Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 180: Primordial projection

170 rides and pulls into a long dragon, rushing on the mountain road. Rounding a steep bend, the Union army was watching. The forwards of the crazy wolf knights all drew a half-meter-long short spear from the skin slanting on the side of the horned wolf body. The spear body was made of mixed iron, and the spear tip had a tooth. After the knight injected the power of the short spear, he threw it forcefully towards the federal army.

About twenty or so short spears roared, and each of the short spears was filled with the knight's whole body power, and the strength was extraordinary.

Sergeant Mode brandished two knives, and after four spears, his heart beat faster, knowing that his source was exhausted. As soon as he moved slowly, he was passed by a spear, exploding a big blood mist. Fortunately, Ye Feng next to him risked his death and pulled him away, otherwise Mode would have to nail the other short spears to death on the spot.

This rain of spears shot the federal line of defense into the wind and was precarious.

The wolf ride forward threw a short spear, almost exhausted. A famous mad wolf knight drove the horned wolf to make way to the side of the mountain road in order to let the fresh force behind to take its place. Suddenly, more than a hundred riders of mad wolf knights swept past the forward in a gallop and launched a second round of attacks on the federal army.

Allen yelled, "Come with me."

First drew the sword to meet, rushed out of the square line, and saw that he was about to meet the wolf ride. Allen's short body was fierce, and the bone knife swept across the ground, cutting off four or five wolf legs. The horned wolf suddenly screamed and threw to the ground, and the knight on it also fell to the ground in pain. How could Allen let go of this opportunity to pick up the bargain, immediately pulled out the devil's praise, and reaped with the fangs, killing a few horses, and retreating like flowing water.

It was made up by Willick and Bloy.

Bloy held a brutal massacre with his eyes flushed. Although the source force is running low, and his body is even more scarred, he doesn't seem to be timid at all. The highlanders activated the ability to concentrate, temporarily forgetting the exhaustion and pain of the body, and instead became high in fighting spirit. He shouted violently, the source of power surged, if there was blood flowing on the heavy axe. Look at the enemy, Bloy learned Alan's footsteps, and just swept away from the ground.

His axe is more powerful than Allen's sword.

The savage massacre let out a scream, sweeping away the legs of the riding wolf. Bloy turned around, holding the axe in both hands and using his waist as the axis, making another heavy slash. Wherever the heavy axe went, the sword demon knight's armor was deformed and shattered, and his limbs burst and flew away. It was immediately split into a pile of bits and pieces and scattered, and the **** air between the mountain roads became heavy.

Willick didn't pounce on the wolf rider, but rushed towards the cliff on the downhill of the mountain trail. Under the surging of the source force, a heavy artillery fist hit the mountain wall. The mountain wall shook, and several cracks cracked and extended. The foot spread to four or five meters above, the mountain smashed and cracked, and large chunks of rock crashed down. Willick hurriedly flew backwards, and the giant rock just hit the wolf rides desperately forward.

Immediately, four or five riders smashed into fleshy mud, and several riders smashed down the mountain road by falling rocks and fell off the cliff on the other side. The wolf behind, riding a sudden brake, collided with his companions, forming an enemy.

When the demon general at the foot of the mountain saw this, he sprayed two light smoke from his nostrils. Snorted, lifted the knife and started walking up the mountain road.

After a moment of chaos, the mad wolf knights quickly restored order. It can be seen that they are well-trained and are not comparable to knights from a small tribe. More than a dozen knights rushed forward and quickly cleared the mountain road obstacles. The wolf behind was riding hard, and once the mountain road was cleared, the wolf ran wildly. Allen took a deep breath and greeted them again.

The wolf rides at the end and the spear rain comes first. The ten riders in the front move in the same way and shoot with the spear. Taking advantage of the cover of this spear rain, another wolf rides through between his companions, and immediately attacked. The tacit understanding of cooperation can be described as seamless, and Alan's scalp is tingling.

This is where the crazy wolf knight is really tricky!

The bone knife swung a heavy axe, and opened the short spear again and again. After such a short delay, the wolf ride has arrived. As soon as Allen lowered his body's center of gravity, he wanted to resist the impact of the wolf rider. Unexpectedly, when there was still a meter away, the knight's legs were clamped, and the horned wolf immediately slammed its hind legs to the ground, only to rise into the air. Crossed a distance of three meters, flew over the heads of Ellen and others, and fell into the center.

"Oops!" Allen yelled, trying to turn back and kill them, but a wolf rider came to haunt them.

The crazy wolf knight who fell into the center screamed and swung his bone knives or spears, tearing and killing the soldiers in the center. The human warrior didn't want the enemy to play such a trick, and was careless for a while. When he recovered, he was no longer the familiar faces of his colleagues, but the ferocious horned wolf and the sword demon.

Blood sprayed.

Ordinary soldiers are not the opponents of the crazy wolf knight, only elites like Naz can barely reach it. As the wolf rides into the battle and the space of Jianzhi Mountain Road is limited, the non-commissioned officers who are willing to rescue are squeezed out instead, and the scene is chaotic.

At this moment, a long whistle sounded. Kejiesi's long knife dragged a flash of light into the formation, and the people followed the knife, and the wolf rider gave the leader wherever he went. The major made a move, and in an instant, all of his horses were punishable, but the soldiers suffered heavy casualties. At this point in the battle, there are only less than 20 people left!

On the other hand, Ellen and the others also reached a time when their lives were still at stake.

