Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 192: Beheading order

"Where is Lieutenant Pete? This is Colonel Berry, the director of the Blood Eagle Base!" Major Perich roared, loud enough to be heard by most of the playground. The soldiers in front of him were unmoved. What should they do and what to do? Peric raised his eyebrows and moved really angry. He was about to have a seizure when a man stood up and walked over obliquely.

The military cap has long been missing, and the messy hair has not been washed for long. His face was dusty, and a circle of cyan scum covered his chin like steel thorns. The military uniform was crumpled, and even the epaulettes representing the military rank were damaged. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and smiled lazily: "This major, we are not deaf, so we don't have to roar so loudly."

Peric gave him a sideways look before moving away. Bailey stepped forward and said lightly: "You are Peter, their chief?"

"Yes, Colonel. I'm Peter. This is the general's instruction book." The lieutenant took out a piece of paper that was as crumpled as a military uniform from the pocket of his jacket and handed it to Berry.

Bailey unfolded, and it was a dispatch official/document that assigned Bian Rongjun to the Blood Eagle Base. It's just that this important official/document allows Peter to take it with him extremely casually, almost no different from waste paper. After Berry read it, he handed it to Perich, nodded and said: "Very well, welcome to the Blood Eagle Base."

"That's it?" Peter glanced at the soldier behind and smiled: "I thought there was a battle to fight."

"It's over."

"How does the colonel plan to place us?" Peter asked, spreading his hands.

"You can stay here for a while."

"Then kick us away like balls?"

Berry nodded: "Do you have any better suggestions?"

"That's not true, anyway, we have nothing to do, just as a vacation. This place is better than where we stayed before." Peter said with a grin.

"Vacation?" Bailey shook his head: "Lieutenant, it's nothing so cheap. At least not in my place. You can see that our base has just been retaken, and many places need people. You will have jobs, of course, I don’t expect you to do so well, but at least don’t cause me trouble. Otherwise, you will find that I am actually not that good at talking."

"Understand." Peter whistled: "Compared to other base directors, you are already a good speaker. So..."

"I think you would be happy to know a piece of news, the news of the sword demon."

Berry squinted his eyes. "Let's talk about it."

Peter stretched out his right hand, gestured for some money, and said with a big smile: "You know, Colonel. Brothers have traveled a long distance and need to have some fun."

Peric snorted, trying to interfere. Bailey reached out his hand to block him and nodded: "Lieutenant Peter, if you want to inquire about the news, you know that the Federation has an intelligence agency, and we also have a red wolf."

"Of course, but now. This news is probably only known to us."

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Wine, food, and sleeping place. Don't use any warehouse to send us, we want to live in that kind." Peter pointed to the soldiers' dormitory.

"There are still a lot of requests. Okay, I promise you. But you'd better weigh the value of your intelligence."

"Don't worry, it's definitely worth the money." Peter rubbed his palms: "Is there any smoke?"

Berry made a gesture to Peric, who reluctantly took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket and threw it to Peter. The lieutenant clicked a stick and took a deep breath before throwing the cigarette to the soldiers behind, which immediately caused a robbery.

"Things that are not promising." Peter cursed in a low voice, and then said: "The colonel must be wondering why the three sword demon tribes would go deep behind the federal front."

"Oh, do you know the reason?"

Peter chuckled and said, "You know, sometimes it’s boring. Brothers will also have some fun. For example, which little tribes of sword demon to fight, just before receiving the dispatch book, we just had a hunt. Guess what we found is Colonel Beheading. I think you should know what it is."

"Beheading order?" Bailey said solemnly: "Are you sure?"

"I used to read the relevant files when the death spread. Colonel, something similar happened in the past, didn't it? It seems that this time, we have pushed those things in a hurry. So, if there is no accident, it is very There will soon be a migration wave. Fortunately, General Roussen will transfer us away from the border, otherwise we can only see if we can grab a few starships to escape." Peter dryly smiled: "I think soon This news will be notified, so you don’t have to worry about me lying."

"Of course you won't, just the words you just said about stealing the starship are enough to send you to a military court."

Peter laughed and said, "You are so kind. If you ask another supervisor, you probably shot me directly."

"Maybe, let your people be honest. What you want will be arranged soon." Berry made a gesture and left with Peric.

Peric could not help asking, "Captain, what is a beheading order?"

"That is ten large-scale rewards issued to humans. Any sword demon of any tribe, as long as the first level of humans is returned to ten, they will get the corresponding reward." Bailey said softly: " The most recent beheading order occurred forty years ago. Back then, Bethkod’s soldiers pointed directly at the fortress and captured multiple level fortresses, beheading one of the ten generals, and letting the sword The Demon King was shocked. But after Bethkod’s lunatics left Pluto, they suffered a lot from the army that remained in the Federation to fight."

