Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1738: 2 suns


Text Chapter 1738 Two Suns

In the afternoon, the sun was just right.

Allen raised his hand and watched the sunlight passing through the gap between the leaves leak through his fingers, like pillars of golden sand. Dust flies in the sun, just like the noisy world. At this moment, his head is resting on Adele's legs, and the girl is leaning against the tree trunk, reading a book of poems.

"How can I compare you to summer? You are not only more lovely than him than him; the wind is violating the tenderness of May, and the deadline for shipment in summer is too short; sometimes the eyes in the sky shine too hard, His Bingyao golden face is often covered up..."

Adele chanted the song "Your Long Summer Will Never Wither" by Shakespeare. Allen closed his eyes, and the past life journeys flashed through his mind one by one. In Adele's gentle tone, all the sad, passionate, majestic, and all deeds of the past seemed to turn into a stream of clear water, flowing slowly in Allen's mind. When Adele finished reading a poem and closed the collection, Alan opened his eyes and looked at the girl.

Adele lowered her head, her lips lightly fell on Allen's mouth, and then the spark ignited the grassland. Alan held her face in both hands, buckled her teeth, and entangled her tightly. Adele's body temperature rose immediately, her face flushed like an apple, and her breathing became tight.

A long kiss.

When Alan let go of her, she gasped and laughed again, like a wind chime in a summer afternoon.

Just for this burst of laughter, Allen felt that everything he did was worth it.

After smiling, Adele gently rubbed Alan's face with her hand, and said with a little nasal voice: "You haven't seen Catherine yet, have you?"

"I asked the teacher, Catherine is still in the Garden of Eden. Now that the Golden Lion is out of the Union, the defense of the Garden of Eden needs death spread responsibility. Catherine has organized her own army, "Yellow Spring Wind", and is responsible for the defense of the Garden of Eden together with General Lusen. "

"Do you miss her?"

Allen smiled and said: "Of course I miss her. She is a stronger guy. I always say that one day I am better than her to be her man. Now I am much better than her, so I want to take her away. But she always It’s the Federation general. This matter needs to be discussed with Mobit. If Mobit agrees, as compensation, I will give him something."

"You are so generous."

Alan shook her hand and said, "Only you can't give up. Other things are nothing but external things."

"I found out that your mouth is very coaxing now, it was not like this before."

"Really? Why didn't I notice it?"

Adele rolled her eyes on purpose, then leaned against the tree and closed her eyes and whispered, "It's great, Allen. Now I feel very relaxed and happy."

At this time, a patrol car from the base drove to the lawn where the two of them were. A guard jumped down and shouted: "Master Allen, Mr. Roddy is looking for you.


Allen sat up and nodded: "I see."

He looked at Adele again: "Come with me?"

"No, it should be the news about the attacker. Just go, I'm going back to take a nap." Adele stretched out, looking lazy and cute, like a cat who only takes a nap.

Ellen didn't force her, patted her little face, and returned by herself.

In the hall, Alan saw Roddy, Horn and Ford the Gunner were also there. Seeing Alan's arrival, Roddy stood up and said: "There has just been news from the Federation that it is Lowesford who used the sword of dawn to attack us. He is an official of the National Space Agency and the deputy designer of the Star Orbiter. More importantly, he is a member of the Kwangtung Society. He confessed everything to the Federation, including the fact that this attack was ordered by Vincent."

"Sure enough, it has something to do with Guangyinhui, these die-hard guys." Allen snorted coldly.

Roddy said: "Also, the Guanghide Society has announced that it will not accept federal control. They have sealed off the administrative area and entered a state of war. It has announced that anyone who illegally enters its territory will be attacked."

"Vincent should have known Lowesford's report to the Federation, so he came preemptively. After all, now Kwanghyun has the absolute right to speak in the area under their control. If the Federation is allowed to intervene, Vincent can only Think about it." Roddy hammered his fist hard and said: "This **** obviously wants to involve the civilians in the entire administrative region, so that the Federation or other forces cannot intervene casually. Otherwise, if the civilians are killed or injured, the prestige of the Federation will be greatly reduced. "

"This is indeed a good calculation." Horn smiled: "Rody, you take Fording, and then call some good players to form an elite team to sneak into the territory of the light and hide, and bring Vincent back. He should be interrogated."

"No need." Allen shook his head and said, "Grandpa, don't have to be so troublesome."

He said to Roddy again: "Uncle, please inform the Federation. I will take care of this matter myself. I will let Vincent know that no matter how many people he binds together, it may not be safer."

