Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1764: Symbiosis

The snake man who climbed down from the tree has a gray body, and the head, chest, hands, and even the floating scales all over it are gray. It has no legs and a long tail below the waist. The tail was caught on the trunk, leaving a transparent mucus where it wandered. Its shoulders and arms are covered with black bone spurs, and its flat head is also covered with an exoskeleton. As soon as the snake man climbed down, he stretched out his hand to the people underneath, and spewed bone spurs in its palm like a machine gun!

Rui Jin pushed Kira away next to him, raised his cannon, which can be called a killer, and fired at the tree. Several powerful Yuanli bullets blasted the snake man with a large group of blood. This The snake man immediately fell from the tree, his chest was blasted through, but he still kept twitching.

Its head can be seen clearly from this distance, which is flat and without eyebrows. The pupils of the two eyeballs were vertical, the big mouth that cracked to the ear was covered with tines, and a forked tongue came out like a snake letter.

"What's going on with this thing." The sharpshooter cried, "Isn't this the lizard's den? Why are there such things? Are they symbiotic creatures?"

As we all know, tyrannical creatures, whether individuals or ethnic groups, rarely live in the same area with other creatures. Creatures have a strong regional awareness, delimit their own activity area, and treat other foreign creatures entering the area as enemies.

This is especially true for intelligent creatures like lizards, so it’s incredible to find such snakes in places where lizards move. Moreover, the snake man and the lizard seem to have a lot in common, so it is no wonder that sharpshooters think they are symbiotic creatures.

If it is a symbiotic organism, then the lizard snake and the snakeman are very likely to be close relatives, that is, they evolved from the same species, but are on different evolutionary paths.

"I don't know this kind of thing either." Ruijin said.

Then a team member warned: "They are coming!"

Frequent noises in the forest, it is the sound of snake people walking through the vegetation. If you look down from above the forest, you will see gray and white figures converging from all directions. Soon these snake-men appeared in the team's eyes. Ruijin spit out and shouted: "Dump these things.


A snake man who had just emerged from behind the tree was immediately bombarded by Ruijin's machine shell, directly interrupting its body. Then there are snake people popping up from the trees, and some are swimming quickly from the grass. Their snake-like bodies can move freely in the grass or tree trunks without using their hands, so they can do more. Many things, such as spit out black bone spurs from their palms.

Ruijin's team formed a defensive formation. The team members opened their shields and fired back with magic machine guns. Bright beams of light pierced through the woods, shooting the snake-man to death. The most powerful is Ruijin's machine cannon. This thing blasted out a stream of fire, and the stream of fire swept across, whether it was a snake man or a giant wood, it was smashed. Ruijin's shooting skills can actually be a little more advanced, but he is determined to level off the nearby trees to clear out a wider field of vision. Otherwise, those snake people hiding from side to side will not be beneficial to them.

The cannon turned around and the surrounding trees fell over. The huge fallen tree body became a temporary shelter for snake people, but they underestimated the power of magic firearms, especially the firearms in the hands of the school officers. The bombardment of the original bullet dragged a light trail and easily penetrated the tree body. Falling on the snake man.

During the battle, Ruijin discovered that these snake people also had gender distinctions. Males should be taller and have a pale complexion; while females have a smaller body size and are more flexible than men, except for their breasts.

This discovery couldn't make Ruijin happy. Snake people with males and females could form a tribe like the natives of the planet. The tribe is cohesive and is not comparable to a simple lizard group, so these snake people will only be more troublesome than the lizard group, even if the threat they embody at this moment is not greater than that of the lizard snakes.

After losing the cover of the trees, the snake man simply launched a charge. They made a hissing sound, as if they were passing something, and then all the snake people surged up, as dense as a huge gray wave coming.

Ruijin shouted: "Prepare for close combat!


There are only eight of them, and no matter how fierce the fire is, they can't kill this wave of snake people. Just look at the dense array of snake people, even if the number is not one thousand, there are eight hundred.

Suddenly, a few men in the team. In addition to Ruijin and the sharpshooter, including the tracking expert Debon all lost their guns. Everyone is full of energy, and phantoms are forming behind them. There are giants wielding double axes, orangutans with their hands constantly hammering their chests, or snow beasts with ice thorns on their backs. These phantoms have different forms, but they are the original ancestor projections released by these team members.

After releasing the projection, under the cover of the few remaining people in Ruijin, these melee team members greeted the influx of snakemen.

