Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 185: Wind blows

Allen climbed up to an ironwood tree and used the weird dense branches to hide his figure. {Pick up the delicate binoculars and look at it. A few wooden trees were erected by the campfire in front of the camp, and three federal soldiers were dying to hang on them. A sword demon was using a sharp knife to dig a large muscle from one of the soldiers' chests, and then hand it over to a thin sword demon by the campfire.

The demon bit a small piece of raw meat with his mouth, threw it into the campfire, and shouted. The surrounding sword monsters all held up their weapons and shouted, and then rushed up to the soldiers, using the weapons in their hands to chop off pieces of flesh and blood on the soldiers.

The scene is terrible.

Alan almost broke the telescope. He took a few deep breaths, calmed himself down and carefully slid down the tree trunk.

Sneak back the same way.

When he arrived at the place where the floats were stored, Maud had arrived early. His eyes were flushed, his chest was rising and falling, and his voice was lowered and angrily said, "Look at what those **** did!"

Allen was silent, and after a while, everyone else returned, and everyone was angry. Allen immediately contacted the base and reported the coordinates. After finishing the record, Ke Jies said: "You come back soon, don't disturb them."

"Yes, sir." Allen finished the communication and looked at the other people: "Let's go, go back to the base first. There is nothing we can do with the few of us alone.

The fact is that at least three tribes gathered in that camp, with a total of more than 3,000 people. Just because the six of Allen couldn't make any waves, they were so angry, but they could only leave the floating car silently.

Rushed overnight, and it was morning to return to the blood eagle base. After Allen's sergeants reported to Kojies, they were ordered to go back to rest. On the other hand, Bailey used remote communication to get in touch with the directors of the two bases in Aizhuo and Nilu.

"Colonel Bailey, do you mean that there are three tribes of demons gathered in the Ironwood Hills?" Colonel Downey, the director of the Aizhuo base, is a middle-aged man with a big back, two moustaches, and a pair of turquoise greens. There was a solemn expression in his eyes.

Colonel Bailey held his hands and nodded his head and said: "From what our people have discovered, it is true. Two people, the Ironwood Hills is located right in the middle of our three bases. It is an essential way for us to communicate. The demon tribe chose to gather at this location. It seems to me that it is not accidental, but has a certain plan. I also informed you a few days ago that one of the tribe’s troops appeared on the wind-eroded wasteland. If there is one, there will be two. Branch, three branches! If the tribal coalition forces attack any of our bases, our losses can be imagined."

"Then Colonel, do you have any good suggestions?" Colonel Antu was fooled by Nianjing and Bailey, but his image was elegant. He had light brown hair and a pair of glasses on his straight nose. He is the person in charge of the Nilu base, with a prudent nature.

Colonel Bailey stepped back two steps, and the tactical game platform was raised on the ground. The complete terrain near the Ironwood Hills has been projected on the stage, and the coordinates of Allen reported by the brain to simulate the appearance of the tribal camp. Colonel Bailey said solemnly: "Look at the two of you, this is the camp where the Sword Demon Tribe is located. The Ironwood Hills is located in the southwest of our base. According to the records of our base. The weather here is windy from May to June. There will be a monsoon blowing from the northeast to the southwest. The monsoon is strong and can even blow people down when the wind is strongest. Calculating the time, the monsoon season is approaching. We plan to set fire to the forest in this area when the wind blows. The two also know that ironwood trees are dry and flammable. When the wind helps the fire, it will inevitably cause a fire that spreads across the hills."

Colonel Antu's eyes rose sharply and said, "If the fire enters the forest, it will force the enemy to evacuate to the southwest. If at this time, our coalition with Colonel Downey is lying in ambush at the exit of the hill, it will be wonderful."

"Yes, I can't help but want to see the surprised expressions of these sword monsters." Colonel Downey eagerly said: "Berry, this action will be hosted by you. You don't have to wait for death to spread them. Wait for them. Send troops to arrive, maybe we are already cleaning the battlefield."

Bailey held the tactical platform in his hand and leaned forward and said: "So, this plan, let's call it Fengqi!"

The wind blows!

Allen exhaled, narrowed his eyes, and looked to the southwest. On the roof of the dormitory building, you can faintly see the outline of the Ironwood Hills, where the tribe of three sword demon is hidden, but since returning to the base for two days, I have been late to see what happened above. Whenever I think of federal soldiers being mutilated and killed by the sword demon, eating flesh and drinking blood, there seems to be a flame burning in his chest.

He finally understood why Kojis would say that there is no compromise on the chaotic battlefield, and the war will stop only if one side is extinct. The sword demon ogre, human beings burn with the sword demon blood. The hatred between the two parties, I don't know when it was buried, the only certainty is. This resentment will only grow deeper and cannot be resolved.

There is no justice in war, only stand.

"You are here." Kejiesi's voice sounded from behind.

Allen turned his head in surprise, and the major used his mechanical arm to lightly press the military cap on his head, preventing it from being blown away by the wind. Kejiesi looked in the same direction and said softly: "The wind is blowing."

