Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 182: Resurgence

Allen soaked his feet in the body repair tank for 24 hours before coming out. As for Willick and Bloy, it took 3 hours to complete the entire repair process. Lucy was the only one of the four who didn't need to enter the repair slot. The injuries she suffered were minimal, almost negligible.

"The sergeant's body is very good. You have suffered heavier injuries than them, but your recovery speed is much faster. I checked your body. The sergeant seems to have signs of evolution. The structure of muscle tissue is different from that of ordinary people. It's huge." A medic handed Alan the new uniform.

Allen nodded and thanked him. He had absorbed the blood of the king snake, and the degree of evolution far exceeded that of people of the same level. There is no need to talk to the medical staff about this.

Walking out of the repair room, as soon as the automatic door opened, Lucy was seen facing him, looking towards the base playground in the twilight. Hearing the sound of the door opening, the girl turned her head, then rushed over and hugged Allen tightly.

Smelling the fragrance of the girl's hair, and feeling the attractive posture of her youthful body clinging to her, Allen suddenly remembered the agreement between the two. He lowered his head and said in Lucy's ear: "Do you remember the death ring meeting, what did you promise me?"


"You said that after the death ring is over, if we are still alive, let me eat you." Allen blew into her ear and said.

Lucy's face flushed brightly, brightly. But he pushed Alan away forcefully, and said with his hips akimbo, "Don’t fool me. I remember clearly saying that we might be able to happen at that time. But as for what happens, who knows, in short, it’s definitely not something that will make you I eat words like this!"

Allen laughed and felt that life was very moving after the rest of his life. If it hadn't survived, An Neng and this beautiful girl laughed so wantonly at this moment. Lucy blinked, pinching the corners of her clothes with her hands and said, "Actually, you can eat it, but you have to do one thing."

"What's the matter?" Allen asked casually.

"That's to beat the hateful old man in my house." Lucy smiled brightly.

Allen shook his head and smiled bitterly. Lucy's father was the Ofascist of Idahua, the well-deserved chief powerhouse in the Garter Star Territory. Alan is to him what a mortal is to a mountain, there are several insurmountable gullies. Lucy walked over, holding his hand and said, "Why, afraid?"

"That's not necessarily true. After all, I'm still young, and it's not that I have no chance to climb to the height of the emperor." Allen said sternly. He never overestimates himself, but he does not underestimate his potential.

Besides, no one knows what the future will be like. It will be full of endless variables and countless possibilities. This is the moving part of life.

"You are full of confidence." Lucy patted his chest lightly, then stood on tiptoe, and whispered in his ear: "Don't worry, if one day you are willing to challenge the emperor for me. I will try my best to make it. My old man lost."

Allen laughed and said, "You are really his good daughter."

"That's just enough." Lucy let go of him with a smile, and she backed away and waved her hand: "You can rest early today, I'll go back first."

"see you tomorrow."

Go back to the dormitory and open the door. Only Naz and another soldier were chatting in the door. Seeing Alan coming back, the two hurriedly stood up and saluted. Allen waved his hand before Naz stepped forward and said, "Sir, are you okay?"

"It's almost healed already." Allen nodded. He suffered a lot of injuries, but under the dual effects of the repair liquid and the king's snake blood, he also recovered seven or eight. His body was fine, but looking at the empty dormitory, Allen couldn't help but sigh slightly.

This battle was at a heavy loss, and Allen's team was considered good, with only five soldiers dead. Some of the other squads died together with the non-commissioned officer, while others were left with the non-commissioned officer alone. An unspeakable feeling lay in his heart. It was the first time Allen had tasted the loss of his subordinates, and he was speechless. Pat Naz on the arm and walk into his room.

I used to hear about the cruelty of the Outland Battlefield from others, but when I faced it, it was another matter. Allen knows that this kind of battle is still in pediatrics, and the battle of attacking the enemy's level fortress as Kejiesi said can truly be called a sea of ​​corpses. Even so, Alan still feels uncomfortable to see that his subordinates who train and work together on weekdays will never come back.

Kojies said before that every commander bears the life of his subordinates. Now, he started to understand his feelings a bit.

But the war will continue. There is no time and no space for the living to remember their sadness. Allen sat on his bed, all he could do was to cherish the chance of surviving and continue to improve himself, so as not to sacrifice the dead.

The mood is a little heavy, but the spirit is unexpectedly condensed. This time, Allen didn't spend much time, allowing his spirit to settle until he entered the Yuanli Star Sea. The sea of ​​stars is still lively, stars and nebulae each emit their own unique source of light, and they form a vibrant universe. Looking at this sea of ​​stars, the universe seemed to reveal something to Allen from another angle. That kind of theory that is difficult to express in words makes Allen seem to capture some vague fragments, but cannot form a clear concept. It was terribly uncomfortable.

