Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1839:  Provocative

After three days, Allen returned to Stormrage Fortress. If he wants to, he can return to the fortress within a day, but he is not in a hurry. In these three days, in addition to the return journey, the band had swept several teams and gained a lot of military merit. After returning to the strategy hall, he will hand in the military merit certificate, and then move to a larger house, and perhaps hire a few guards, so that he thinks about kendo alone, and does not have to worry about being harassed when summing up experience. Duobia did the best in the exchange of military merits. Basically, you can exchange everything in Stormrage Fortress, not to mention the guards, even if you hire a small regular army, as long as you can get enough Of military merit. Allen is naturally enough in this regard, but he has not thought about hiring an army, after all, gaining military merit is nothing more than a part of the process of honing himself. If he has an army by his side, should he do it himself?

This time he left the fortress for nearly ten days. In ten days, apart from gaining another gain in sword skills, the biggest gain was the mutant core. It is worthy of the Burning Legion to drop the Planet Ripper, and it is certainly not simple to send out the king's escort. He didn't know what the mutation core was, but Fire of the Abyss should know that Mitinas was a library that could walk around, or it was quite an old one. Bring this thing back to Agareth, maybe the king will give him an answer.

Therefore, he didn't plan to hand over this mutant core.

The battlefield near the fortress was still raging. Allen walked around the edge of the battlefield and packed up a few teams of soldiers before entering the fortress. People in the fortress come and go, and apart from the army dispatch, there are obviously many more powerful hunters. With the intense heat of the Missile War, more and more Agareth strongmen are coming to this giant star. Not only did the strong from Duobia arrived, but even the Demon Shadow Nation also had many strong players on the planet, hoping to make a fortune on the battlefield. Of course, the power of the strong who will come to the planetary battlefield is generally limited, and the strong who have just stepped into the dominator level after breaking through the sky. As for those super powers who have communicated with the source of the void, a planetary battlefield can no longer attract them. What's more, such people are either the generals of the two empires, or they are the objects that some thousand-year-old families are striving for. They want resources, which can be provided to them much more than a planetary battlefield.

However, for the general strong, the military merit exchange provided by Duobia still has a lot of appeal. As one of the surrounding battlefields, Stormrage Fortress has also added many powerful hunters in recent months. These powerhouses act alone or in pairs, but they are more like Zaku. Headed by one or two dominant-level powerhouses and assisted by the next-level powerhouses, form a force group. In this way, the individual's military merits will be relatively small, and the victory lies in stability and security. So this kind of group model, after Zaku's death, appeared three or two.

Allen didn't care about these things, and Milina told him most of the changes in the fortress. Milina was the woman who was used by Guza to pass Alan into the game, and she also had a twentieth level of combat power. It’s just that this kind of combat power lost on the Star of Missier is about the same as cannon fodder, so people like Milina are more engaged in intelligence and meat sales, whether it is to obtain information or enjoy them. All physical services need to pay military merit. As long as Stormrage Fortress has not been breached, the rules will not change, and with the protection of the Duobia army, no one dares to deny it.

As for Milina, she is now equivalent to Ellen's long-time worker. Alan has already paid her a sum of merit. As long as Alan stays in the fortress for one day, she will belong to Alan. She herself has no objection to providing physical services to Allen. It's a pity that every time Allen comes back, either summing up experiences or taking a break. No matter how tempted Milina is, Allen is indifferent to her. This makes women quite uncomfortable. Blow.

When he came out of the strategy hall, the military merit on Allen's account had a long number of figures. According to the plan, he purchased a residence that was three times the size of the house he currently lives in. There is a small courtyard to isolate it from the outside world. At the same time, he also hired four guards, the guards are those with mediocre hunting power, they can not get the battle alone, so he chose to work as a temporary guard for the fortress. In addition to serving some strong men who can afford guards, they will also assist the Duobia army to maintain order in the fortress.

These people are not outstanding in combat power, but because they have been recognized by the Duobia military, they represent the army, so no strong person will easily get through with these guards. Of course, Duobia also has strict disciplinary rules for these guards to ensure that they will not use their identities for personal gain.

