Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1761: New coordinates

Frius is indeed an ambitious monarch.

During the three days that Allen stayed in the city, the two spent almost half of their day at the negotiating table. Although the division of the gray area can be simply divided by the sea of ​​blood, the sea of ​​blood does not completely divide Agareth into two. At the end of the blood sea, the land is connected, and there is a vast gray area.

It was a land that even Frios had never been to. After all, since the establishment of Dobia, his attention has been on the Kingdom of Shadows.

The war between the two countries, from the point of view of Frius, is to prove himself that he is a man who likes to conquer; while for Spinak, it is to consume the Baers in the country. The exceptionally excellent fertility of the Baer people has kept the population high. If it were not consumed through war, the income and expenditure of the Demon Kingdom would have been out of balance.

And through war, you can maintain the overall combat power of the Baer. It is no exaggeration to say that the Baer has been a warrior since childhood.

Now that the Moying Kingdom and Duobia have ceased war, both the population growth and the soldiers' emotions need to be considered. At this time, opening up to the gray area is almost the only option.

The gray area is very wide. If it is used to conquer, even if it is to be shared with each other, it will take a lot of time. Although the barbarian tribes in the gray zone did not form the concept of a country, there are many strong men in these tribes, and even general-level strong men.

This is not surprising, Agareth is far from heaven, but this planet is absolutely rich in source power. If you want to survive on a planet where the environment is harsh but the source of energy is abundant, there is no other way besides getting stronger. In such an environment, the weak have already been wiped out by time, and the rest are the strong with absolute strength.

Wanting to conquer the gray area is definitely not a simple matter, maybe if the Supreme takes a shot, it can be called a breeze. But neither Frios nor Allen would do this for a simple reason.

They have to use the gray ground to consume the domestic population and let the soldiers who have been fighting for many years have something to do.

The gray area becomes a training ground.

It's just that this military training ground is hard to resemble its vastness, but no matter how vast it is, there are limits. Therefore, the two countries must delineate their respective scopes so as not to cause conflicts. On this basis, intelligence and even resource exchanges can also be carried out.

There is no shortage of strong people in the gray area, and when these strong people are conquered, the combat power for the two countries will be improved.

Especially Mokage Country.

The current comprehensive strength of Moying Nation is a bit worse than that of Dobia, for many reasons. One was the laissez-faire of the previous emperor, and the second was the rebellion that followed after Allen took over the throne, leading to the demise of a large number of soldiers and generals. Especially the generals of the empire, nearly half of the ten former generals died, which is unique in the history of the Demon Kingdom.

If it weren't for Alan to be promoted to supreme at this time, I'm afraid the Demon Shadow Nation would be annexed by Dubia, even if this hard bone is not easy to chew.

Now that there are gray areas, the two countries will be in peace. At least until the interests of the gray area are not completely divided up, Frios will not easily attack the idea of ​​Demon Kingdom. He knew very well that Alan and Spinak were completely different. It can be seen from the three consecutive days of negotiations that Allen did not give in to the division of the gray area. If it is replaced by Spinak, I am afraid that there is no interest in such negotiations.

After three days of negotiations, the gray area was so clearly demarcated by the two Supremes. According to the new line drawn by the two people, the armies on both sides will only be active within their respective ranges, but at the border of this line, the two sides can exchange information and materials.

In addition to the cooperation in the gray area, Moying Nation and Dobia signed various cooperations ranging from war materials to people’s livelihood. There are no less than a hundred such cooperations. It is the embassy of Belukai and Moying Nation. The negotiations were completed in these three days.

This is the first cooperation between the two countries since its establishment, and the span of cooperation is so large that people on both sides find it incredible.

On the fourth day, the fleet of Moying Nation left the city without falling. At this moment, it also means that the history of Agares has opened a new page.

In the Deep Dark Castle, Frios was looking at the huge map hanging on the wall, which was made yesterday. The map has clearly circled the respective affiliations of Demon Kingdom and Duobia. On this map, Frios seemed to see the raging war.

The sound of footsteps sounded.

Frios did not look back, knowing that Belukae, who had gone to see off at the port, was back.

"Your Majesty, the Demon Shadow Nation Fleet has left." Beilukai knelt and said.

Frios turned around and whispered softly: "How is that going?"

"It's already going on."