It's a pity that this kind of understanding can't be borrowed from others, and can only be explored by himself. As soon as the inspiration passed, Allen gave up continuing to think and instead focused on more substantial things.

For example, to capture Yuanli Yinghui, as he enters the star sea more times, his own Yuanli increases. The mental tentacles that can be stretched out have also become longer and more resilient. On the other hand, there are more Yuanli Yinghui that can be captured.

Yuanli Xinghai is like a dream that is so beautiful that people don't want to wake up. Allen stretched out his thoughtful tentacles, and rolled away the elements of Yuanli firefly that he touched. If Allen felt the radiance of the fireflies, he looked at the satellite ring of a certain star near the antenna with "eyes" of will. Among the many Yuanli fireflies, there is a group of extraordinarily bright, soft white light in the core floating by. It doesn't look like ordinary fireflies, but it's faintly splendid. This group of bright brilliance looked more condensed, and Allen concentrated and wrapped it with the tentacles of will.

As soon as Fang touched, a warm feeling came from the other end of his thoughts. When it was guided into Alan's body from the sea of ​​stars, the outer source of brilliance rose and floated like water mist, exposing the bright and clean core inside like a pearl. As soon as this source force core merged into Allen's own source force, it was impacted by the source force wave. After a while, cracks began to appear on the surface of the core, and the life source force flowing out like a slurry. Although there was only a small share, it stirred up rounds of source power in Allen's body.

Allen was shocked, and sweat burst out from his body. As his body temperature kept rising, he couldn't help but open his eyes, and unexpectedly spit out a small white flame of Origin Power from his mouth.

The wave in the body had gradually subsided, but Allen knew that the unintentionally extracted source force core had filled the source force gap needed to lead to the next level in an instant. The source power it contains is more than ten times that of ordinary fireflies. This is a compact of Yuanli Yinghui, which allowed Allen to advance smoothly, forming another genetic circuit.

This circuit also gave Allen a brand new ability: resurgence.

The difference from the previous two abilities is that there is only one level of resurgence.

After getting out of bed, Allen took a shower. When I walked out of the bathroom, it was already light.

The new day came as scheduled.

Kejies got up early and came to Colonel Berry's office early. He came early, the colonel hadn't even arrived yet. But he didn't let him wait long. Two minutes later, the colonel walked out of the elevator. Following Colonel Bailey, there were two majors, Peric and Jordan.

There is also a major Luda on the base, who is a member of the Russen system. Colonel Berry apparently didn't call him, and greeted Kojies. Berry walked into his office with three majors.

After closing the door, Bailey looked at the three and said, "The situation is more serious than expected."

"It's true, leaving aside the manpower we lost this time, a well-established army of swordsmen and general swordsmen are enough to attract our attention." Kejiesi looked at the people and said: "Gentlemen, no. I'm alarmist. It is possible that there is a medium-sized tribe of one or even two or three sword demon migrating here."

Major Peritch and Berry were about the same age, his bold face and broad shoulders made him feel very stable. The major groaned: "If there are more than two sword demon tribes, and they are at the level of a thousand people, it will pose a huge threat to our material transportation."

"Then we should clean up this threat as soon as possible." Major Jordan is obviously younger. He only came to the Blood Eagle Base to report last year and is good at long-range precision snipers.

He looked at Colonel Berry and said, "Boss, maybe we should notify other bases. No, let the death spread and intervene. Our job is not to fight."

Jordan is not wrong ~www.readwn.com~ The blood eagle base has a combat organization, but their responsibilities are more in the transportation of materials and regular cleaning of nearby dangerous species or small tribes of swordsmen. As for the medium-sized tribes at the 1,000-person level, they are no longer within the scope of these logistics bases.

Colonel Bailey put his hands in his trouser pockets and said: "We must notify the death spreading side, and let the tribes of thousands of people come to the back of the war zone. They themselves have an inescapable responsibility. But we cannot rely too much on death spreading, Lu Admiral/General Mori heard that he intends to attack the heart of the fire for the second time. Under this juncture, even if the spread of death will be divided into intervention, I am afraid it will not be reached in a short period of time."

Hearing that Rusen was about to attack the heart of the fire again, Kejiesi, who had participated in the battle, lit up. Berry shook his head and said, "No, Major. Don't expect me to let you go to war, there are already enough things to give me headaches."

Kejiesi smiled bitterly when he heard the words, he looked at his mechanical prosthesis, knowing that Berry had actually kept him on purpose. In that war, an arm was lost, which, for Kejiesi, would inevitably be affected in terms of combat power.

Even if you want to participate, you probably won't get approval. After all, there is no shortage of schools in death spread. Kejiesi thought to himself. r1058()

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