"Beheading order?" Peric asked.

Entering the command building, Bailey nodded and said, "Well, that was the time when the king of the sword demon issued a beheading order to all the tribes. So the sword demon tribe launched a crazy attack on the federal army, and finally forced the Union army to withdraw. Out of the underworld star. Only benefits can bring the swordsmen together. Therefore, even Ruson is very restrained when attacking ten units. He fights over each area, and on the other hand, he tries to hide his strength. The fear is the knife. The demon was too anxious. I didn't expect the Demon King to issue a beheading order so quickly.

"Then are we not dangerous?"

"It’s hard to say that the situation now is different from that of the year. Soon, the Queen of Rose will arrive, and the forces of the two elite legions will be concentrated, and the speed of the federation will be greatly increased. Moreover, the beheading order driven by profit may not necessarily be possible. Maintain until the end of the war." Bailey said.

Perich nodded, but knew that things would definitely not be that simple. The only certainty is that future battles on Pluto will only be more difficult.

In the sequence workshop, Allen stood in front of a private workbench, which was a workshop for technicians, and was separated from the workshop outside. Allen put the suitcase containing Yuanyu and the trivial things on him, including the devil's praise, on another debris table. He had already thought about making suitable magic weapons for both Ye Feng and Mod with the Demon's Origin Jade.

The source jade of the two male sword demon can make a sequence similar to the power bonus of barbaric slaughter, but before that, Alan needs to finely cut the two source jade to make them meet the source point mounting specifications . He hopes to take this job himself, take the source jade from the centurion, use it properly, and the bonus power should be much greater than the barbaric massacre.

Allen opened the suitcase, took out the two source jade, and put them into the container with mercury. Mercury can stabilize the source of jade energy and is a stabilizer during processing procedures. Two Yuanli, one is khaki, and the other is dark brown. Although the source force attributes of the two are roughly the same, there are subtle differences. As for this difference, even Allen can't predict what kind of impact it will have on the entire sequence after processing into source point materials.

You have to wait for the sequence to complete before you test it before you really know it.

The earthy-yellow source jade was taken out of mercury, rinsed and placed on the cutting table, a small mechanical arm flexibly lifted the source jade from the sealed box. Allen came to the operating table and intensively controlled the laser cutting tool to start decomposing the source jade.

While he was working, the devil's praise that was placed with another Yuanyu suddenly shook itself. The gem at the end of the hilt gradually lit up, and with a snap, the scabbard of the dagger was bounced off by an invisible force, and the devil praised itself to unscrew it. Hearing the strange noise, Allen had to stop what he was doing. Looking at the sundries stand, his mouth opened wide now.

The devil's tribute emits a few bright red flames from the gems, which extend to the blade like a small snake, and finally shoot a beam of source power from the blade. This scarlet energy beam easily penetrated the vessel and mercury containing the source jade, and went straight into the source jade. Allen hurriedly walked over, and saw Yuanyu start to vibrate in the mercury, and the beam from the tip of the dagger went straight into the core of Yuanyu. The dark brown luster on the surface of Yuanyu was fading and replaced by a layer of dead gray.

The ashes were still spreading and spreading, as if the energy in the source jade was drawn away by the devil's praise. After tens of seconds, the light beam from the tip of the knife began to shrink, and finally rolled back into the gem. As for the source jade, it was completely dead gray. Allen picked it up and saw that the crystal structure inside had been completely destroyed, showing a thin pattern~www.readwn.com~ There was a soft pop, and the surface of the source jade was covered with cracks. Just under Alan's eyelids, this source jade cracked and shattered, leaving only a shot of gray powder.

A source jade, just give the devil praise to "eat"!

Allen picked up the dagger, which he had used to kill the dangerous species before. Those dangerous species also have source jade, but this has not happened to the Devil Praise. Even Ellen couldn't figure out whether it was because the Devil Praise hadn't awakened before, or because it was only interested in the source jade of the Sword Demon. In short, now, he knew that besides absorbing the essence of life body's blood, this source device would also swallow source jade.

However, this kind of "food" is more expensive than pure blood. At least judging from the purity of the Centurion Origin Jade, it can be sold at Babylon for a price of 30,000 or tens of thousands, just like this, it will be praised by the devil and eaten clean.

After seeing the "appetite" of the source device, Allen didn't dare to put it on the debris table, so as not to eat another source jade. The material of the suitcase is probably not penetrated by the force beam.

It's a big seal next week. Guess how many chapters will be added on the first day? By the way, under the current recommendation, can you see the strength? r1058()

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