Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1836:    price

The battle ended at noon the next day.

The Burning Legion left two thousand corpses, and the rest ran clean.

Allen's armor had become tattered, and only a dozen weapons had been replaced. As for the space wrist wheel, there is no more military merits in it. Allen is considering whether to upgrade the space wrist wheel capacity after going back. When he recovered the military merit certificate, on the other side of the mountain, Zaku put down his tactical mirror and said with a sullen smile on his face: "That kid is done. I didn't expect that he really did it, haha. However, it was really slow enough. Without a strong formation at the same level, it took more than a day. If I were to come, it would be over half a day at most."

"And have you noticed, boss." A Barr with his hands and feet covered with suction cups said, "That kid doesn't seem to have a wide range of killing skills. From beginning to end, he almost cut them one by one."

Zaku nodded: "Yes, although he is very capable, but obviously he does not have a handy killer skills, purely relying on amazing stamina and physical fitness. A guy like this can't give him time to rest. Go, we Reclaim military merits."

Without asking Alan to wait long, he had just returned to the five-hundred-person military service to prove that he could no longer fit the space wrist wheel, and at this time an aura rose in the distance behind him. These auras are high or low, mottled and impure. Allen squinted his eyes and said softly, "It's really slow."

He was so busy that he picked up a decent sword at random, leaned on the ground like this, turned around and waited for Zaku and others to show up. After a while, a group of figures fell in front of him, in order to be a burly Baer. The woman had described Zaku's appearance to Alan, so Alan recognized him when he saw him.

"Isinger!" Zaku yelled Alan's pseudonym: "You are so courageous, you dare to rob us of our military merits. Do you know, this army was our first target!"

Allen turned around, with a thick smile on his face, he saw Zaku frown, and then listened to Allen said: "Is it yours to stare at first? Did you mark it? Even if there is, since You were the one who caught your eye first, so why did you postpone it until now? Since it's a bit slow, don't blame someone for taking the prey. Now, for your good, immediately disappear for me."

A Baer jumped out from Guza and pointed at Ellen and said: "What a wicked kid, Lord Zagu, don't talk nonsense with him. Since he has robbed our prey, we will take his military proof!"

Allen couldn't help laughing: "Have you finally said your heart?"

Zaku always felt that something was wrong, the man in front of him seemed to have no fear, there was no trace of fear at all. It stands to reason that he has been fighting for more than a day, and now he should be showing exhaustion, but he seems to be able to fight again.

It's weird!

Zagu thought, a thought came into being.

Maybe you have to let him go and make other plans. Just thinking about it, the Barr next to him couldn't help but start his hand, and shouted "Stop talking nonsense with him, let's go together", and there were three more shots with him at the moment. So apart from Zaku, only the other two stood in place.

The four pounced on Allen, and a cloud of purple mist loomed for that person's fist, and things were constantly swimming in it, which was very strange. He struck Alan with a fist, and the purple mist violently turned into a giant python biting it. However, at the end of the python bite, Allen's sword on the ground flicked away silently, and wiped it away with a flat sword. Jianfeng broke open the giant python, and continued to expand in that person's eyes. Finally, the world in his eyes split into two, with endless darkness in the middle.

Zaku's eyelids jumped, and the strong man who was attached to him and whose combat power was decent was broken by Alan's sword. Then Allen made three consecutive swords, each of which couldn't see anything surprising. There is neither the majestic aura of a strong player nor the exquisite sword skills. He looks like a beginner, and his posture looks a little clumsy. But it's just three swords that are so strange, but they kill them.

The other three who culled Allen, one was cut, the other hit the tip of the sword, and a thin slit was wiped out in the last one. The three strong men with decent combat power just lay down inexplicably, seeing Zaku's retreat drum beating louder. He even took a step back unconsciously and bumped into the person behind, who gritted his teeth and said: "Master Zaku, you have to avenge them, or else who will follow us in the future!"

Zaku shook his heart, this man was right. After coming to the planet Missile, because of his outstanding combat power, he unknowingly attracted a batch of first-level strong men to follow him. As a result, a group has gradually formed. Zaku has these forces. It can be said that they have been mixed up in Stormrage Fortress, and their military achievements have always been the first. It was just these two days that Alan came suddenly. Although Alan's accumulated combat achievements have not passed him, he is already threatened, otherwise Zaku would not set up a game to deal with him.