Allen said, "Did the wind ever stop?"

"Yes, it only blows in this direction, but it doesn't happen often." Kejiesi said calmly.

Allen stretched out, feeling the direction of the wind, and nodded: "Indeed, the wind was blowing from other directions before. How did the wind blow from the northeast today? Is this a monsoon?"

"Almost. This is the wind direction in May and June each year." Kejiesi lowered his head and said, "So this is also the time for us to act."

"You mean?"

"As you think, we have already planned a joint operation with the other two bases. The code name of the operation is Wind Rise." Kejiesi coldly snorted: "The wind rises and the wind rises just to wait for the wind direction to change. Allen, Your team has been incorporated into tomorrow's battle sequence. Remember to rest early today and do a big job tomorrow!"

Allen straightened, clenched his fist against his chest and said, "Yes, sir."

Kejiesi smiled and waved, and Allen left happily. He wanted to tell others the good news.

In the past few days, Willick and the others are holding back an anger.

Now it's finally time to vent!

In the previous battle of the wind erosion wasteland, Allen's team lost five soldiers, and now they have all made up for it. The new soldiers who reported to Alan didn't have any doubts that Naz and the others had before, and they were able to survive the battle of Beast Yashan without dying. Naturally, no one was stupid to question Alan's strength. What's more, there are fierce men like Willick and Broy in this team, and the recruits are proud of being assigned to this team.

Allen returned to the dormitory and announced Fengqi's action. Everyone was in high spirits, and they wished to set out to fight the sword demon immediately. Of course this is impossible. You have to prepare and recharge your energy. Allen sat quietly all night, tempering his source power. By the time of assembly the next day, the whole person was in the best condition.

At sunrise, the gate of the Blood Eagle Base was opened, and soldiers and soldiers drove out of the base. Colonel Bailey dispatched a thousand soldiers in combat formation this time, including nearly a hundred non-commissioned officers and three majors. Only Major Luda and four hundred defenders were left. In addition to trucks, the convoy was equipped with two all-terrain combat vehicles. The colonel himself was still riding an off-road vehicle and set off with the convoy.

The chariot came to a halt when it came to a distance of 50 kilometers from the Tiemu hills. The two chariots with a hundred soldiers first spread out to the sides of the hills, and the main force got out of the carts and walked towards the hills in a rapid march. In the evening, with the hills in sight, Berry gave orders. The special corps first pressed toward the hills, and all the hundred soldiers were holding flamethrowers. A team of ten, arrived at the hills under the unified command of their respective non-commissioned officers, and shot out many blazing fire dragons to ignite all the ironwood trees on the northeast side.

Suddenly, the fire blazed into the sky, and even the sky was dyed blood red. The monsoon blowing from the rear drove the fire to spread to the southwest, and soon burned over a small hill. Together, the fire signifies the official start of combat operations. At this moment, the two base troops on standby on the other side of the hills cleared out a fire barrier early, and waited for the sword demon to run out to die.

Waiting is undoubtedly a torment, and the soldiers at the base are struggling to fight. Fortunately, before they were allowed to wait too long, they began to see the sword demon being driven out of the hill by the fire. Upon seeing this, the commander of the base immediately issued an attack order. So across a huge hill, people in Berry to the northeast can still hear gunfire from the other side.

The battle started, but the battle ended soon. Berry frowned when he saw the green flare in the night sky to the southwest, but still let the two land vehicles on standby fire lime bombs to extinguish the fire. After more than an hour, the fire in the hills was suppressed, and when the wind dissipated the smoke, Berry began to let the main force into the hills. For some reason, there was a shadow over his heart.

The battle came too smoothly, and ended faster than he expected.

Allen followed the troops on the side towards the hills, and came to the camp he found that day. The camp was almost burnt up~www.readwn.com~, leaving a lot of wreckage. There were only a handful of Sword Demon corpses in the camp, and it seemed that the Sword Demon was evacuated by knowing the opportunity. Before long, the two colonels Antu and Downey came to the meeting with their own troops. As soon as they met with Bailey, Colonel Antu said solemnly: "This may be a trap."

Colonel Berry's heart beat hard and asked: "What's the situation?"

"We intercepted very few Sword Demon over there. According to our post-war statistics, there are still less than two hundred people!" Colonel Antu sighed lightly, "I'm afraid the Sword Demon tribe had already left before we arrived. Aftermath."

"If so, where did they go?" Colonel Berry frowned.

It was night, and the wind was blowing. Pluto's temperature drops sharply at night. The wind blowing in the low temperature is as sharp as a knife, and even the sentry on duty at night is reluctant to be exposed to the wind all night. Luther rubbed his numb hands and blew back to the sentry post. The room temperature in the post warmed him up, and looking at his partner, he was already asleep against the corner.

"I said Jerry, it's not good. If Sergeant Louis sees it, I'll have to be scolded." Ruther patted his partner on the shoulder angrily, not wanting him to fall to the ground with a soft body. Luther saw that the partner's body against the wall was full of blood! ()

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