Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1859:  Unrequited war

A week after returning to Agares, Allen visited Dobia.

On this day, the fire salute from the city continued to sound. This is the second time that the emperor of the Demon Shadow Kingdom has visited Dobia. In the history of Agares, the two empires have not entered diplomatic exchanges so frequently. Last time Allen came, he brought cooperation in the gray area. During this visit, the noble ministers of Duobia are all speculating about what changes the emperor will bring to Duobia.

In the hall of Deep Dark Castle, Alan saw Frius.

When the Black Emperor's sight fell on Alan, his sight first became extremely sharp, like a sword that pierced people's hearts. Then it turned into soft, then turned into dense, and finally sighed: "I can't see you more and more, I can feel a certain change in you. But what kind of change it is, I can't see it. , This is the first time for me to feel this way."

Allen spread his hand and said: "I think you will have time to see through me next, because next, I think we will be in contact for a long time."

Frius frowned: "It doesn't sound like good news. Come on, what are you doing here?"

"The last battle." Allen said straight to the point: "Soon Eboyins will overlap with our universe, and a door to Eboyins will be opened. We must gather all our forces to attack Eboyins. , Destroying the Hall of Withering, can prevent the cosmic dusk from falling in this universe forever."

Frius said blankly: "It sounds like a holy war, but why should I participate?"

"You can not participate, but in that case, if we fail, then you can only face the dusk of the universe alone."

"Then let me face it alone, I also want to see what the final war will be like."

Allen looked at him quietly, nodding after a moment: "I understand."

Then he turned around and walked towards the entrance of the hall.

Behind him, an aura rose.

Just listen to Frius ask: "Did you see Spinak?"

Allen stopped and didn't look back: "You are still monitoring my whereabouts, so you should understand where Spinak went?"

"Sure enough, he went to Eboyins, he was fascinated by the creator's civilization. What kind of place is that..."

"You'll know if you go."

Frius laughed: "You know, Ellen, you are the worst lobbyist I have ever seen. But okay, I accept your proposal, but don't get me wrong, I am not afraid to be alone in the evening. It's just that In such a world, without Spinnak and without you, even if I can finally make a gorgeous curtain call, I am too lonely. I am a person afraid of loneliness, so I am ready to have a lively fight with you."

Allen finally turned back: "I promise, it will be lively."

"I think so."

On that day, the Demon Shadow Kingdom and Duobia jointly issued an invitation to invite all races in the entire Yorton Star Region to participate in this final battle. Soon, planets like the Catu, Kidd, and Nirm, which were originally controlled by the Demon Kingdom, responded quickly. Then the Gly, Blade Demon and Ghana responded to Dobia's invitation. In the next few days, other planets also responded one after another, which made the military headquarters of the two empires of Demon Kingdom and Duobia busy. They have to plan the assembly locations of these troops, count the number of troops that can be reached by then, and prepare materials and all other related resources.

At the same time that the Yorton Star Region began to gather the army, an invitation was sent to Agareth, but Ofascius invited Allen and the Black Emperor to join Ida Huaxing to determine the strategic arrangement at that time.

But when Allen was about to leave, the Twilight and Dawn Legion returned to Agareth. There is another person with the Legion returning, Catherine!

When Allen received the news, he personally waited in Starship Port. When Catherine walked out of the starship cabin in a daze, Allen suddenly felt that all the waiting was worthwhile. So when going to Idahuaxing, Allen took her casually. Lucy and Elise are still staying on Idahua, and this time they just get together.

A few days later, the ships of Allen and the Black Emperor simultaneously entered the Gater Star Territory. In order to show his sincerity, Orfascius personally welcomed the arrival of the two supreme lords and took them to Ida Huaxing. This is definitely a day worth recording in the history of Idahuaxing. The city of gold was already ready to welcome the ceremony, and even Frius was a little surprised by the grand ceremony.

Then he and Allen went to the Victory Palace. In the conference hall of the palace, a meeting to determine the future of the universe awaited them.

In addition to the three great princes, those who were able to participate in this meeting also included many heads of the Interstellar Alliance. Among them were Federal President Mobit from the Earth, and Horn as the representative of the nobles. Before entering the hall, Ofascius had already informed Alan. Knowing that Horne had participated in the meeting, Alan couldn't help himself. Once he found Horn's energy, he ignored the surprised gazes of many planetary leaders in the venue and hugged him tightly.

