Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 187: Mountain tunnel

The communication ends. \\ .\\

Berry waved his hand and said, "Major Luda, you are injured, so go down and rest first."

"Thank you Colonel for your compassion." Luda smiled and went.

After he left, Downey, who had been silent, finally broke out. The colonel roared, "It's so hateful! What's this? First plan to execute our people, and then use Bian Rongjun to send us away. Lu Sen, an old fox, is really good. Calculate, the main force does not move, and has fulfilled the wartime treaty of the federal army, without leaving a word!"

"The people of the old party are not easy at first. What's more, people like Rusen who have spent half their lives in the officialdom and the military are easy to be born with." Colonel Antu pointed out the frame and said, "It's fun. It's his attitude towards Sergeant Allen. If he doesn't know Allen's identity, I am the first to not believe it."

"He is testing our bottom line and the Marshal's attitude towards Allen." Colonel Bailey said negatively: "If we don't protect Allen, it can only show that Allen has nothing to do with the Marshal. At that time, Rusen We can use our people to make a fortune. Going deeper, he will plant the seeds of discord between Bethkod and Sirius. As Antu said, Rusen is not easy, he can count We are on the same battlefield as him and we need to be careful."

"I thought the Marshal and the old party had reached an agreement, but that didn't seem to be the case." Downey shook his head.

Colonel Antu said indifferently: "Following the situation, the Caprol family will only cooperate with us in the end. Unless they want to get the name of colluding with aliens, otherwise, they have no other choice. But before this time comes, It is foreseeable that the old party will make a series of actions in order to test and even counterattack the situation we were pressing on them before."

"So, we must do our job well. At least on this Pluto star, we can't give Ruson any more words to impeach the Marshal, otherwise the Marshal's situation will only be worse. But..." Bailey Suddenly laughed: "The old party must not dare to push too much, after all, our marshal is Windsor Bello, not Caprow."

Antu and Downey also smiled at each other.

Perhaps due to the situation, Windsor Bello will choose to cooperate and even make some concessions and compromises. But if the old party is too tight-lipped, God knows what crazy things Windsor Bello will do.

She has never played cards according to routines.

The important thing is that Sirius accompanies her to go crazy at random. These people will gather together, not because she is the marshal, but because she is Windsor Bello!

"I need to find someone to talk to Ellen and the others." Colonel Antu said carefully, "I think General Russen's play will cause some unnecessary psychological obstacles to them."

Berry nodded: "There is a suitable person."

When he walked back to the barracks tent of the temporary camp and sat on the iron bed, Alan's fingers were still shaking slightly. I can't tell what the smell is in my heart, it seems that there is fear, anger, helplessness... Several emotions are mixed together. When Admiral Ruson issued a verdict on them, Allen felt for the first time the pale and powerless feeling that his life was not in his control.

If it wasn't for Berry's colonels to come forward, he might have been executed by now.

Death is a word that Alan is no stranger to. Since he was sensible, Allen has been exposed to too much about death. Lanni's death, Bai Fang's death, and even he himself lingered on the edge of life and death many times. But at least, when facing that kind of death crisis, he can give his life a go.

It was a completely different situation just now.

Allen faced not only Major Luda and his soldiers, but also Ruson, the spread of death, or even another force behind it that could compete with Windsor Bello.


Before such a behemoth, Alan felt his insignificance and powerlessness for the first time.

The fingers trembled lightly, even if he clenched his fist, he couldn't calm the tremor that originated from deep in his heart.

"Are you afraid?" A voice rang out of the account, and Ke Jies entered the account: "When faced with a powerful and unmatched force, it is normal to feel afraid. Feeling afraid, you will see yourself If you’re insignificant, you can see clearly what you want to surpass, right?”

"Goal beyond?" Allen raised his head.

Kejiesi spread his hand and said: "If you are afraid, then you can become stronger, and then go beyond the things you fear. Oh, this is not what I said. That was before we went to Pluto, your teacher Windsor Marshal Luo said. At that time, we knew nothing about the Blade Demon, both excited and scared. This is how the Marshal... taught us."

"She also said that it's not shameful to be afraid. If you don't dare to face your fears and choose to withdraw, then you are called a coward." The major shrugged: "At that time we were about to set off. To be honest, we were terribly nervous and afraid. After the marshal said this, we swear that even if she died in battle, we would not let her look down upon her."

"We are not cowards!"

After speaking, Ke Jies lighted a cigarette and quit silently.

The fist was still held, but the fingers were no longer shaking. Alan didn't know whether he was inspired by Kojies's unraveling or was inspired by those words of Windsor Bellow. What he can be sure of is that the fear of fear is gradually fading, and his body becomes vigorous again. He clenched his fist and let out a long breath. Suddenly, Alan rushed out of the camp.

Kejiesi is still far away.

