Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1740:  Trial


Text Chapter 1740 The Trial

Picking up the speaker, Vincent looked at the sky and shouted: "How about it, have you considered it? Dear Your Highness Allen, you will definitely agree to my request?"

People are in the air, Allen said softly: "I refuse."

I reject.

Very simple three words.

These three words sounded in everyone's ears, some people sat down as if they had lost their souls, and some people cursed. Not only cursed Vincent, but also yelled at Allen. As for Vincent, he didn't react, and even thought he had heard it wrong.

"I don't have time to play justice games with you." Allen said coldly: "After I have experienced so much, do you think I will be so innocently threatened by you? If these people are destined to die, it is also by You did it with your own hands. My kindness is not that cheap, and my sympathy is not flooded to such an extent. If you want to start a nuclear bomb, please do it yourself."

"You...you said something like this?"

Vincent yelled, "Don't you think how pitiful these people are?"

"Poor?" Allen laughed: "So what, does poor always get alms? Those who only complain about fate but don't know how to change, they are destined to always be poor people. But you are Remind me, then the people of Norman City. Let me give you a chance, I will give you 5 minutes. You can do some self-help things, such as escape from the city, for example, do everything possible to stop the nuclear bomb. Another example , Kill Vincent, then you can also be saved."

"In 5 minutes, I will enter the city. Now, the countdown begins."

Vincent froze for a moment, and then laughed: "What are you saying, let them kill me. This is a joke, laugh..."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a guard trembling and raising his gun. Vincent turned his head, his face turned gloomy: "What are you going to do?"

"I'm sorry, Master Vincent, but I want to live." The guard shouted and shot.

However, Vincent was no longer there, and then the world in his eyes was divided into two halves, with a huge darkness in the middle. The guard did not know that his body was divided into two, and Vincent appeared behind his body. There was a drop of blood on his palm: "There is a limit to nonsense, kill me? Don't be kidding."

He looked up at the remaining guards around: "You don't plan to do that too, do you?"

But the next moment, there was a roar of guns on the terrace, although the sound of guns quickly disappeared.

Norman City is boiling.

People rushed out of the house, rushing into the street, desperately toward the city gate. Not only did civilians want to flee, but even the soldiers, too, even ran ahead. Who would stay and be buried with Vincent? It is impossible, their loyalty is far from reaching that level. In the command hall of the city, the officers shouted to search for the nuclear bomb that did not know where it was hidden.

The city is collapsing.

After killing all the guards, Vincent jumped to the edge of the terrace and watched the crowds surging underneath. He shouted: "Don't leave, I don't allow you to leave!"

He yelled, but no one would stay for him for a second. Vincent raised his head and yelled in the loudspeaker: "Allen, you are just like a demon. You are simply ignoring millions of lives here. If in this city, there is your family and what you care about. People, would you still do this!"

"First of all, I have never said that I am the savior. I only do what I think is right. Do you want to make me compromise with a million people? This is impossible. Even if the number of people is ten times more, it will not help. Secondly, you The assumption I made, I won't let it happen." Allen replied indifferently, his voice overwhelming the crowd in the city, and clearly passed into Vincent's ears.

Vincent finally knew that he could not change Allen's mind. In fact, he was right. Allen is indeed a man of great emotion. It's just that Vincent miscalculated his determination, and underestimated the coldness in his heart.

"Then, everyone will bury me." Vincent laughed, took out a device from his pocket, and pressed the button on the device heavily.

At this moment, the whole city stopped, and people looked around in panic. However, one second and ten seconds passed, but there was no expected big explosion. Even Vincent was stunned, and then furiously pressed the device, but the nuclear bomb did not explode, and the city was calm without a trace.

"Impossible!" Vincent said silently: "Impossible, how could this be? Why didn't the nuclear bomb explode?"

"It's very simple, because the signal from the detonator is blocked."

A voice sounded under the building, Vincent looked downstairs, Wella was waving at him: "Goodbye, madman, I don't want to die here with you."

"Wina...Wina!" Vincent yelled: "You **** woman, you actually blocked the signal from the building. I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

"No, you have no chance to do that."

