Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1808: Evening bell

A dark figure gradually faded out of the screen, and the crystal screen sank from the floor of the hall of the Dark Castle until it disappeared into the floor of the hall. Sitting on the gorgeous throne made of Abyss Crystal, Frios put his chin on one hand and said: "It turns out that this is the case, the twilight will...treasury...Our Majesty Allen, it turns out that he got these things. Promoted to supreme in such a short period of time. Interesting, even I have never heard of these things."

The fire demon Beluka half-kneeled on the hall and said: "Your Majesty, both the treasure house and the Twilight Will are unowned. If we can get the coordinates before that Majesty, these things are not your Majesty. Things in it."

"Then it depends on whether that chess piece can provide useful information in time." Frios said lightly: "I don't care about the treasure house, the army? Now I have more, but the twilight will is a must. Yes. Combining a twilight will is equivalent to an extra life of a strong man. Moreover, it is still a strong man at the supreme level. The extra life and precious experience will let me avoid many detours, and perhaps even have a glimpse The scenery above the supreme."

Frios showed a drunken expression, and reached out his hand, as if he wanted to catch something.

"Above the Supreme?" Fire Demon said in shock, "Isn't the Supreme already standing on the top of all things?"

"That's right." Frios looked up at the dome of the hall, "It's just that, whether it is an ordinary person or a supreme, it is based on the life of this universe. If the universe is regarded as a huge foundation , Then both ordinary people and supreme must be based on this foundation. It is just that the supreme stands higher than other creatures, but no matter how high it stands, it cannot abandon this foundation. Because that is us. The cornerstone of power, if we can go further, we may be able to abandon this foundation. By then, we may be able to leave this universe and enter other higher-dimensional universes."

Frios stood up and said in a deep voice, "When it comes to me, to the level of Spinnaker. There are very few things that can attract us. Spinach is indulged in the remains of the creator, and perhaps wants to get from it. Further enlightenment. After all, the so-called creators are now known to be the Twilight Clan, that is, things created by beings in another dimension. From their relics, we can deduce clues in another dimension, which in turn is related to the universe. The rules are mutually confirmed and inspired. I have to say that the old guy Spinak is indeed a genius, but if he can get the twilight will, the speed of breakthrough will only be fast or slow."

"Just let Spinak continue to indulge in those foreign objects. As long as I get the twilight will, I believe that it will not take long to get another level. At that time..." Frios stopped suddenly and revealed The sound of listening.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?" The Fire Demon was also taken aback.

"I heard the bell." Frios squinted his eyes. "Interestingly, it actually rang directly in my mind, directly reflected in my consciousness."

He had just finished speaking when the fire demon also heard the bell. The sound like an evening bell in the twilight rang in his mind. The sound was so desolate that it suddenly reminded people of the desolate land under the dusk. The bell rang three times before it slowly disappeared.

At this moment, all the creatures in the entire universe and hundreds of millions of creatures whose individuals are strong enough to a certain degree can hear the bell. It seemed to be a signal, heralding that some kind of disaster was about to come.

After the bell disappeared, on a barren ground on Agareth, the ground suddenly shook. Hundreds of boulders floated up into the air, they were superimposed on each other, and then there was an invisible force to tear apart the space, pouring down the thick energy like magma. These liquid energy fell between the gaps of the boulders, immediately fusing them into one. Just like this, the huge rock materials were continuously spliced ​​together, and before an instant, a door of a hundred meters high was erected on the wasteland.

The gate that stood above the wasteland was so abrupt, but something even more abrupt happened. The lines on the gate that were poured by liquid energy lit up one by one, and from these lines a puff of sparks were flying around. The door made a dull sound, and then slowly opened to both sides. Inside that door was a world of blazing flames, flames spewed onto the wasteland, and then figures began to emerge in the flames.

In the next moment, numerous flaming horns rushed out from the gate of flames, and they spread quickly across this gray wasteland like a dark red tide. Then there were regular hooves of horses, and the flame knight rode on his horse. Afterwards, many Eboyins battle units emerged from the Gate of Flames. In addition to the usual units before, there were also some behemoths that could fly in the air. The Burning Legion opened from the gate. Out, and line up in the wilderness beyond the gate. The gate of flames will not appear to be closed, and I don't know how many troops will go out of it.

And gates like this, as long as it is a planet where life exists, they all open one by one!