It's just that now that Allen has killed someone and downplays it, he has retired. But his subordinates reminded him that if he left like this, his group would definitely disintegrate. So Zagu had an idea, planning to make a few symbolic moves, and then found an excuse to leave. In this way, there is no need to fight Allen to the end, and to confess to the dead guys, so as not to affect the minds of other people.

I have a certain idea, take a deep breath, and the source of energy keeps pouring out. Zaku has broken through the 30th level, but he has not yet been able to touch the Void Source Power. However, in terms of strength, it is much more powerful than the so-called powerhouses on Agareth who rely on the power of eating green crystal piles. As soon as his momentum was released, the light above everyone's head dimmed a lot, and suddenly a pillar of wind rose into the sky, and the ancient clothes swayed wildly, which further brought out his strong posture.

He began to walk towards Alan.

Alan squinted his eyes, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, stepping up to meet him.

Zagu began to add, and sprinted with all his strength in a few steps. He ran with great momentum, like a chariot with overflowing power, roaring and ramming at Allen. Alan is still the same, with a lack of energy on his body, facing Zaku like an ordinary person. Even, his degree did not change at all, and then the two met in the middle distance. Zaku roared with a very penetrating voice. The nearby cliffs exploded under the roar, and his two men also shook like drunk.

Allen was the only one who didn't respond.

There was a dazzling light on Zaku's fist, and the light quickly expanded, instantly flooding him. From a distance, I saw a beam of light hitting Alan. If he talked about the appearance, Zaku successfully planted an invincible image in his eyes. Just as the faces of his two men were happy, the light quickly dimmed. Because the light was too bright just now, Zaku's two men didn't even see what happened. Now I saw that Alan had passed Zaku and was walking towards them.

As for Zaku, he is standing in place now, the fist that was about to blast is now spread out, desperately pressing his neck. There was a wound on it, and Allen wiped his neck with a light sword, cutting off his blood vessels. Originally, with his strength, even if the arteries were cut, they could be joined by force, but the injuries were more serious, but they were not fatal.

But this time it didn't seem to work anymore. There was constant external force invading the body near the wound. That source force is majestic and majestic, annihilating his own source force forcefully, and then continuously invaded his body, quickly extinguishing the vitality in his body. Only then did Zaku know why several of his subordinates died so quickly. It turned out that Alan didn’t have a source of power at all, but he suddenly exploded at the moment of hurting the enemy, which made the seemingly ordinary one. The sword becomes a deadly killing technique.

This requires precise control of Yuanli, but unfortunately, although he understands now, he has to pay the price of his life.

After Zagu fell, he saw Alan appearing near his two subordinates, and then struck out two swords. The two subordinates didn't even respond, and they broke down. This is the last picture Zaku saw ~www.readwn.com~ In the afternoon, Alan returned to Stormrage Fortress. When entering the strategic hall, the strong in the hall looked at him. Now Allen has become a celebrity in Stormrage Fortress, but not everyone can get to the fortress for the first time and use his military exploits to exchange a room. Among them, some people's eyes flickered, and they shrank in fear. Allen saw that these must be Zagu's men. Seeing myself back now, of course I know what happened.

He went straight to the military merit registration office, poured out a bunch of military merit certificates from the space wrist wheel, and then said to the registrar: "I want to upgrade the capacity of the space wrist wheel."

The registrar who was counting Allen's military merits hurriedly said: "Good lord, what kind of specifications do you want."

Then, he said the capacity specifications of a bunch of space wrist wheels. Finally, Allen chose a medium-sized one. Soon the registrar brought a new wrist wheel. After Allen put it on, he left the hall. After a while, his wrist armature brain has updated his military merits. Alan didn’t take it to heart, and returned to her home. The woman was surprised when he saw him back, and then timidly said: "My lord, can you let me stay here? I can work for you, whatever you do. ."

Allen knew that she was worried that she would be retaliated by Zaku's subordinates after she went out. After all, Zaku was dead, and his subordinates would irritate her even if the woman had not revealed the information. Alan looked at her and said lightly: "Will you clean the house?"

"What?" The woman thought she had misheard, who would not do such a simple job.

"Clean up if you understand, and then go to the quarters to get food. I will take my wrist armor with me later. It has updated military merit." Allen took off the wrist armor and threw it to her. Do whatever you want, but remember, don't disturb me."

After speaking he walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

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