They were all wolf riders in front of them, and weapons attacked from different angles every minute and every second. Allen is no longer considering defense, offense is the only option. In many cases, they can only selectively get injured in exchange for the opportunity to fight and kill the enemy. But even so, as the injuries intensified, the hands and feet of a few people gradually became a little uncomfortable.

Lucy shot through with one shot, killing three in a row. When he flew back and turned around to shoot, he found that the bullets had been exhausted. In desperation, she could only pull out the self-defense dagger, and then rushed forward. The shoulder was held by a mechanical palm, Lucy looked back in surprise, and Kejiesi shook her head and said: "Enough is enough, Your Highness. If you are also injured, how can I explain to the Marshal."

"Leave the rest to me." Kejiesi rushed forward, pointed a long knife, electric and light, and the sword vigorously retreated from the wolf-riding forward who was violently attacking Allen.

Kejiesi took the opportunity to throw Allen and the others back, and then rushed into the enemy. There is no enemy in the direction of the long sword. The steel eagle sword dragged the thunder and lightning, and killed the enemy soldiers. The momentum of Kejiesi was no different for a while!

But Allen knew that if it wasn't until the time came to be forced, General Kejiesi would never make a rash move. You know, General Sword Demon has not ended yet. From this we can see that the bad situation on the side has reached the point where it cannot be added.

Every time Allen breathed, he could feel the burning pain all over his body. He could not count how many spears and knives he had hit. Now he can still stand, praised by the whole spicy devil for passing a trace of life from time to time, making him tenacious. As for Willick and Bloy, the markings disappeared long ago, and their physical strength fell to the bottom, and they couldn't even stand.

Seeing that the mad wolf knight was stopped by Kojies with one's own strength, Allen knew that the opportunity was rare, and he bought time to recover his physical energy, so that he could have a fight.

Suddenly, a cheer came from behind: "Look, look over there."

Someone pointed towards the wind-eroded wasteland.

Allen took the time to look, and the dust was billowing on the wasteland, and he vaguely saw a train of cars approaching this place.

That's reinforcements for the base!

The arrival of reinforcements undoubtedly refreshed everyone on the mountain. The General Sword Demon also glanced in the direction of Chalong, then roared, and shouted in Sword Demon's language. The wolf rider who was entangled with Kejies immediately retreated and made way out. Kejiesi knew that General Sword Demon was about to take the shot himself, and he silently examined himself. The source strength had been consumed by half just now, but it should not be a problem to support the reinforcements.

As long as the base reinforcements come up from behind, it will not only be dangerous, but also be able to strangle the army of sword demon.

Thinking of this, Kejiesi took a deep breath. The long sword pointed towards it, forcing an astonishing sword energy. The moment he raised the knife was the moment when General Sword Demon appeared from the mountain road turning. Obviously, Kejiesi knew everything about the enemy general's movements.

General Sword Demon stood, and one step forward was the area covered by Kejiesi Sword Qi. If you enter rashly, it will only lead to a frenzied attack by Kejiesi. The sword demon is cruel and bloodthirsty by nature, but they are not fools, and naturally they will not rashly step forward and let the enemy kill themselves. General Sword Demon took a long breath, and the joints all over his body shook continuously, and his body seemed to rise by two points. A powerful force came out and forced him towards Kejiesi.

The mountain road between the two immediately sounded a series of thunder and violent blasts, and even electric fire flashes appeared out of thin air, but it was the result of the mutual force of the two sides and a secret contest.

The General Sword Demon suddenly roared, and a dark red source of light rose from his body. There is a prismatic spar on the forehead, and the active light from both sides dissipates and extends, floating behind the head like a flame! Yuanli's rays of light soared into the sky, and stopped until ten meters above the general's head. In the flame of Yuanli, a huge sword demon phantom appeared faintly.

The upper body is looming, and from the lower abdomen, it is completely hidden in the flames of Yuanli.

That is the projection of the original ancestor of the awakened, and it is a clear proof of exposure to some genetic fragments of the original ancestor's life. When the original ancestor projection appears, the original ability of the awakened person will change, and the powerful one can even awaken the original ancestor's life itself, and the power is even more amazing.

It is not clear to see the original ancestor projection of the sword demon, and only the projection of the upper body is shown ~ www.readwn.com~ Knowing that the original ancestor gene that the other party is exposed to is limited. Kejiesi took a long breath, and a lightning engraved pattern appeared on his forehead. Then with this carved pattern as the center, the flame pattern and some strange symbols were quickly extended. However, with the effort of breathing, Kejiesi's face has already appeared a complicated pattern similar to the energy guiding formation.

This is the foundation of Yuanli, after being promoted to the Awakened. The original marking will be expanded to form a base plate all over the loop. After forming the source force base plate, those lines and symbols shrank sharply, and they all got into the engraving of Kejiesi itself. The markings on the forehead immediately regenerate and change, and they extend dense and complex lines to create a more precise marking.

When the construction was completed, Kojiesi's originally a little simple lightning pattern had become a human figure surrounded by lightning lightning.

Second-level engraving, Thunder Titan!

With a loud bang, the jumping purple electricity and the azure blue flames of original power soared from under Kejiesi's feet and jumped into the air. The electric snake and the light flame formed the image of a giant in the void, and the hair and eyes of this giant were shining with dazzling electric light. He clenched his fist, and there was a large electric fire escaping from between his fingers, causing electric snakes in the surrounding space.

That is also the original ancestor projection of Kojies. r1058()

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