"His Royal Highness, it was the twilight bell that rang just now."

Demon Kingdom, in the garden of the Palace of Shadow Castle, Allen stood in front of the stone fence in the garden, looking at the dim sky in the distance. Then Twilight's voice was directly connected to his consciousness and rang: "It seems that the Twilight Son has returned to the Hall of Withering in Eboyins, and has rang the evening bell of Twilight, officially opening the universe at dusk."

"Be more specific, Twilight."


After absorbing Heerseth's fire, Twilight harvested a lot of ancient knowledge from the fire of the firmament, one of the three giants, including the absolutely secret zero adjustment hall and the twilight night clock. According to Heerseth's understanding, he believes that Eboyins is not only a farm of the creator, but also a super mothership that connects the dimension of the creator and other universes.

As for the Withering Hall, it is the control center of this mothership. The twilight night clock is the equipment to open the cosmic twilight. When the Twilight Son rings the evening bell, all the planets with life in the entire universe will erect flame gates to communicate with Eboyins. At this time, there is no need for the Twilight Sons to operate, the Burning Legion and Kings of Eboyins will continue to enter various planets through the Flame Gate, slaughter the life on the planet, and then receive their will to go to Eboyins , Thus becoming part of that "farm".

In other words, when I heard the evening bell, there was already a door of flames open on Agareth!

"Can you find the location of the Flame Gate?" Allen asked.

Twilight said directly: "There is no way, but I can sense the position of the king. Where the king is, the Flame Gate must be nearby. In fact, I have already felt it..."

Allen's voice immediately echoed in every corner of the Shadow Castle: "Bavary, immediately notify Duobia and let them gather their troops to the following position!"

Next, the army of the Demon Shadow Kingdom was mobilized urgently. A battleship lifted off from different cities, then headed to the same direction, and continued to assemble midway. Allen was on one of the ships, and it only took ten hours to gather an army of more than 300,000, and transport it through the fleet to the wasteland where the Flame Gate is. The densely dense fleet of ships enveloped the sky and swept across the vast land of Agareth like a huge dark cloud.

Allen was sitting in the command hall of the ship, beside him were Bai, Belmode, Lucy, and others, as well as Smiller, several imperial generals. There was also Twilight from the Land of Forsaken, but Alan did not use other kings and armies.

Because it is not needed, the local forces of the Demon Shadow Nation and Duobia are enough. Unless the Twilight Son arrives and concentrates all his forces to attack Agareth, Ellen does not want to reveal all his hole cards.

Soon, the desolate land and the 100-meter-high flame gate could be seen on the big screen in the command hall! At this moment ~www.readwn.com~ a large number of troops can be seen before the gate. The total number of troops has reached an exaggerated one million level. From the big screen, this land is almost submerged by the Burning Legion.

At this time, the big screen flashed, and then the figure of the fire demon appeared on the screen. He first knelt down to Alan, and then said: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty Alan. Your Majesty Frios can't get there, but I have mobilized 300,000 troops and will join you in ten minutes. Your Majesty's This means that we will completely obey your instructions."

Alan thought that Frius was generous, and he was not welcome at the moment, and then he appointed Twilight as the commander of the war. Twilight absorbed Heerseth's fire and became very familiar with Eboyins' legionary arms. It is more appropriate for her to direct the overall situation than Alan. Regarding this order, Huo Mo was slightly surprised, but still expressed his obedience.

Twilight took command and immediately issued a series of orders.

So the fleets on both sides began to drop ground arms, and the bottom ships of the transport ships opened one by one, and then the landing combat vehicles slid from the bottom ship deck to the ground, using the jets of the chassis to make a buffer landing. After falling to the ground, the armor of the vehicle opened, and the soldiers jumped out of the chariot one by one, listing their formations and advancing with the chariot. The armies on both sides are well-trained, and the ground armies spread out quickly on the ground, forming a black flood that presses in the direction of the Flame Gate at a constant speed.

After the ground forces were deployed, the high-speed combat ships also completed their formation. According to Twilight’s orders, the battleships are grouped into three. Each group of battleships act in an arrow formation, as the arrow-tip battleship is responsible for the main attack, and the wingmen on both sides serve as cover and aid, thus forming a flexible operation. unit. Then all the weapons of the main ship were charged, and suddenly there was an aurora-like energy tide in the sky, and Agareth's coalition forces were ready to fight!

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