An indifferent voice sounded nearby, and Vincent turned his head and saw Alan appearing on the terrace sometime. There is a distance of nearly two kilometers from the terrace to the outside of the city, but this distance is almost negligible in Allen's eyes. Just a thought, he was already standing on the terrace and said: "Vincent, what do you have to do?"

Vincent roared, his whole body was full of energy, and his whole body was illuminated by the flames coming out of his body. In the blazing flames, he rushed to Alan and punched with all his strength.

However, this fist blasted into the empty space, only a wave of ripples in front of the fist front, and the building far away from the fist front burst into pieces, and a large outer wall fell off the building and fell into the void. Allen appeared behind Vincent, he snapped his fingers, and several sword lights appeared around Vincent's body. The sword light flashed, Vincent's whole body shook violently, only to feel that the power in his body was flowing out of his body continuously. He fell on his knees and asked in horror: "What did you do?"

"It's nothing, it just cuts off some important tissues in your body, so that you can no longer save your energy. It only takes about a minute, you will become like an ordinary person." Allen walked over.

Vincent roared to his feet and slammed a fist on Allen's breastplate.

The next moment, his fist flashed with golden light, and then the flesh and blood splashed, as if it had been cut by several sharp blades at the same time, and the deepest wound could even see the fist bone. Vincent screamed and shrank his hands, and the neckline was suddenly lifted by Allen. Then the world in his eyes turned around, and when he recovered, he found that he had come to the bottom of the building from the terrace. Allen was standing on the street with Vincent's neckline just like that. Just behind a car in front of him, there were a few civilians standing.

Allen threw Vincent to the ground and stretched out his fingers. Vincent's two knees burst at the same time, splashing with blood and bones. While Vincent screamed, Allen said indifferently: "People of Norman City, this man who intends to abandon you and even take you to **** together. Now that I have given him to you, you can rest assured, He no longer has any power. You can retaliate against him in the way you want. Perhaps, if you are compassionate, you can let him go. It is up to you to decide what you want to do."

"No." Vincent hugged Alan's feet, and he roared: "You can't do this, you can kill me, but you can't leave me to those untouchables!"

"Why should I listen to you?" Allen glanced at him and said, "On the way here, I was thinking about what kind of punishment you should accept. Now is the best result. It is not me who will judge you. It’s your people. I believe they will make the most fair ruling.”

Then Vincent shook aside a force, and the steel wings spread out behind Allen, and after one shot, it turned into a golden flame and rose into the sky. Then he turned in midair and went away instantly. Vincent raised his head and shouted, "Allen, you can't do this to me!"

He yelled, then a shadow fell before his eyes. Vincent raised his head, a black man walked over with an iron rod, raised it up and screamed hard. Vincent scolded and rolled away, but was kicked from behind. He turned his head and saw more and more people walking back. The faces of these people were full of anger, and they yelled, densely blocking Vincent's sight.

"Do not!"

In the office of St. Helm, the picture on the screen disappeared. Capulo sat quietly, only the cigar shortened a little. Around him are the generals among the golden lions. The generals looked at each other, and a lieutenant general said: "This result is really unexpected."

Capello took down the cigar and said in a deep voice: "Vincent underestimated him too much, and underestimating a supreme person is undoubtedly fatal. I am not talking about Vincent underestimating the power of that majesty, but underestimating him. The mind, courage, and determination of that His Royal Highness ~www.readwn.com~ He didn't even think about how could a person who is sympathetic and vulnerable to threats become supreme. And if he has become supreme, it shows his will Will not be easily shaken. In the eyes of the supreme, we are just as small as ants. A million ants die, for the entire universe and hundreds of millions of living creatures, it is not even nine thousand and a cent. But looking at the entire universe, but There are only four Supremes, which couldn't be more obvious."

"Vincent's million people may threaten the Federation, but if they threaten a supreme one, it becomes a joke."

Capulo raised his head and said word by word: "Only the Supreme can threaten the Supreme, and the rest are jokes!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Come in."

With Caprow's permission, a secretary walked in, said something in Caprow's ear, and then backed out. Capro frowned. Seeing what he looked like, a major general asked, "What happened? Marshal?"

"Some things have indeed happened. Perhaps, the cosmic dusk that His Highness said has already descended on this planet. And...in our consular area."

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