Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1802: Hinder

"Archimedes, your tenacity is beyond my expectation. If you can hold on for so long, even I have to admire you. But all the time, you still lose. As a result of losing, there is nothing left. It can hinder me. I am already the master of this body. As for you, just watch it in Eboyins. Watch how I destroy this universe."

The man raised his hand and shouted: "My king, come out!"

Behind the door burst out a violent flame, and in the tumbling flames, shadows emerged.

The first person who walked out of the door was a teenager, wearing a hooded robe with flames on the robe. Those decorative lines flashed brightly and darkly, and the young man held a crystal rod in his hand. His skin is white, his facial features are neutral and beautiful, and there are red magic lines on both sides of his cheeks. Those lines full of tension do not look as simple as decoration. He walked to the side of the Twilight Son and knelt down, put the crystal stick on the ground, and respectfully said: "The Flame Vera of Broken Sky, here I am waiting for your Highness's dispatch!"

Then another young man walked out of the door, wearing a crimson bust and carrying an exaggerated sword on his back. The long crimson hair was flying in the wind, and the same red eyes on the handsome face were like fine gems. In his eyes, the world reflected in it was also bright red, as if the world was burning all the time. Standing on the other side of the Twilight Son, he knelt down and said, "Rui Sifen of Flame Front, my sword will be swung for your Highness!"

There was a roar in the door, and a huge figure emerged inside the door. Even the gate of flames seemed a little too low, so a pair of claws dripping with magma caught on the edge of the door, and then it lowered its head and drilled out. This is a monster with an exoskeleton that protects like armor. Under his body, there was endless lava flowing under the exoskeleton, so hot lava was dripping from the body of this alien giant. It did not kneel down like the other two kings, but made a thunderous voice: "Lava Troll Lauslevin, I will devour all your enemies!"

The Twilight Son nodded, and at this time, the flame gate slowly closed. Suddenly, from the mine tunnel in the mining area, a fire horn demon ran out. The beast stood still in front, and then spit out Kiristan's voice from his mouth: "Welcome back, Your Highness."

"Kyristan, you did a good job. Tell me, what have you done now?"

So Kiristan said briefly about his plan, and the Son of Twilight snorted coldly: "You just love to do extra things. Human slaves are not necessary. Now I feel that the Son of Dawn is no longer on this planet. This planet can be called a hindrance to only a few people, it is not a problem at all. Now I will kill the strongest one in it, and then I will leave this planet. If you can’t destroy this planet, then you No need to see me again!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" The Fire Horned Demon bowed his head.

The Twilight Son turned around and said to the three kings behind him: "Go and meet Kylistan, use the Flame Gate and Kylistan's abilities to gather an army, and let the flame spread all over the planet."

After speaking, it rose into the sky and turned into a rainbow light, turning in the air, and then disappeared instantly.

It wasn't until the rainbow light completely disappeared in the sky that the three kings looked at the Fire Horn Demon. The lava troll said loudly: "Here, my strength is the greatest, so I think that the actions on this planet need to be directed by me."

The juvenile king sneered: "Let a brainless guy command us, stop kidding."

The handsome young king nodded and said: "On this point, I agree with Vera's view that my giant sword is the backing to break through all obstacles, so I should lead the army."

"Shut up all of you!" Keristan's angry voice came out of the Firehorn Demon's mouth: "Didn't you hear it just now? His Highness said that you should come and join me. Isn't it obvious?"

Sphin snorted: "You didn't hear me. Your Royal Highness said you love to do superfluous things. If you are allowed to direct, the progress will be terribly slow. I don't want to stay on this planet for too long."

The flaming horn devil scratched the ground and shouted: "Don't go too far, and don't think about who built the flame gate, otherwise you guys can come out?"

Suddenly a shadow fell.

It was the lava troll who lifted its claws and stomped on the horned horned demon. The troll uttered a huge voice: "But a janitor, there is so much nonsense. Since we don’t accept anyone, then Follow our rules."

The teenager nodded, and Sphin laughed and said: "Agree, anyway, the person who wins in the end must be me."

"Then, let's do it our own way, but the gate of flames must be shared." Young Vera said.

The troll roared: "Then let me come first, I want to summon my behemoth army!"

It walked towards the gate, and the other two kings shrugged. The boy found a clean ground and sat down with his knees cross-legged, while Sphin inserted the giant sword into a rock, and then leaned on the sword and said, "You better hurry up."

At the same time, on the other side of Bodo City, Kiristan was shaking with anger. All the faces in the armor on his body showed an angry face~www.readwn.com~ The voice of this king rang over the city: "You bastards, you don't even see me in your eyes!"

So four kings successively decided to act according to their own preferences. The Twilight Son doesn't know all this, even if he knows, he won't pay attention. What the king wants to do is their freedom, as long as they can do what they want, he will not interfere.

The earth was moving far away under him, a ray of rainbow light cut through the sky, and quickly moved in a certain direction.

When the sun was about to fall into the horizon, he finally stopped. In the distance is a city, Saint Helm!

At the same time, in the office of a command building in the Fort of Helm, Capro suddenly trembled his shoulders. He looked out the window in surprise, and didn't even notice that the cigar in his mouth fell on the table. This made the secretary who was reporting to him about the recent territorial affairs a bit puzzled. He also looked out the window, but he could see a sunset outside, and the secretary could not see anything that caught Caprow's attention.

"How come, haven't you already left? How come you are here, Son of Twilight!" Capulo stood up suddenly, using too much force out of control, crushing the entire table to pieces. He looked out the window in surprise, and in Kaprow's eyes, he saw a ball of fire slowly falling. Just before the fireball, a shadow twisted slightly. When he stretched his eyes forward, he saw a majestic man with a scent of indifference. That kind of indifference is the coldness that surpasses billions of creatures.

Any life, in the eyes of that man, is no different from a corpse. Capulo thought so, and then knew that the Twilight Son was coming for him.

A wry smile.

ps: I drank some Chinese medicine yesterday and my waist is better today. But I can't guarantee two changes every day, anyway, try my best.

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