Now an official from the Strategy Hall is accompanying Allen to look at the courtyard, and four guards transferred on the way join them. Allen went back to his original residence first. He was supposed to call Milina, but the woman in the house was missing. Ellen was not surprised, Milina was not a pet, so naturally she would not stay in the house and wait for him. In fact, she often runs out, and will take on private work when Allen is out. Allen opened his eyes and closed his eyes, as long as he doesn't interfere with him, he doesn't mind that woman earns as much as possible. Women like her would come to Missier for a reason. In fact, survival is the top priority for the bottom personnel of the two empires.

So Allen took some things and left a note to the effect of telling Milina to go to the new residence to find herself when she came back, leaving an address, and Allen closed the door and left.

"My lord, you really have a good eye. The location of that private courtyard is really nothing, and the scenery is good. Of course, there is now a war here, and there is no scenery at all. But it is better than a good view, you can see it at a glance Outside the city, there are guards. Think about it when you come back from a battle, you don’t need to squeeze in the same courtyard with those rough guys. This is a kind of enjoyment and proof of identity.” The military service exchange officer of the Strategy Hall spoke well. Mo splattered, "If you need, I can also introduce you to some women. Their quality is guaranteed to be first-rate and the charges are appropriate."

"Thanks, I will tell you if you need it." Allen said indifferently.

When passing a long corridor, a few powerful hunters approached. They were talking and laughing. When they saw Alan, they said that the laughter immediately stopped, and then walked with their heads down. One of them slammed into it without evasive, so the two guards frowned and stepped forward to block it. The man saw that he was the guard of the fortress, so he could only stop, then turned aside, and cast a malicious look at Allen.

Allen looked at him lightly, his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and it pierced the man's eyes like a real sword. The man suddenly screamed, covering his face with his hands, and blood was flowing out of the corner of his eyes. His companion hurriedly helped him to walk away. Such provocations happened from time to time. Every time Alan would not give in, he would always leave some memorials for these guys who don't know what to do.

Out of the promenade, there is a small square outside. Unexpectedly, many powerful hunters gathered in the square. They formed a pile. A stone pillar was erected in the middle, and a woman was tied to the stone pillar with an iron chain. Allen glanced inadvertently, but stopped. The reason is simple, it is Milina.

Milina was tied to a stone pillar, her mouth was tied with a leather cover, her hands and feet were cut open, and the wound was dripping with thin blood lines, and there were several wounds around her. It seems that he was cut and bleed, the wound healed and new wounds were opened. Allen groaned immediately and was about to move. The exchange officer pulled him and said, "My lord, does that woman have anything to do with you? If not, you should just leave it alone. I recognize the man over there, his name is Tallinn, just arrived at the fortress half a month ago. This Tallinn has a good combat power, even Lord Narius praised him. Now among the powerful safari, he is the most powerful."

The exchange officer pointed to a man in the field. That male Baer was wearing heavy armor~www.readwn.com~ Some heavy armor was attached to his body, and it seemed that he was directly wearing the heavy armor on his body. It can be seen that this guy is completely a fighting freak. There was a blood-red big sword at his feet, with a row of serrations on both sides of the big sword. He was playing with a dagger, looking at Milina on the stone pillar with indifferent eyes.

"No matter who he is, that woman is my person. The one who moved me, I'm going to ask him who gave him the courage to come to my trouble." Allen left this sentence and moved straight to the square. .

The four guards showed a timid look. After all, the Duobia army was their life support, but it was hard to guarantee that some fierce and powerful men would abuse them regardless of the regulations. It's not that things like this haven't happened before, even if Duobia seeks justice for them afterwards. But everyone is dead, what's the use of late justice. In the end they bite the bullet and walked away. Allen had already paid. If they didn't provide services, Dobia had a set of punishments for this situation, which was no more comfortable than being killed.

At this time, a Baer sneered holding a dagger next to the stone pillar, and planned to bleed Milena again. As soon as his hand was raised, a thin cold light flashed across, and then his wrist broke all at once and fell to the ground together with the dagger. He was stunned, and then he screamed while holding the **** broken wrist.

This happened so quickly that the strong man named Tallinn did not react. It wasn't until the man with the broken wrist screamed that he suddenly stood up and looked in Alan's direction. It happened to see Alan's posture that he was retracting his sword. At this moment, Alan also looked over, and the two people's eyes smelled of gunpowder in the air. Tallinn squinted his eyes and sat back quietly.

Alan didn't care about him, strode forward until the stone pillar asked coldly, "What's going on?"

Milina on the stone pillar smiled weakly and said: "My lord, I'm causing you trouble."

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