Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1856:  Wang library linkage

The Twilight Son closed his eyes, and the scene just replayed in his mind.

When Archimedes crushed the fire and wanted to release the violent energy in the fire, with one hand held, the only thing the Twilight Son could do was to let go of the twilight will and go Stop the explosion of fire.

This is exactly what Archimedes wanted.

And the facts are as he thought, between the eruption of fire and the will of dusk, the son of dusk can only choose the former. The reason is simple. If he does not take out his hand to suppress the energy burst of the fire, then the Hall of Withering will be destroyed. This hall is the coordinates of the Creator's entry into Eboyins. If it is destroyed, the Creator may never enter the hall. Therefore, the survival of the Hall of Withering is more important than if the will of the dusk is seized.

The end result was that the will of the dusk was seized, but the energy erupted by Magtomar's fire was also suppressed by most, so that it would not destroy the hall. Archimedes, who had taken the will of Twilight, immediately used the space crack to escape from the hall, but before leaving, the Son of Twilight presented him with a sword. The sword chased into the space crack, and by virtue of the induction between the source force, the son of dusk can be sure that the sword has hit. The ruled sword with sharp power was not so easy to bear. Now Archimedes must be injured, and the injury is not light.

Looking at the kings in the hall who can stand up again, the Son of Twilight roared: "What are you waiting for, find and kill that bastard!"

At this time, Archimedes at the foot of the Dusk Hill heard a faint scream from above, and he smiled. The sword of rule on the chest was disappearing, but the wound on the front and back could not heal. He sighed, then "Huh", and laughed: "This is Allen's energy, is he finally here? Finally found the fifth king's treasury, and the time is just right."

He turned around and ran towards one of the space doors, raised his hand, and a dim light floated towards the space door. The teleportation point of the space gate was immediately modified, and Archimedes slammed into it.

At the same time, Allen stepped on a stone slab with several cracks. He raised his head and looked up at this quaint temple. They are in the hall of the temple, where there are eight towering stone pillars that hold up the dome. A giant stone slab was erected in front of the hall of the temple, and a war was depicted on the slab. There are many characters on the slab, and each character is lifelike, as if silently telling a magnificent war that took place in ancient times.

"Where is this place?" Ofasis looked up at the temple.

"The king's treasury, the fifth king's treasury. But...I'm not sure." Allen explained: "Generally speaking, the king's treasury should have guards and troops, but here, I feel that there is only empty space, without any army. Not to mention the guardian."

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice rang from the dome: "Of course, Son of Dawn. This is the first and final king's treasury. Of course there will be no guardians and troops here, and no guardians and troops can hide it. Son of Twilight, isn't it?"

A beam of light was cast, and a man walked out of the light. He is very refined, like a scholar. But in him, a strong breath surged, making people afraid to despise him. His gaze fell on Alan: "I am delighted by your arrival, but it is surprising that there are two more guests. Oh, if you forget the introduction, you can call me Selo."

Allen opened his mouth, and Celo raised his hand and said: "Time is running out, please listen carefully. Let me briefly introduce, as you have just heard, this is the last king library. It exists in Eboin. In Sri Lanka, this important information did not pass on with the ontology of me. My ontology completely erased this information from his own consciousness. He only passed down the golden fire and the origin slate, when the dawn of the future The son of the two will eventually open the gate of the fifth king's treasury and come here."

"The purpose of this is to prevent the Twilight Son from learning. After all, this king's treasury is in Eboyins, and I built it under a birthplace. No matter how rich the imagination of the Twilight Son is, it will never be thought of. There is also a king's treasury hidden under his nose."

Allen was shocked. This was indeed a huge and careful plan. But no one thought that it was not Allen who opened the gate of the fifth king's treasury, but Spinak, who was keen to follow in the footsteps of the creator.

At this time Selo continued: "Since you are here, the linkage mechanism of the five king treasury will also be activated."

"Linkage mechanism?"

"Yes, this is the ultimate meaning of the existence of the king." Celo looked at the huge stone slab and stared at the war scene on it: "Eboins exists outside the material world, and it is separated from the universe. There are countless dimensions. It is basically impossible to destroy this place, so the dawn plan started from how to pull Eboyins into the universe, and then give the life of the universe a chance to attack this world."

"The birth of the king treasury comes from this idea. Now you have opened the fifth king treasury. Based on the linkage mechanism, the four king treasuries in this universe will be connected with this one, and then Ebons will be transferred to our original one. Pulled by the universe, at a certain singularity, the junction of the two worlds will appear. There is your door to Ebons!"

"Of course, we can't pull the entire Ebons into this universe, otherwise it will cause the collapse of the entire universe, but in fact it can't be done. Moreover, when the boundary between the two worlds appears, it will exist for a certain time. Limited, you must end this war before the two worlds are separated~www.readwn.com~ Otherwise, not only will you not be able to return to this universe, but we will never have the chance to defeat the Creator, because it will definitely fix this loophole! "

At this moment, a space door suddenly opened, and then someone fell in. When he saw him clearly, Allen was shocked again.

The man raised his head, first nodded to Selo, then looked at Alan and said, "It's nice to see you again, boy. Come on, take this and don't lose it again."

He stretched out his hand, a dim light wafting in his palm.

That is Russell's will!

"Father..." Allen ran over and helped Archimedes. His gaze fell on Archimedes' chest, where there were two wounds, and he kept escaping from the wounds: "Are you injured?"

"How can you grab something in the hands of the Twilight Son without getting hurt? Since you have opened the fifth throne, that means the final war can begin. But now you have to leave first, prepare, and then start The place where the world overlaps at the singularity position launches an attack." Archimedes quickly said: "Now the Twilight Son is searching for me, just let me buy you some time!"

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