Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1792: Dive into the Holy Land

As Awanda walked into the Magic City, Alan had no surprises, and Alan got a gaze of thought. From the walls of Magic City, and even in the city, all the lizard warriors are observing the invader Alan. This is a powerful enemy who needs the teacher to abandon the magical city, activate the flame curtain of the doomsday ring, and separate the entire holy place. So there was curiosity, thought, and hostility in those eyes.

Allen snorted and didn't see him release the source force, but everyone who looked at him felt his eyes shine. Those who were hostile even mistakenly thought that seeing a round of the sun, their eyes were so hot that they couldn't open their eyes, and they fell to the ground with a scream, holding their heads.

Allen doesn't like being looked at so casually, and even throws hostility towards him. Awanda gave a dry cough and said in a deep voice, "From now on, this Highness is no longer our enemy. On the contrary, the teacher who has abandoned us and even threatened Kana's life is our enemy. You have to distinguish. At this point, don't do unnecessary things!"

Then he invited Allen to the command hall.

Originally, after the battle of Magic City, Titaglos had fulfilled his promise, and Allen let him go. However, he only dismissed the Crypt Army, and as for himself, he reduced his figure and stayed in the image of that rough man. He was very interested in the entanglement between Alan and his mentor, and Alan did not refuse, so he let him stay. Ditaglos, an alien, followed Allen and his party, and under the guidance of Awanda, they entered the lizard clan command hall together.

Mojin City is full of hot and humid air, and the arsenal in the city is boiling hot, and the heat is constantly exhausted from the chimney, filling the entire city. Both the lizard race and the lizard like this hot and humid environment, but for others, it is not so comfortable. Allen was okay, Smiller wore heavy armor and didn't even frown. White is a metamorphosis of the King Snake. It has a cold nature and is most unaccustomed to this hot and humid environment. He simply placed a few hockey pucks beside him, and the hockey pucks moved around him, releasing masses of cold wherever he passed, dispelling the damp heat, and making the neighborhood cool. This benefited Lucy walking by his side, as well as the Diamondbacks players.

As for Titaglos, he was able to manipulate the source power of different attributes, and the heat and humidity in Magic City had little effect on him.

In the command hall, Awanda invited Alan to sit down. Alan was not welcome, and directly sat on the commander’s chair, and Awanda said: "His Royal Highness, although the teacher has closed the Holy Land, we know that there is a waterway that can directly reach the Holy Lake. After entering the underground of the Holy Land, You can come out of the star well of the holy temple, so you can enter the holy place without knowing it."

Allen nodded: "This is the best. I don't want Kana to have any accidents. If she can be rescued smoothly, I will turn around and deal with the mentor."

"Now you need to do two things. One is to release Abi's tribe. As for you threatening him to deliberately lead us to the territory of Titaglos, I don't have to plan."

Upon hearing this, the Crypt Lord snorted heavily. Allen can ignore it, he is not so generous. Titaglos wanted it not for Awanda and the others, how could he push Allen, the catastrophe, to his territory, so that he was greedy for a while and wanted to absorb Allen’s will, but he did not expect to move The stone hit himself in the foot, but he had to serve Allen once.

"The second thing is to kill all the observers. They should be the eyes and ears of the instructor? Then, you can't let them stay in Magic City."

"I'll do it right away, Your Highness."

"No, you can find someone to do this. I need you to lead the way immediately. I don't want to delay a minute."

"Then please wait for a while, your Highness, I will have someone prepare the necessary tools."

After he left, Allen called Bai over and said: "Although he is asked to remove all observers, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be another eyeliner. I intend to exchange identities with you, as we have done before, you Instead of me, stay in Magic City to hide from others."

Bai said.

After they exchanged their clothes, General Lizard came back, saying that the tools to go to the Holy Land were ready. Seeing Alan and Bai change clothes with each other, the lizard general seemed to understand something, but he didn't say anything, but it was considered wise.

In order to be unobtrusive, the infiltration into the holy land was only made by Allen alone, plus an Awanda to lead the way. Others stayed in Magic City. Except for Ditagros's slight remarks, the others had no opinion. Alan followed Awanda, who had changed into an ordinary warrior's costume, and left the hall quietly. They passed through Magic City and came to a dock. A canoe has been prepared here. There are only two positions in the canoe, which happened to be carried by the two of Allen.

Allen got on the canoe, and Awanda shook the paddle skillfully. The canoe left the dock and went down the river. After driving for a while, I could feel that the flow of the river was getting faster and the terrain was gradually descending. Awanda concentrated on the boat while Alan looked around.

