"The Shuangcheng Lake is in front."

A land vehicle was driving in the wilderness, and the lost paradise was shrouded by night, with two moons hanging in the night. One is deep purple and the other is rosy red. The two moons are reflected, and a magnificent moonlight appears in the night sky. Under the dreamlike moonlight, you can see a big lake from a distance. The lake water reflects the night sky and double moons. At both ends of the lake, two minarets can be seen above the water.

Allen asked, "Why isn't it called Shuangtahu?"

Barrow took a car and replied: "Once, there were two castles in the Twin Cities. They were built using a symmetrical construction method. There were two brothers living in the Twin Cities. They were originally a pair of brothers living in harmony. Disputes broke out because of some minor things, and finally a war was launched. A great battle caused the sea to flood, flooding the castle, and drowning countless creatures. Eventually it became a lake, so we all called it Shuangcheng Lake The two tall towers that the lord sees now are the ruins of the former Twin Cities."

Allen said "Oh", and then said, "Our guide lives in such a remote place?"

"That guy doesn't like crowds, so he lives here, but I promise, he is definitely the best person to go to the thin sun, because he escaped from that planet."

The land vehicle swiftly traversed the wilderness in the dark, approached a section of the lake bank, and stopped in front of a building on the lake bank. This is a spherical building with a smooth surface without a single window. There was only a dark and faint door, and a huge black shadow threw out from the door, a beast like a lion. The old man Barrow got off the road carriage and was immediately knocked over by the beast. Allen immediately reached for the giant sword, but he heard Barrow shout: "It's okay, this is his dog, very obedient. Oh oh , Don't lick. My face, **** your saliva smells!"

Sure enough, this lion-like beast did not attack Barrow, it was just random. Licking his face, when a whistle sounded from the building, the thing ran back. A figure emerged from the room, and this too big dog was lying at the feet of the man and wagging its tail vigorously.

"Barrow? Why are you here so late? Would you like to bring out a new wine to give me a taste? Honestly speaking, your things are terrible, so don't come to harm me." He walked from the shadow under the door. After coming out, what appeared in the moonlight was a humanoid alien. He looked like a human man in his twenties, with gray-blue hair, his skin was gray-blue as the color of his hair, and light blue scales appeared in the bare areas.

"What do you know, Brother Luo, you don't understand the art of bartending at all." Barrow shouted, jumping from the ground, and then said to the alien called Luo Brother, "Business is here, these adults are going A place, I don’t know if you dare to take them there."

Brother Luo took out something from the bag around his waist and threw it on the ground. The poodle fell on the ground and licked his food. He laughed out: "Should you use the **** method, as long as you have money, I dare go with."

"Then I assume you agree." Barrow blinked, "They are going to the thin sun star, and the reward is two hundred abyss crystals."

"What?" Brother Luo jumped up immediately, "Bo Sunstar? Are they too fate or something, not going or not going... Wait, how many crystals did you just say?"

"Two hundred yuan, I have seen the goods, it is the most beautiful abyss crystal. Two hundred crystals are enough for you to drink in my shop for ten years day and night!"

"I don't drink your wine, two hundred yuan, I think about it." Luo Ge paced back and forth, and said: "That **** place, I swear never to go back again. That's fine, add another hundred . I'll go if you add a hundred more."

Alan didn't even think about it, nodded and said: "Deal."

Then the space circle shook, and the abyss crystal was poured out continuously from it. A total of three hundred abyss crystals filled the ground. Under the two moons of Paradise Lost, these crystals exuded alluring luster like magic. Barrow took out his deposit of ten crystals again, and muttered: "This adult is so generous. I will pay all the money before I go. But Brother Luo, I can remind you that I have received the adult's money. Work. Otherwise, you will not end well."

Luo Ge laughed: "Don't worry, I still have a bit of word of mouth. Barrow, I can't put so many crystals here, you save it for me. If I come back, buy me a piece of land in the suburbs of Wudu. If you return If not, these crystals will be given to you."

Barrow was startled: "I heard you right, is this still you, Brother Luo?"

Luo Ge laughed and said, "I haven't forgotten your help to me, old man. Although friendship is the cheapest thing on this planet, it's still worth some money in my eyes. Besides, I just said Just in case, since I can escape from there once, I can escape again a second time!"

Allen said: "Before you set off, can you tell us about the thin sun star, we need to learn more."

"You do need to understand, but before that, you have to tell me where on that planet you want to go?"

Allen looked at Himir, who shrugged: "In fact, we don't know the exact location. We just know that what we are looking for is on that planet."

