Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1843: Split

After hearing this, Margotoma roared: "Arrogant!"

Allen did not speak any more.

A golden flame lit up on Allen's cloak saw feet, and the flame burned quickly. A golden flame climbed up the cloak, burning the shabby cloak into ashes. The ashes were flying, floating under the golden sparks, it was like a battle armor made of gold. All the time, Allen used the standard armor provided by Duobia, and the weapons he used were not fine. Sometimes even the inferior weapons picked up from the enemy or the battlefield, so the general impression of Allen in the fortress is: this guy is first-rate and third-rate equipment.

However, everyone was shocked at this moment. After all, the golden armor was so dazzling, as brilliant as a blazing sun, so brilliant that it was impossible to look directly at it. Putting on endless arms, with a sudden sound, Allen unfolded a pair of steel wings composed of countless sword blades, and a golden light burst into the surrounding area. The sharp sound like a sharp sword out of its sheath is endless, reverberating on the battlefield.

"This..." Narius saw this scene on the screen in the command hall, and his whole body was shocked. Although he had never seen this armor and steel wings, as a general of Duobia, he had still heard of it. I heard that the young emperor of the Demon Shadow Kingdom wore a golden battle armor and had golden wings on his back. He was as sharp as a sun god. So when he saw Ellen on the screen, Narius immediately knew his identity.

Suddenly, the commander slumped on his chair like losing all his power. He never expected that Isinger, who had stayed in his fortress for more than a month, turned out to be the young emperor of the Devil Kingdom!

That was a big man who was on the same level as the Black Emperor. When he thought that he wanted to force the other party to surrender the Heart of Stars, Narius couldn't help touching his head, thanking Magtomar assaulting the fortress. Otherwise, his head is probably separated from his body.

"That **** in Tallinn! He almost killed him!" Narius thought through gritted teeth. After the war, he must be good-looking. He didn't know that Tallinn was already dead.

On the battlefield, several golden light silks were dancing, and these golden king flames embodied light ribbons wrapped around Alan. Alan's red eyes looked at the giant in the distance, and the thick fog that had been diffuse suddenly exploded, forming a gray-white air current that swept across the battlefield. The first to bear the brunt is the team of the Burning Legion. The smaller fire boys are blown into the sky by the sudden air currents. Even the sturdy fire horned monsters have to be curled up in a ball. Swept away by air currents.

A thick fog swept across the battlefield, through the streets and alleys of Stormrage Fortress, and finally disappeared on the ground behind.

The thick fog cleared, and Magtomar revealed its true posture. The giant one hundred meters high is made up of pitch-black volcanic rock, and hot red lava is constantly flowing down his body, as if Magtoma is a walking volcano! Magtoma's shoulders arched a few huge stone thorns, each like a mountain peak, from the mountain pass from time to time spouting magma, flying out, spilling on the ground, and the place where it touched is blazing flames. The giant roared, and strode towards Stormrage Fortress. Within a few steps, he had caught up with the army of the Burning Legion ahead. The army had to disperse, even so, the giant stepped on it, and I don't know how many unlucky guys were trampled to death.

It was a moving volcano. Those air units didn't come to his waist and abdomen. They flew slowly and were hit by Magtomar. They were either ignited into fireballs by the magma on it, or they were stunned. Alan's figure was reflected in Magtomar's two lava-surging eyes. The giant roared and raised his hand towards the ground. He plunged his hands into the ground, dug out countless tons of boulders, and then threw them in Allen's direction. When they were thrown, these stones were already covered with magma and turned into lava bombs that drew across the battlefield like rain.

In the fire rain, a golden rainbow soared into the sky, breaking open the fire rain, and stopped slightly in the air. Suddenly it flashed a kilometer before, and only then did a circle of golden ripples explode in the sky, the ripples spread, and gradually turned into an impact air current, sweeping the entire battlefield!

Alan flew towards Magtomar, with the ashes hymn in his hand, and the source weapon was no longer burning with white flames than before. The gray flames of the past shrank and condensed into a white blade today, no matter the sharpness or the texture, they are no doubt with the real thing. Dragging this snow-white long sword, Alan was already close to Magtoma in a flash. The giant's body is too large, and it takes a huge amount of time between movement and quiet. At this time, the giant has not put down the hands of throwing the lava bomb, but Alan has already pierced the giant's chest with a sword.

