Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1777: Lizard

This is a humble city.

There is a low stone wall at the entrance. There is a feeding circle on the stone wall, and animal excrement can be seen everywhere in the stone wall. There is no separation between the feeding circle and the city, just around the circle is a row of low stone houses. Obviously, there is no so-called plan for this city. The stone houses are strewn together, leaving only a few relatively large streets for traffic.

The streets are naturally not paved with stone bricks, but bare grass. The grass on the ground has been flattened long ago, so there are several dark green streets in this gray city. Most of the stone houses have climbed up green vines, and occasionally you can see a kind of low trees on the streets, which become one of the few green objects in the city.

Some houses have water storage tanks at the back, but there are no wells in the city. It seems that the residents living in this city do not have the technology to dig underground water. Or, there is no underground water source below the city, so you can only go to a river in the distance to fetch water for storage.

The water in the storage tank hasn't dried yet, which shows that it hasn't been long before the residents moved out. No farming tools were found in the city. It seems that the residents here didn't grow crops. In fact, it was the same. Allen walked along and didn't see any farmland.

Moreover, the tools or utensils that can be seen in the house are very simple, which shows that the level of civilization in this city is not high.

A city with a low level of civilization, but considering the ancient creatures on the plain at the entrance, this is obviously an isolated world, so it is not surprising that such a city would appear.

In fact, the civilization of the indigenous tribes in the Garden of Eden is also very limited, not necessarily much higher than this city, or even lower. After all, the residents here have formed a city-state, much stronger than tribes.

"Your Highness, look at this." Ruijin got out of a bungalow, holding a piece of wood in his hand. He handed it to Alan, and Alan took it in his palm, only to realize that it was a sculpture. Although the sword skill is simple, it can barely be seen that it is a lizard.

This saurian seemed to have armor. It held the warhammer in one hand and pointed at the foot with the other hand, with a certain religious scent.

Allen looked at the woodcarving and said: "It seems that the residents here believe in those lizard people, and I don't know what kind of natives they are."

He returned the wood carvings to Ruijin, and Ruijin put them away. These things will be brought back to the fortress for research purposes.

They passed through the city and passed an irregular square. There are traces of a bonfire in the square, and the ground is blackened. It seems that a party was held here not long ago. A stone pillar was seen in the middle of the square with a skeleton hanging from it. The skeleton was dark in color and seemed to be scorched. The skeleton is incomplete, missing many parts, but it is barely visible that it has hands and feet, and it is a humanoid creature.

Finally they came to the stone tower.

Looking under the stone tower, I realized that the tower is huge. It is almost like a low mountain, the stone tower is cylindrical, with dozens of floors. There are doors and windows of different sizes on each floor, they are open, so black holes appear.

Allen walked into the gate of the stone tower, and the entrance was a narrow passage with hard rocks on both sides. Some of the stone walls even have flowers and plants emerging from the cracks. It seems that the stone tower was carved out of natural rock. This is not a simple project.

The passage was not straight, and after three turns, Allen walked out of the passage. In the center of the stone tower is a hall with wooden stakes placed in the hall. The stakes were black, and they appeared to have been cut from the trees in the Dark Night Forest. Gray stones are pressed on the stakes. Ruijin picked up a piece. The stake was hollow with some gray powder and charred bones.

He said solemnly, "I'm afraid this is a tomb."

After reading it, Allen agreed with Ruijin's inference. Those wooden stakes were filled with ashes and burnt remains. There are a lot of wooden piles piled up here. If there are all the same things inside, then the tower is not an exaggeration.

He raised his head, and there were staggered stone beams above. In the shadow of one of the stone beams, suddenly something flashed.

"Smiler." Allen pointed in that direction.

The imperial general squatted slightly and rushed up like a rocket. He is wearing heavy armor, a huge sword, and a spear. The weight of the whole person is extremely high, this one broke through the air, and immediately gave birth to a dull tremor in the stone tower.

After a while, Smiller fell down, his feet stomping on the ground. Then someone was thrown to the ground by him. It was a short and thin man. He was wrapped in a black robe, and his bare arms had dry skin, like bark. The complexion is slightly dark with spots all over.

He was trembling in his robe and uttering some syllables that Allen couldn't understand.

Allen knelt down and lifted the cap of the robe, revealing a head nearly twice the size of a human being. The head is bald, with a few sparse hairs. Then the creature raised his head. His head was so big, but his facial features were so small that his eyes, nose and mouth were all crowded in the middle, which looked ridiculous.

However, no one in the stone tower could laugh.