Luo Ge laughed bitterly: "It should take a while to stay on that planet like this, damn, I know that three hundred abyss crystals are not so easy to earn."

"It's three hundred and ten yuan!" Barrow corrected.

"Come in and talk, or go back to Wudu?" Luo Ge asked.

"Since it's all here, it's the same wherever we talk. We have to be prepared before we set off. Let's talk about it with you." Allen walked toward the gate first.

Barrow had to return to the Fog City, and Loya asked him to prepare some necessary tools on his behalf. There are many things that even Himir hadn't heard of, but they were all necessary things on the thin sun. When I walked into Luo Ge's room, I realized that it was very rudimentary, but the circular spherical building made the space unexpectedly sufficient, not at all cramped.

Sitting down in a few chairs in the room that are not exquisite, but quite comfortable, Luo Ge looked at Alan and said: "Let me think about it, where should I start? Okay, let me talk about the **** planet first. Calculated by time, the thin sun star is about to enter the polar day in 30 days, that is to say, we can stay there for about 30 days at most. It is worth noting that one day on that planet It’s only fifteen hours, so we don’t have too much time when converted."

"It's the polar night season. In the polar night season, the temperature on the planet's surface is around minus 80 degrees. Believe me, it won't be a pleasant environment. If you stop for a while, you will be covered by the wind and snow. No. If you pee in front of the wind, you will be frozen into an ice sculpture by your own urine. One thing to do there is to keep your body temperature, and keep enough body temperature all the time, otherwise you will not sleep forever..."

In the extreme day, the high temperature on the surface of the planet will cause the glaciers to be consumed in just a few days, the ice sheet will turn into a desert, and the flame will be the master of the planet. No life can survive hundreds of degrees of heat, except for some extremely tenacious lives deep underground. But it is not the harsh environment of the planet that really makes the thin sun star a dangerous area. The real danger of that planet comes from the gold nuggets, from various forces and organizations, and also from the tenacious beings living under the planet.

In the Farnia star field, people call those lives Cabro. In the lingua franca of the Farnia star field, it means the shadow on the bank of hell.

"Those... Cabro? What do they look like?" Allen asked, always feeling the name Cabro a little awkward.

"You can call them shadow demons, shadow masters, shadow monsters... whatever you want, Cabro is already a very old name." Luo Ge said, "call them shadow demons for the time being, these lives are similar to energy Life, but they have flesh and blood. The core, which is the opposite of most other lives. We all know that those advanced creatures will form the core of energy aggregates in the flesh and blood, but the shadow demons are completely opposite. They are. Their body is a shadow. They can be huge or tiny, but no matter how their body shape changes, their flesh and blood. The core is the same. The core is their only weakness, so they will use shadows to cover up as much as possible It. They live deep under the planet for many years, but they will also be active on the surface of the planet during the polar night season. Ice, snow, shadow, and darkness are their home grounds. In the polar night season, they are everywhere."

"There is a precious mineral vein on the thin sun, shadow iron. That is the main food of the shadow demon. The gold digger digs this vein ~ www.readwn.com~ is equivalent to grabbing food from the shadow demon's rice bowl, so These underground creatures hate outsiders extremely, which has led to constant wars between the gold nuggets and the shadow creatures. Although the gold nuggets have large consortia and powerful organizations behind them, the shadow demons are difficult to kill. On the contrary, there are a large number of them. Therefore, the gold nuggets have always been at a disadvantage, which has led to the high price of Shadow Iron in the market, which in turn stimulates more gold nuggets to venture to the thin sun star ."

"So you see, this is the place you are going to. It has a bad environment, and there are dangerous factors such as the gold digger organization and the shadow demon. Although I like the beautiful crystals, if you plan to regret it, I can Let Barrow return the crystal to you in full."

Allen glanced at everyone, since the Arctic Secret Map pointed to such a place, it was necessary to go and see. And it sounds like those so-called shadow demons look like a treasure house army. Who can guarantee that there is no treasure house under the thin sun star?

"No, we are going. And you can rest assured, Mr. Luo Ge, I will protect your safety." Allen said solemnly.

Luo Ge shook his head. He didn't think a stranger could guarantee his safety. Moreover, instead of surrendering his life to a stranger, Luo Ge believed in himself more.

Suddenly, a voice amplified by the loudspeaker sounded outside the house: "The stranger who killed one of our captains, get out of me now! Otherwise, we will kill everyone in this house indiscriminately!"

Allen let out a sneer from under the mask. Now that few people dared to tell him to "get out", Luo Ge was taken aback over there: "It's a very evil person."

ps: Thanks to zhphb, hehe32423, brother Xiang for the monthly tickets!

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