"I'm glad to see you here, grandpa," Allen said softly.

Horn patted his back and said, "Me too, boy. You are the pride of our Bethkode, God knows how much I want to keep you by my side. But now, you have more important things to do. So go."

Horn let go of him.

Allen stepped back two steps, nodded at him, and then walked to the position Orfasis had prepared for him. Two other thrones were prepared on the high platform this time. In addition to the throne of Ophasis himself, on his right hand is a black crystal throne, which was prepared for Frios. On his left hand is a golden throne, which was prepared for Allen. After the three supreme seats were seated, Duke Grifo, who acted as the master of ceremonies for this conference, said loudly: "It is a great honor to invite the two majesties on Agareth to participate in this military meeting of the Ebony Battle. Now. I announce that the meeting has officially begun!"

"Regarding the general situation of Eboyins, I think you have already read the information." On the high platform, Orfascius who lives in the middle said solemnly: "Here I will say briefly again. It is a position parallel to our universe. Surface space. This space is created by the so-called creator, who is the top life from other universes. The Ebones he created is used to harvest the energy of the low-dimensional universe. Unfortunately, our universe is also harvesting In the list."

"But everyone, I believe everyone here is like me. We are unwilling to be reaped. So we have to fight, we have to fight! And the opportunity for this war was created by His Majesty Allen and their Twilight Clan! Now, through their efforts, Eboyins, who would never have any intersection with our universe, will overlap with us at some point in the future, and that will be the only one we can attack Eboyins. opportunity!"

"We must show the guys at Govedi, even if we are just a bunch of rude natives in their eyes, we are never willing to be their slaves!"

"no way!"

There was a shout from the venue: "Never! Fight, we want to fight!"

The crowd is raging.

Orfasis raised his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet, then turned his head and said to Ellen: "Your Majesty Allen knows better than us about Eboyins. Regarding how to attack Eboyins, can Your Majesty Alan simply give Let's explain."

Allen stood up in response, and when countless eyes fell on him at the meeting. He closed his eyes, for some reason, at this moment he remembered the old town, the ring on the snow that reflected the sun. I remembered the look in the temple of Eboyins that day when my father went away. Allen took a deep breath and suddenly opened his eyes. Everyone in the venue felt as if they were being stabbed by the sun. They bowed their heads and subconsciously avoided Allen's gaze, and then listened to him: "After the space overlap appears, The door to Eboyins appears. By then, the Burning Legion will definitely guard the gate, so when the war begins, the first wave of attacks will be the most tragic and cruel. We have to go in, and the Burning Legion will not let it go. We entered Eboins, so the first strategic goal, we must grab the gate and hold it!"

"I don't know how many people will be sacrificed at the door by then, and some people will not even be able to take a step further. But no matter how much sacrifice, this time, we will never give in!"

Allen's eyes flashed across the venue: "Because of retreat, it is death!"

"This is a war of advancement but no retreat, and I, including myself, are all prepared for death but not life!"

Hearing these words ~www.readwn.com~ Everyone in the venue felt that their blood was burning and their bodies were boiling. A burly alien stood up and shouted: "Even the Supreme is ready to die in battle. What can we say! For the continuation of our blood, and for our descendants, we don’t have to worry about the coming of dusk. Our life, You can die by the door!"

"Unrequited until death!"

"Unrequited until death!"

"Yes, I won't retreat until I die." Allen nodded and reminded: "But remember, breaking into the space gate is only the first step. What we have to do is to go to the Hill of Dusk and destroy the Hall of Withering. That is the whole The center of Eboyins is also the coordinates of the Creator’s entry into this world. However, the Burning Legion will not let us go straight in. More importantly, the kings of Eboyins are like forests, and the strong are as many as feathers. If we and them If you go head-to-head, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get what you want."

"Moreover, the space door will not open unlimitedly. After a period of time, it cannot be maintained. So what we have to do is to destroy the hall of withering within a limited time, then exit the space door and return to our universe. , If we still have someone to survive then."

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