The giant swung his double axes and flew a large swath of snake people. Following the orangutan leaping over the giant's head, his fists smashed down, and a ring of shock waves were thrown, knocking the snake-man in front to the ground. The snow beast with crystal thorns on its back opened its mouth and spouted a storm of ice and snow from its mouth. As a result, the snake-men who were affected by the storm began to freeze. Under the rampage of the orangutan, these ice sculptures were instantly broken to pieces.

In addition, several school officials also joined the circle, forming a line of defense with the original ancestor projection they released.

When the battle was temporarily stabilized, Ruijin suddenly saw something flashing in the forest in the distance, it was a touch of crimson, like a flame!

Then the thing came out from behind the trees. It was a human lizard. There was a brown vertical line in the two orange eyes on its flat head. This saurian has fiery red scales all over, and it holds a rough conical spear in both hands. Below the waist is the body of the lizard, supported by its four thick legs. This lizard the size of a chariot has black exoskeletons on its head and chest, protecting it like armor. It began to charge, and its lower body was like a sports chassis, leaping like flying between the vegetation. Just looking at its speed, Ruijin knew that they had no time to clean up all the snake people and turn around to deal with this lizard.

Rui Jin yelled, raised the cannon and aimed it at the direction the lizard was coming. The bullets gathered into a river of light and swept over, blasting a group of snake men in front to pieces. Seeing that he was about to hit the lizard, this big guy moved sideways with extraordinary agility, causing Ruijin to sweep away. Then he raised his hand and raised the awl gun in his hand. Then a source of light gushed out of the lizard, and the cone spear suddenly seemed to burn.

The next moment, the lizard cast a spear.

The cone spear dragged a flame, and the air across the forest fell towards the team.

Rui Jin cursed in a low voice, raised the cannon and swept it up. The rain of bullets caught up with the conical gun, and forced the landing point of the conical gun away. The cone gun fell on the open space behind the team, and a violent explosion occurred when it landed. The fragments of the cone gun shot in all directions, cutting the snake people around.

At this time, the saurian stretched out his hand to his back, and the skin squirmed behind it, and another awl gun rose from the inside, covered with mucus.

Ruijin rushed out, carrying the cannon and shooting. The slingshot hit the lizard’s chest, and the exoskeleton on its chest was so hard that it actually resisted the slingshot, but the impact still pushed it back.

After a while, the skeletal armor was finally blasted, and the lizard could only use his flesh and blood to meet the bullet rain, splashing blood on the spot. When Ruijin came to it, the lizard had a big hole in his chest, and the big guy finally died.

Looking at the lizard-like appearance, Rui Jin's eyebrows jumped. Snake people first, then this kind of lizard people, it seems that the depths of this forest are not only the lizard’s nest, but also a large number of close relatives.

In the distance of the forest, red figures kept flashing past, and obviously more lizards were hearing the sound. Ruijin ran back and shouted, "We should go now.


After finishing speaking, I saw the ground valley rises, and the traces of ridges went towards the direction of the team. Rui Jinjin changed and shouted: "Be careful, there is something under the ground!"

At the end of the speech, the ground in the inner circle of the team suddenly peeled, and the mud and grass on the surface fell with a crash. Kira who was standing there suddenly fell, and she quickly caught the edge. The companion next to her was going to pull her, Kira suddenly screamed. As if something dragged her away from below, her figure quickly disappeared into the depths of the crypt.

The companion who rushed to the side only saw a gray face in the dark and looked up. That face had no eyes, only two hollow eye sockets, and a mouth full of sharp teeth.

Then it disappeared into the darkness.

At this time, the conical spears full of energy burst into the air from the depths of the forest, projecting them on the human positions and causing bursts of explosions. Ruijin ran back and heard that Kira had been taken away. He shook his head and decisively ordered the team to evacuate.

More crypts did not break open ~www.readwn.com~ From inside, a gray, scaleless arm protruded. They wanted to catch humans and bring them inside, but they only caught air.

Ruijin led the team out of the forest. It was already dark outside the forest. They stood on the other side of the death zone, looking at the forest. Pieces of strange howling sounded in the forest, and in the darkness there were glowing fluorescent lights that looked like wildfires.

Those fluorescent lights floated in the forest for a long time, and after a few minutes, they gradually disappeared.

The players sat down on the ground, and the sharpshooter gasped and said, "What are those? Damn it, why is there such a thing in the Garden of Eden!"

"I don't know, I only know that we have to report this incident. It is very dangerous here. No matter what those things are, the Federation must send troops to level the forest. Otherwise, let the contents run out, we are not. It's as simple as losing a few control areas.


Rui Jin said with a heavy face.

ps: The network broke down today and it was just repaired, so today the two chapters were published together.

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