The Magic City is moving away. From this perspective, the flame curtain of the Ring of Doom is getting bigger and bigger. Now the river behind the Magic City is flowing downstream. After a period of turbulence, Awanda reminded: "Your Majesty, there is a fault waterfall in front of you, please stay steady."

Allen nodded.

In a blink of an eye, the discontinuity has arrived, and the river flows straight down from here, forming a waterfall. Below it is a deep pool. The waterfall hits the pool with a deafening sound. When the canoe rushed out of the fault, Awanda slammed on the pedals, and with a bang, a leather wing popped out on both sides of the canoe. I don't know what kind of creature's animal skins were used to make wings. It rode the wind and let the canoe glide down.

The pool continued to expand, and after a while, the canoe had slipped onto the water. Looking back, it was at least 100 meters away from the fault waterfall. Awanda used a drum to gather the leather wings, continued to shake, and steered the canoe to the other side of the pool. A high mountain blocked the way, and the water was swallowed into the cave at the foot of the mountain. The waterway that Awanda said was within that cave.

The holy lake in the holy land is the birthplace of all the water veins in Hongtak, so there are really many waterways like this. This waterway is connected to the water veins under the Holy Land, so it can bypass the flame curtain of the Circle of Doom and enter the Holy Land. Had it not been for a lizard clan like Awanda to lead the way, Alan would naturally not have known that there was such a channel. But think about it, since the instructor allows the lizards like Awanda to surrender, it is hard to guarantee that he will not make any arrangements for this waterway.

Awanda also knows this, so he controls the canoe with extreme caution. Soon the canoe paddled into the cave in the belly of the mountain, and Allen released a golden fireball as a lighting. Through the fire light, the dome of the belly of the mountain went from high to low with upside down stalagmites. The water here is getting faster and faster, and even the sound of running water is heard.

"His Royal Highness, please pay attention. There are some sharp bends in the beginning, be careful not to throw it out." Awanda just reminded that the speed of the canoe was so fast, it turned out that the waterway was going low. Fortunately, Awanda was already quite familiar with this waterway, almost immediately after the canoe went down, he shook the oars. The canoe almost turned a ninety-degree turn and nearly hit the mountain wall on the right.

The canoe flew straight down, one sharp turn after another, twists and turns, seemingly endless. If it is an ordinary person staying on it, I am afraid that it has already been thrown into the rapid underground river. Thanks to Allen's feet seeming to be nailed to the canoe, no matter how the boat travels, he won't move.

Finally, the castration of the canoe slowed down, and it has come to a relatively gentle river. Looking at the fire, the dome of the mountain belly is less than one meter away from the top of the head, which is very depressing. From time to time, you can see some rocky beaches on both sides, and there are more strange stones. They have been rushed by the river for many years, and they are washed out by the hands of nature Come with a charming appearance.

At this moment, the sound of heavy objects falling into the water continued to be heard in the front section of the river. Alan squinted his eyes, but because of the distance ~www.readwn.com~ even he couldn't see anything. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion, and firelight rose from the river in the distance. In the light of the fire, falling rocks continued to fall from the dome and splashed into the water. Awanda changed his face and shouted, "No, it seems that the instructor has made arrangements here. He wants to blow up the mountains and close the road!"

"It's not that easy." Allen said lightly, "You sit firmly."

This time it was Awanda's turn to fix himself on the seat, Allen stood up, and the golden king flame rose. He stomped lightly, the bow of the boat was tilted, and the stern of the boat sprayed a wave of water like a jet. The canoe suddenly accelerated and slid toward the river ahead. When driving fast, the canoe even jumped away from the river, rubbing a curtain of water on the river, and raising it high behind the boat like a flag.

The explosion sounded endlessly.

At this time, Allen could see that some explosive barrels had been thrown on the surface of the river. The explosive barrels had already ignited the fuze in advance and hit the dome with a delayed explosion. Moreover, explosives were obviously placed on the dome to keep a lot of falling rocks down. Seeing that he was about to hit the explosion site, Allen raised his hand and waved, a golden light struck the water. Divide the flames, falling rocks, and all obstacles in front in two, and then the small boat will pass the river after the light.

When the speed of the boat slowed down, the belly of the mountain collapsed behind them, and the river was firmly blocked by the falling rocks with loud rumbling!

Awanda opened her mouth wide, feeling a lot after the disaster. At this moment Alan sat back and said softly: "Come on."

Awanda quickly agreed, shook the paddle and steered the canoe into one of the branch waterways of the river. After a while, a faint light of fire could be seen above their heads, and Awanda said: "We have passed the circle of doom, and then we will enter the Holy Land."

Allen nodded.

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