Then walked out of the hall alone.

Roddy whistled: "Boy Ellen, now it saves us a lot."

Horn laughed: "It feels like I can retire, just read a book and sunbathe every day, and let you young people worry about the future."

He stood up and said to Fording, "Come with me to see Anna? I don't know how her new home is arranged?"

"Okay, sir."

Roddy shook his head and said, "Then can I go to sleep, too?"

Horn laughed and said, "You get out and train those new recruits. As the owner of the family, I want to be lazy, is that fair?"

Roddy laughed and hurriedly left the hall to go to work.

The Light and Hidden Society occupied two administrative regions on the surface. When Vincent issued a first-level alert, both regions entered a state of war. Above the sky, from time to time there will be flying ships passing by. As for the ground, more than a dozen military bases have entered a state of war. Soldiers took the ammunition out of the warehouse and overhauled the weapons, and all bases were enveloped in a tense atmosphere.

As for the civilians in the two administrative regions, they were gathered and transported to several large cities where the headquarters of the Guangyin Society was located. The name is called protection, but in fact, it is to make the Federation cast a rat-avoidance weapon and dare not use weapons of mass destruction on these cities. This measure is also to prevent Allen from becoming complicated. Allen has been promoted to supreme. Vincent knew he was not an opponent, so he simply dragged all the civilians onto his chariot, so that Allen must not dare to act rashly.

Blood Axe is an outpost located on the edge of one of the administrative districts. The scale of this base is average, but although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. Barracks, airports, garages, fortifications and more. There are three thousand regular troops stationed in the base, plus logistics, office and other supporting personnel, the daily number of the base has reached five thousand.

After receiving the notice, as an outpost, the blood axe base quickly became operational. Entering a base in a state of war, let a spaceship squadron deployed in the base be ready to attack at any time, and at the same time arrange a land armored division in an important strategic position. Two thousand soldiers followed this armored division to set out a solid line of defense in front of the blood axe base. With the strength of this line of defense, even if the Federation's Sirius attacked with all its strength, it would still be possible to drag it for a while.

Several mountain tanks stopped in a mountainous area ten kilometers away from the base. Under the use of magic technology, it is also a mountain tank. The tank of this era obviously has better performance. In particular, the main gun of the tank has been replaced with a high-energy cannon from the past physical strike.

Two men crawled out of the first tank, one of them was as strong as a bear, and he raised a tactical telescope to observe the surroundings. Next to him, a thin man was biting a cigarette and was wiping his pistol with a rag. He muttered: "Boss, isn't this doing death on top? Enemy with Supreme, I really doubt whether those people's heads are broken."

"It doesn't matter if he is broken or not, Sandy, we are paid. If you take the money, you have to work. What do you want to do so much."

"Can I not think about it too much? It's fine to fight with the Federation, but that person is Supreme. It is Supreme. What is the difference between being an enemy with the Supreme and seeking death? I really can't think of it, or you tell me?"

"As long as you live a lot and have so much nonsense, why don't you go back to greet your woman at night, she will like your flexible tongue, as long as it doesn't use nonsense."

The thin man spit out a cigarette and said, "Boss, you said that if we go to the Federation..."

"Stop talking nonsense, in this situation, the Federation will not attack in a big way. Even if it comes, most of it will not be able to fight." Obviously the captain of this armored team sat down and cursed: "They brought all the civilians to I went to Norman City. I didn’t want the Federation to dare not use weapons of mass destruction. At the same time, it also meant that people like us dare not betray."

The thin man stopped talking, his captain’s wife and children were forcibly taken away yesterday~www.readwn.com~ There are quite a few soldiers with family members detained like this, and now many people dare not speak.

"Don't worry, head, they will come back." The thin man comforted.

Suddenly they received an emergency communication from the base in their headsets: "All ground units, please be aware that something is advancing at high speed from the air, and all units are ready to intercept."

At the same time, the spaceship squadron on the blood axe base began to take off in an emergency.

"Quickly, go back to the tank."

In the mountains, the captain almost dragged the thin man into the tank. Before entering the tank, the thin man finally heard a low tremor from the sky, and that sound came from a war mothership. But he raised his head, but he couldn't see any mothership.

Suddenly, the thin man saw two suns.

One high-hanging sky curtain, the other, rose on the top of the distant mountains, and then grew bigger and bigger.

Finally, the thin man saw a golden fireball roaring. In that fireball, a faint figure was vaguely seen!

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