"Yeah." Frius nodded and sat down in front of the map, tapping his fingers on the handrails and said: "Before Allen returned, there was a fleet entering the Forgotten Realm. This fleet brought a large number of troops, And many of them are strong at the general level. What's strange is that this army just stays in the relic."

"According to the previous relationship between Legacy and Allen, if the Legacy can accommodate this army, obviously this army belongs to Allen. This army should be his personal army. Judging from the intelligence you have collected, There were some soldiers in that army, very similar to the information that Spinak once collected."

Frius squinted his eyes and said, "That's a soldier of the Burning Legion."

"Burning Legion?" Belukai obviously didn't know what it was.

Frios looked at the dome, as if watching a certain time in the past: "Sbernack once showed me, judging from the clues he collected. When the cosmic dusk came, there was a group of strange creatures. The legions of will sweep the entire universe, because the patterns describing them are represented by flames, so Spinak calls them the Burning Legions."

"Allen’s army also has the Burning Legion, and he knows the basics of Cosmic Twilight, so I think he should have a close connection with Cosmic Twilight. Even, he has become the supreme position in such a short time. It definitely matters, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence."

Frios' eyes shot out a scorching light: "So I'm very curious, I wonder how he gained this power. If I can learn the secret of his becoming the supreme, I might be able to improve again after reaching the bottleneck.


Belukai lowered his head: "Don't worry, Your Majesty. We have placed enough eyeliners to monitor the actions of that Majesty. He has no secrets in your eyes."

"Very good, but still be careful. You can underestimate anyone, but never underestimate a supreme one."

After returning to Magic Ring City, Lucy and Broy resigned and agreed to send 40% of their troops to Agareth within two months. After they left, Allen asked Bavari to send the power map in the gray area to Devlin, who was in charge of expansion, so as not to cause unnecessary conflicts with Dobia.

At the same time, I learned from the military's feedback that the Duobia side began to withdraw the manpower in the gray area yesterday, including businessmen supporting the tribe. It seems that Frius has also begun to fulfill his promise. The expansion plan in the gray area is a great thing for the Demon Kingdom. Without the intervention of Duobia, Moying Nation can transfer the enthusiasm of war to the expansion plan. If there is no more war, I am afraid that the soldiers of Demon Shadow Nation will be suffocated.

This is the Baer, ​​born to kill.

In the next few days, the army that had originally hoarded in the Forge City was sent endlessly to the gray area to join Devlin's army in Dark Canyon. As the army moved on, equipment, materials, and ordnance were also continuously transported to the gray area along the previously built supply line. At the same time, businessmen began to get busy. With the expansion of the expansion plan, hundreds of business opportunities have also emerged.

So Moying Nation is like a huge machine. When the gear called war turns, it will push other gears, and finally the whole machine will roar and spin!

A week after returning to the magic ring city.

It was in the afternoon when Allen was sitting on the grass near the two tombstones in the garden of the bedroom. Adele was resting on his thigh, holding a book of poems brought from the earth in her hands. After the transformation, the sun shining down from the big fault fell on them, bringing a bit of warmth to the castle that was always cold and gloomy in the past.

Allen's eyes fell on the two tombstones, and he sighed slightly when he thought of the two unfortunate sisters. Until today, he has finally digested the impact brought by Guang Lan Jie’s will. So far, Lan Jie’s twilight will is completely integrated into his life~www.readwn.com~ Everything that Lan Jie has experienced has changed. Become part of his experience. And that type of dusk is more perfect.

There was a sound of footsteps, and I could tell from the voice of Alan that it was Lucy. Then I heard Lucy's delighted voice: "The location of the second coordinate has been roughly determined."

Allen raised her head, and Adele closed the book stack and sat up. Lucy came to them next to them with the stone slab of origin, and sat down on the lawn and said: "Just received a message from the Truth Institute, they have already analyzed the approximate location of the second coordinate, you must not guess where it is. ."

Allen rubbed her head in a bad mood and said: "It's still selling off, come on. Where is it?"

"Garden of Eden!" Lucy said with a smile: "I didn't expect that there is a treasure vault on that planet. But I only know that the treasure vault is on that planet. The specific location still needs time to analyze, but we can set off first. Maybe it will happen. In the Garden of Eden, the specific coordinates came out."

"Eden, this is really an accident." Allen looked at Tianyu, first the heavenly star, and now it's the Eden again. These two planets are all places he has been to before, as if there is a force in the dark that is pushing him, "Then we are ready to prepare, and then go to the Garden of Eden!"

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