"Who are you?" Allen asked, not expecting him to answer.

Sure enough, his eyes were blank, and he couldn't understand Alan's language at all. Allen even changed several languages ​​without responding. Finally, he had an idea and used the language of Eboyins. Unexpectedly, the big-headed guy showed a listening expression, and then replied: "Lizard slave."

Alan's heart was shocked slightly. If this creature understands Eboins' language, then this place must be one of the king's treasure troves. He glanced at Lucy quickly, who knew immediately and lost his voice: "Is there a clue to the treasure house?"

"To be precise, the treasure house is here."

Allen asked again: "Who taught you this language?"

"Kana." The lizard slave sat up shivering and pointed at the bottom of the tower: "Kana, god. Lizard king, envoy."

He patted himself again: "Lizard slave."

Allen frowned. Although the lizard slave knew the language of Eboins, it was obvious that the language they mastered had very few words. It can barely be heard that a person named Kana is regarded as a **** by the lizard slave. Since the language is taught by Kana, then this Kana is the son of twilight in a certain era. Next, the lizard king is the messenger of the gods, as for them, they are the slaves of the lizard king, so they call themselves lizard slaves.

So are the so-called lizard kings and those lizard races the army in the treasure house? Looking at the bottom of the tower, Allen stood up and said, "Take me to see."

Li slave looked weak, although he nodded in agreement, but could not stand up. Ruijin called a team member to carry him, Allen let Smiller stay at the bottom of the tower, Ruijin also left most of the players, and only Lucy, Bai and Ruijin went up with Allen.

Under the guidance of the lizard slaves, they got into another passage in the hall. Soon I saw a stone stairway that stretched upwards, and walked up to the second floor. Many places here are suspended in the air, only the stone beams cross like a bridge. They have to pass through these stone beams from time to time to get to the upper level. Some stone beams do not need to pass at all. It may seem like a misleading method.

However, this place is completely useless for the strong, I am afraid that these settings are to prevent other lizard slaves from reaching the top of the tower.

While heading to the top of the tower, Allen asked some questions, and the lizard slave answered truthfully, giving Allen a general idea of ​​the area.

The lizard slaves called the land they lived in "Hong Tak", which means "the place where ancestors lived." They have been living in this land for a long time. The fertility of lizard slaves is very high, but the survival rate of the fetus is very low. This has formed a kind of balance invisibly. Let the lizard slaves reproduce their offspring without overpopulating the ecology to lose balance.

Their ancestors have lived in Hongtak for generations. These indigenous people have weak personalities and have raised long-billed lizards for the lizard clan for many years. According to the description of lizard slaves, the so-called long-billed lizards are lizards.

There is a holy place in the depths of Hong Tak, which is where Karna sleeps and where the lizards live. According to the lizard slaves, the lizards established a huge kingdom there. As for how big it is, this lizard slave is not clear.

Just recently, they received the order that the lizard king asked them to move. The lizard slave stayed because he was too old and was the guard of the tomb tower~www.readwn.com~, but unexpectedly ran into Allen.

When ascending to the top of the tower, the lizard slave suddenly pulled the corner of La Allen's robe, pointed at him and said, "God Lord."

"You mean me?" Allen pointed to himself.

Li slave nodded and said, "Kana said, she, Master, will come."

"You, God Lord. You know God's words."

Allen nodded, he roughly understood what the lizard slave meant. Kana should have said that one day someone who can speak the same language will come. Of course, that person refers to the Son of Dawn. The lizard slave regards Kana as a god, and Eboins' language is naturally regarded as a god. What does this **** mean? Lord of God? Ellen is not Kana's master, unless she is the guardian, but obviously, she is one of the children of the twilight.

The top of the tower is here.

There are no wooden stakes on the top layer, and some pictures are painted on the surrounding walls. I don't know what paints to use. These years have passed. They have been preserved. Except for a few places where the walls fell off to form a blank, other places are still well preserved.

The lizard slave got off the rattlesnake team, walked to the east wall, pointed to it and said, "Kana."

Then he bowed down and bowed.

Alan looked up and saw a woman painted on it. She is no different from human beings, and she does not lack even the characteristics of human females. Behind the woman in the painting is a sun, and something like a highway protrudes from the sun, reaching the feet of the woman, looking like Kana walking down from the sun.

This has obviously deified her.

Below Kana, is a huge lizard, because there are some pictures representing houses next to it as a reference, so it is easy to see that if this lizard is restored in proportion, it will almost catch up with a battleship.

Allen pointed to it and asked, "This is the lizard king?"

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