Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1851:   wake up

Earth, Federal Base, codenamed Thunderbolt m-11.

It was noon. At the gate of the base, a few soldiers stood straight in the shadow by the gate. In front of them was a wilderness, the sun was baking the earth, and the scenery in the distance seemed distorted. There were already beads of sweat hanging on the soldier's forehead. When a drop of sweat rolled down, a soldier squinted his eyes. Then he picked up the binoculars and looked at it. A convoy appeared in the binoculars. The vehicle is a modified truck, and the roof is filled with various daily necessities, which looks like refugees fleeing.

Now that the Burning Legion reappears on the surface, many surface cities have fallen, and the disaster is spreading at an unimaginable speed. For refugees like this, this base has also taken in several times.

Seeing that it was a convoy of refugees, the soldier notified the base with a radio on his shoulder. Soon a team was sent to the gate, they were responsible for quarantine, inspection, and finally guiding the refugees to the base for refuge. The convoy quickly arrived in front of the base, and the base used broadcast to ask them to stop 100 meters away, and then the refugee team went forward and carried out a series of necessary procedures before receiving these refugees into the base and assigning them to a camp. . Then a doctor came to the camp to treat some of the refugees who were sick.

In the base command hall, the commander in charge of this base, a lieutenant general sat on a chair, rubbed his eyebrows and said, "How many times is this already?"

"It's the fifth time this week, General." His adjutant, a female major, replied.

The general sighed: "Unexpectedly, those monsters would come again. I heard that even the Burning Legion appeared on Star Idahua. Now the entire universe is probably in the flames of war. We, this is walking on the edge of the end. , Will fall into the abyss that will never be restored at any time."

"If even you are so desperate, it will be even harder for others." The major girl smiled.

The general waved his hand: "There is no despair, just grumble. Speaking of which, how is the guest sent by Sirius now?"

"Still in the laboratory, it is said that she has entered the final stage. Whether she can wake up or not depends on her own will."

The general nodded: "That's a big man, if she wakes up, it should have an important impact on the current situation."

"Maybe, do you want me to see those refugees?"

"Go, just take our official condolences."

Time passed bit by bit, and soon it was night. The refugees in the camp had eaten dinner, but they were unbearably tired and fell asleep. The whole camp was snoring, and some soldiers in charge of the camp guard became sleepy.

But the soldiers did not notice that not all the refugees were asleep, and some people inside opened their eyes. Although they are wearing ragged clothes, they are extremely agile and well-trained in action, just like an army infiltrating the enemy camp.

The leading man was the city lord of Boduo City. Boduo squinted his eyes and made a few gestures in a row, and his men dispersed. It didn't take long for a soldier on patrol to have his throat cut when he was making a brief comment. Two soldiers who were squatting in the shadows smoking were twisted their necks, and a soldier who found an abnormality let Bodo cover his hands, and then a cold dagger penetrated his heart.

The guards of the camp were quickly paralyzed, and Bodo and his men quickly changed the uniforms of the base soldiers. When they walked out of the camp, in such a heavy night, no one noticed the abnormality on them. This team quickly divided into two groups, as if two undercurrents injected into the base.

Ten minutes later, the general who had been lying down to rest was suddenly awakened by the harsh siren. When the general jumped up, he just saw a fireball rising outside the window. The direction of the explosion was the power station of the base, and suddenly the lighting in the room went out. After a while, a dim red light came on, and that was the base's backup power supply. The general should not come to the command hall and shouted, "What's the matter!"

The female major reported: "General, our power generation department and signal base station were destroyed at the same time. We have found an intruder of unknown origin and are now engaged in fighting. There is also a situation where the guards of the refugee camp were killed. It is suspected that these people have sneaked in among the refugees!"

"Damn, how long can our backup power supply last?"

"It won't be long." The female major's face was ugly.

"Good guy, we will destroy our power station and cut off our information channels..." The general turned around and said loudly, "Notify all personnel to prepare for battle. Although I don't know who the enemy is, I am sure , We are about to be attacked..."

After the words were over, some soldiers stood up and shouted: "General, the gate of the base has been attacked!"

"Adjust the video here."

Because of the backup power supply, there are only one or two working instruments in the command hall, and only a small window is open on the big screen. In the window is the direction of the base gate, from the camera lens over there, a group of flaming horns are rushing across the mountains and plains. There are more flying units of the Burning Legion in the sky, and they throw the next flares. After a few seconds, the picture disappears. But at this time, there is no need to observe through the camera. Through the window of the command hall, you can see that there is a fierce flame at the base gate!

