lion was a human being. It turned out that it was just a villain with a cold arrow behind it!"

The gray hair on Caprow's head rose slightly, but he still said nothing. He stood up ~www.readwn.com~ and did not look at Roddy, but said to Mobitt: "Since our supreme has made a decision, the negotiation is not necessary. If the Federation has any decision, please let me know. Yes, I will execute every instruction issued by the Federation."

After speaking, Capulo walked out of the venue. Vincent and Warry also left one after another, so today's negotiations ended in a hurry.

No one is stupid enough to fight against a supreme person. Those in power won't, let alone their army and civilians. Even if those in power make a decision to oppose, their army and civilians may jump out to oppose it immediately.

Especially Freedom Gate, the leadership strategy of this organization relies heavily on the charm of Warry, and Freedom Gate regards Warry as a spiritual leader. However, today Allen showed a near miraculous ability, and Warry had doubted that after he returned, there would still be a few followers left.

I'm afraid that all civilians will fall to Ellen's side. After all, compared to a supreme who is almost a god, an old man cannot be compared with the supreme, no matter how charming.

Allen’s heart-to-heart sympathy is like throwing a stone into this big lake called the world, which has already caused a circle of ripples, and this circle of ripples will eventually spread to every corner of the world! Whether people want it or not, a new era is about to come.

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