Compared with Magtoman's huge body, the Hymn of Ashes is not even a toothpick. But such a trivial sword made the giant roar in shock. Alan's wings fluttered behind him, dragging his sword and rushing up. The long sword slashed Magtomar's chest all the way. On the screen in the command hall, Narius saw the giant's chest light up on the screen, followed by a golden light rising straight up. When Alan crossed Magtomar's head and the sword burst out of his chest, a gray light appeared on the giant's chest. Then a dark red magma spewed out from the gray light, and the magma sprayed a piece of red silk in the sky. The giant also let out a scream, his body shook and retreated.

Allen condensed in the air, dragging the golden light to draw a large arc in the air, and tracing the sword across Magtomar's neck. With a sword stroke, the giant will explode a gully-like wound, and spray a large amount of magma from it. Alan whirled around Magtomar continuously, and ashes hymns cut terrifying wounds on the giant's body, the magma on the giant's body was spraying continuously, and the breath kept falling.

When she changed her direction again, Magtomar slapped Alan with a roar. The giant's hand is as big as a mountain. With such a slap, the sky above Allen's head is completely covered by the palm. Allen smiled faintly, and instead of retreating, he moved forward and swept to meet the giant palm. Magtoma saw golden light from her palm, and then her palm was chopped in two. Five fingers that were as thick as a mountain's edge spilled out magma and fell towards the ground, while Alan flew all the way against her arm. The long sword swept across, and a golden sword light swept across the giant's face.

The side of Magtoma's face split immediately, almost cutting off his head.

Being one of the Big Three, Magtoma's giant figure is much larger than Heathers' Black Crystal Dragon. In terms of sheer strength, the giant obviously has the advantage, but regardless of flexibility or reaction, Magtomar cannot keep up with Herses. This big guy is undoubtedly a good player, but if he is replaced by a supreme opponent, he will only be slaughtered.

Perhaps Magtoma realized this too, the giant stepped back again and again, and then the mountain peaks on both shoulders burst into lava. The flames on the giant's body were getting brighter and brighter, and the breath rose again and again. Allen frowned. When the giant's eyes and mouth lit up, Allen immediately determined that this guy was going to explode!

But the earth-shattering explosion happened.

The entire battlefield lit up, and then everything disappeared in the vast white light.

When he was in the command hall, Narius felt the entire space shook violently, and he almost shook the platform. When the screen resumed the picture, I saw a huge fireball rising from the place where the giant was originally, like the sun fell on the earth, the fireball that almost filled the horizon quickly released energy, turning into dark red from the bottom. The smoke rose into the air. After a while, a thick smoky mushroom cloud appeared on the screen. In this hideous mushroom cloud, there are red light spots flashing non-stop.

Then the fragments of Magtomar's explosion fell all over the sky. These fragments were large and small, and all of them dragged the flames and fire snakes and slid toward the battlefield. Narius immediately ordered the fortress to raise the original force barrier, but when the barrier was raised, many fragments had already fallen into the fortress. The smallest pieces of these fragments are as small as a meter cube, and the larger ones are even more than ten meters. They smashed into the fortress and suddenly smashed the fortress to pieces.

The magnificent buildings built by the giants in the past were carved into ruins, and the buildings continued to be dumped under this stone rain ~ www.readwn.com ~ wailing before death.

The command hall is not immune, even if Narius intercepts it, it cannot prevent the hall from being smashed into holes. One of the boulders smashed on the high platform where Narius was, smashing the giant throne to pieces.

Narius looked at these stones with an ugly expression, and suddenly his eyes stared, because on these stones, he actually felt the breath of Magtoma!

At this time, the boulder on the high platform moved, and then sprayed out lines of dust. The boulder creaked, split and deformed, forming the head, body and limbs, which turned out to be a reduced version of Magtoma. The eyes of this reduced version of the stone man lit up, and then red lines appeared on the body, it let out a hollow roar, and rushed towards Narius.

Not only did the giant fragments in the hall change abnormally, those that fell in the fortress, smashed on the battlefield, tens of thousands of large and small giant fragments have been transformed into a reduced version of Magtoma. After these stone figures stabilized, they covered up to Dobia's army.

Not so small, he ran towards Allen, and Allen looked down, as if a dark tide was closing in on him. When they came to Alan's feet, flames spewed from behind these stone men, which immediately rose into the sky. In an instant, thousands of stone men rushed towards Allen in the air.

Allen laughed: "Looking at the awkward guy, he was unexpectedly cunning. But even if you split yourself into smaller individuals to make up for your lack of flexibility. But you wouldn't think that Can you kill me by quantity?"

A ray of golden light appeared next to Allen as he spoke, and there were thousands of words between his fingers. Then the light flashed out, each of them struck a stone man, so the giant split body that volleyed at Allen continued to explode in the air, this would really be broken into stone!

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