"It's the Burning Legion, it turned out to be the Burning Legion!" The general grabbed the head and said: "Damn, those **** actually cooperated with the Burning Legion. Are they crazy, helping those enemies!"

The general didn't care about cursing the invaders posing as refugees, and quickly issued orders to go on. The base personnel quickly mobilized, the chariot set off, and the spaceship lifted off, but the Burning Legion came too fast, the gate had been broken through, and the fire of disaster had spread to the base station.

Sitting on an off-road vehicle, Kiristan opened his hands as if embracing the world: "It's so beautiful, this is a firework of destruction. Go, my army, burn everything, and bury everything in the flames. Go down."

Behind the off-road vehicle there is also a convoy, all human warriors who have surrendered to Keristan or modified by him. In the surroundings, there are the flaming horned demon, the flame knight, which is constantly flying. The low- and medium-level combat units of the large Burning Legion flooded toward the base like a tide, and fireballs began to rise in the base, and humanity was losing ground.

She had a long dream.

In the dream, the person asked her: "Are you going to wake up? You can wake up, you have slept for too long..."


Suddenly, she opened her eyes as if hearing someone's call. As soon as she woke up, the door of the dormant cabin popped open immediately, and the base fluid inside quickly ran out through the drain holes on both sides, and she crawled out of the dormant cabin. At this time, the whole room shook, and plumes of smoke fell from the ceiling. Her blank brain started working again, and then she realized that this place had been attacked.

She quickly rummaged through the room and found a battle suit, which should be used after she wakes up. In addition, there are various concentrated foods that can add calories immediately after waking up. Catherine picked up one of the premium nutrition bars, tore it open, and then took a bite. Then, while chewing, put on a clean combat uniform. The nutrition bar has no taste at all, like eating plastic. It was awful, but she ate the whole root. The heat immediately dissipated in the body, and she moved her hands and feet, only to feel that her physical strength had recovered about 70% to 80%.

She couldn't find the weapon she was used to, and she didn't care much, and walked out of the room. She entered a corridor, and the window outside the corridor was dim. She judged that it was night. Then the night sky was illuminated by the flying fireball, and someone ran by in the corridor, she grabbed one at random: "What happened?"

"We were attacked. The general asked us to evacuate."

"Who attacked us."

"Monster, Burning Legion!" Then the man broke free of her and ran away.

At this time, there was a fire light in the front of the corridor, and the two flaming horns turned around and saw Catherine, they roared, and then rushed towards Catherine.

There was a river of Styx in the girl's eyes. She stretched out her hand, pinching something in the air with her five fingers, and then she held a Primal Force gun in her hand. When Catherine left the corridor, the corpses of the two flaming horns were pricked with a bowl-sized hole in their chests~www.readwn.com~ Catherine walked outside the base building, and monsters flying by and flying ships could be seen everywhere. In the air, but entangled by monsters flying by the sky. There was no expression on Catherine's small face, she carefully sensed it, and she felt a scorching air force, and then she lifted the gun and walked in the direction of this air force.

When Catherine sensed the air, Kylistan on the off-road vehicle shuddered, feeling like being watched by natural enemies. It didn't take long before he saw Catherine. The girl who walked alone with the gun, the wind blew her long hair that blended with gray and black. Her figure was so slender when she came with the gun, it would be blown away like a strong wind. But she was never blown away, and even all creatures trying to stop her fell under the gun, she walked so methodically.

When she finally stopped, there were no more standing creatures around her and Kiristan.

Kyristan yelled suddenly, and when the man overturned to the off-road vehicle, he kicked and slammed into Catherine.

The Yuanli gun was pointed out, the off-road vehicle was torn apart, there was no explosion, there were only four flying parts, but there was a safe passage in the middle. Catherine passed through countless parts, raised and pierced with a shot, the tip of the gun kept expanding in Kyristan's eyes.

Then a dazzling white light burst out in the wilderness.

The next day, when Windsor Bello, who heard that the base was attacked, don't rush to, she found Catherine in the wilderness. The girl sat on the stone blankly, looking up at the distant sky. It wasn't until Windsor Bello came behind her that she asked, "How long did I sleep?"

"It didn't take long, just a few months."

"It's been a long time, he...where is he?"

Windsor Bello looked to the sky: "Probably in Agareth."

"I want to find him." Catherine stood up.

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