"Major!" Allen called.

Kejiesi looked back at him and smiled: "Why, sergeant, are there any doubts?"

Allen smiled, shook his head and said, "Admiral Lusen has taken my military rank away."

"This is not a problem. Fight a few battles, accumulate some military merits, and regain the rank is not difficult."

"No, I'm not looking for you to discuss this. It's the tunnel, Major." Allen pointed towards the blood eagle plateau: "Remember that dangerous species entered the base playground through underground tunnels? I think those tunnels can be used!"

Kejiesi's eyes lit up and he slapped Allen hard and said, "Come with me, good boy, I think you can resume your military service after this battle."

Pulling him back to the camp of several colonels in Bailey, the three upper corrections gathered around the tactical platform to discuss the recapture of the base. Seeing Kojies and Allen coming in, Berry glanced at the latter first. Seeing Alan's eyes bright and clear, the colonel nodded and said: "Kojis, you have done a good job of psychological intervention."

"Colonel, Allen thought of a possibility." Kejies said: "Passages, those passages made by the burrowers. We can use them to enter the base and be caught off guard."

Colonel Berry smiled at the two behind him. Seeing their appearance, Ke Jies said: "So you thought of it too."

"I also just thought of it, but it's good for Allen to think of this." Bailey reached out and took the shoulders of the two of them, pushing them to the tactical stage. On the cost-effective projection of the tactical table, a three-dimensional diagram of the bleeding eagle highland is constructed, and there are some complicated lines on the highland model. Bailey pointed to these lines and said, "These are the passages dug by the burrowers by the highlands. We have thought about them. There are passages, but they cannot march on a large scale, and they can be easily detected by the sword demon. So they have to use elite soldiers to sneak in. , And then master some strategic points of the base, such as the control room of the weapon platform."

Colonel Antu stretched out his hand to press the projection model and transferred it to the blood eagle base. After a series of operations, a circle of three-dimensional models of swordsmen appeared on the periphery of the base. The colonel said: "Now, the Sword Demon's army is basically assembled on the periphery of the base to prevent us from attacking. We have just discussed and decided to send a team of elite soldiers into the base from the underground passage to seize the weapon platform control room. And then control the platform attack. The sword demon on the periphery. At the same time, we attack after the launch, and attack inside and outside, which will surely cause the sword demon to suffer heavy losses."

Allen clenched a fist and said, "Colonel, I hope I can participate in the action."

"Of course you will not be missing, Ellen, you and Ye Feng are the elite soldiers we want. Kejiesi and Colonel Antu will also participate. With them both, the general or chief who can contain the sword demon Grade powerhouse." Bailey blinked: "This is a chance to do meritorious service, you know?"

"Yes, sir!" Allen replied, knowing that Berry had deliberately arranged this way so that they could make military exploits and restore the rank deprived by Ruson.

The battle time is set at night.

In the evening, a group of people left the camp. Under the leadership of Colonel Antu and Kejiesi, six people including Allen left the camp in a floating car. Eight floats passed around the front of the base and approached from the back of the Blood Eagle Heights after the Underworlder's sun had set on the horizon.

Although there are a large number of Sword Demon, but they are newcomers and are not yet familiar with the environment of Blood Eagle Highland. Because of this, Colonel Bailey decided to act immediately, without waiting for reinforcements from the Bian Rong army and the other two bases. Otherwise, if the sword demon finds out the environment~www.readwn.com~ their surprise attack plan will not work.

The strong monsoon blowing from the back of the base confuses the sight of the sword demon, creating a favorable environment for Allen and his party. At this moment, Kojis had found a hole at the foot of the mountain that was blocked by sand and rocks. After cleaning up, the team filed in, the cave extended to the depths, and was raised step by step, which was one of the tunnels leading to the base. Allen and the others used glow sticks as lighting, and they could see the passage for burrowing stones to be dug out, and the traces of knife and ants marching.

After Allen and the others entered the passage, Colonel Berry also began to organize an army feint. Looking down from the blood eagle base, it is not difficult to see that groups of federal troops are leaving the camp in an orderly manner. Two all-terrain combat vehicles also pressed in the direction of the high ground, and a sword demon appeared on the high defensive wall. This demon is wearing armor made purely from the bones of a certain beast. These bone helmets are equipped on his body in an unusually fit, like an exoskeleton armor.

He drew out an odd-shaped bone knife with a wide front and a narrow back, pointed it to the federal army down the mountain, and yelled loudly in the language of the sword demon. The sword demon warriors outside the base immediately raised their weapons and yelled, and then proceeded towards the mountain road. The lined up of the sword and magic chariots have already begun to fire artillery shells at the federal army.

As the first fire bomb fell to the foot of the mountain, sparks were exploded in all directions, thus kicking off the prelude to tonight's war. ()

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