Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1866:  Propose

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The army of the Burning Legion is scattered across the sky and underground, densely packed, countless.

On the other hand, Allen’s fleet, even if the frigate is counted, is worth a thousand people.

Thousands to millions!

Then the battle started in an instant.

First, the army of the Burning Legion deployed on the ground threw various fire streams into the sky, and then the combat units in the air attacked fiercely, but in the blink of an eye, artillery fire densely covered Allen's fleet. The frigate continued to explode and fell, and the three warships deployed their defensive barriers. The blazing dragon that flew ahead led the way with a roar, bursting out tens of thousands of fire streams from the tips of its wings. The currents of fire are intertwined and bloom like a kaleidoscope, passing through the air units and knocking down the flying beasts. More fire streams fell to the ground like a torrential rain, bursting out fireballs, reducing the number of burning legions.

Twilight alone is worth an army.

However, the Burning Legion is not vegetarian. Hundreds of lower kings and more than a hundred upper ranks were ordered by Guglieleo. With the source force as the cable, one light cable was put up in the sky, caught the blazing dragon, and then used force to pull it to the ground. Even though Twilight inherited Heerseth's fire, under the tug of hundreds of source-strength cables, he could not lower the height of his own accord. At this time, the ground forces and air units focused on throwing fire at the fleet, hoping to shoot them down before hitting the Dusk Hill.

Someone appeared on the majestic battleship deck of Ida Huaxing.

Orfascius lifted the great sword and gave a gentle pause.

Engraved on the upper and lower left and right of the fleet, each has a huge engraving with a scale pattern. In addition to the scale pattern, there are many symbols and ancient sayings distributed in each engraved Dayu Mountains. They protected the fleet, so the attacks of the Burning Legion fell on these markings and were absorbed one by one.

At this time, the blazing dragon transformed by Twilight had been pulled to the ground, and the dragon opened its mouth and spit out a beam of thermal energy, and swiped from left to right. The long cables broke, and then a continuous explosion crossed the battlefield. Suddenly, I don't know how many kings were killed in this huge explosion. In the explosion, Guglieleo roared out and jumped into the air, holding his warhammer and slamming it on the head of the blazing dragon.

Above the sky, after absorbing many attacks, the four huge engravings suddenly disappeared, and the engravings of the same pattern appeared. It's just that the engravings that emerged this time were only the size of a blue ball, but the number was horribly large, and then a golden beam of light was spit out from each engraving, so a brilliant firework appeared on the sky. Thousands of light beams were thrown away, falling on the air unit, falling between the ground forces, and blowing up countless **** of light!

A group of flames swayed on the ground, the stream of fire flew, and a figure walked out from the fire. Twilight lifted the form of the dragon, she held a platinum sword in her hand, with blond hair fluttering, and her eyes were indifferent to the majestic man with a hammer.

"The thief who stole the flame of Heerseth! Betrayer! Today, this is your place of death." Guglieleo gritted his teeth.

Twilight said indifferently: "Who wins and who loses is still unknowable. Don't you think you are too full of words? I intend to absorb your fire again!"

"Then you can come and try it."

With a finger from Guglieleo's warhammer, kings passed by him, and the sacrifices blasted towards Twilight.

A platinum long sword was raised.

The sword light stormed violently, and countless figures fell down. Twilight rushed out, and the king was not dead and injured behind her, she had already slashed towards Guglieleo with a single sword.

At this time when many kings and even the might of the Wrath Sea are held by Twilight, although the number of Burning Legions is large, they cannot prevent the fleet in the sky from crashing into the top of Dusk Hill. At this time, a source force barrier was raised on the hill of twilight, the barrier was colorful, and the symbol of Eboins was flickering. Seeing that the fleet was about to hit the barrier, a dark band of light suddenly crossed between the barriers, and then the screen was torn apart.

Orfasis, who was still on the armored platform, just went to the other ship. Frios, who had just returned his sword, nodded at him. Then the fleet passed between the broken barriers, on the top of the Dusk Hill. Stop at the platform.

A series of Qi machines soared into the sky, including Orfascius, and all the strong men on the fleet that could report to the fleet broke through the air and fell to the top of the mountain.

Allen gently put Lucy down and looked up, and the Hall of Withering was suspended above the mountain. It's just that in front of them, there is a large king of kings. Hundreds of kings formed a strong formation here, making it clear to prevent Alan and the others from entering the hall.

Orfasis and Frius came to Allen's left and right, and the three looked at each other and shot at the same time.

The great sword arbiter of Orfascius, the long sword of Frius was dull, and Allen's hymn of ashes was radiant. The three supreme smashed into hundreds of kings, and suddenly formed a strong formation of the kings and tore them apart.

Lola, Bai, Lucy, Dobia and Ida Huaxing's powerful men followed behind the Supreme and rushed into the battle.

Lucy is holding guns in both hands, Endless Shattered on the left, and Golden Rose on the right. She is not as powerful as the king, but these two guns are powerful. After Endless Shattering provides energy from the mutant core, one shot is powerful enough to break the void, and the upper king is also afraid of being pointed at by this gun. What's more, there is a handful of Golden Roses. The lethality of this source weapon is real, and it ignores the defensive power of the king and directly inflicts heavy damage. With these two guns in hand, Lucy's lethality is even more terrifying than other strong men.

Laura and Bai followed her, although Lucy's gun was a killer, but she was still limited in combat power. The king's random attack fell on her without death and severely injured, so Bai and Lola attacked while protecting her.

As for the other strong players, they have no worries in this regard, and they are all doing their best.

Under the sweep of the three supreme, these kings could not stop their penetration. In a blink of an eye, they had already seen the light steps connecting the ground and the hall of withering. The Duke Grievous who came with Ofascius yelled: "Your Majesty, go ahead, let us here!"

The battle in the Hall of Withering is obviously not something ordinary super-powerful can intervene. Duke Griffith intends to stop the king here and prevent them from supporting the Twilight Sons. Griffith's ability is really suitable for defense, which is one of the reasons why he will be here. Ofascius had absolute confidence in him, nodded, and followed Frius to the light.

Allen glanced back, his eyes fell on the three of Lucy. Lucy and Lola didn't speak, but just nodded to him, the meaning could not be more obvious. Allen gave a big smile: "Wait for me to come back."

Then rushed up without looking back.

Only a bit slower than the first two Supremes stepped onto the ground of the Withering Hall.

The three walked into the hall.

The hall was very empty, and there was a king who owed it to him. At this time, the voice of the Son of Twilight came from the high platform in the depths of the hall: "In the history of Eboins, there has never been such a thing. The creatures of this universe unexpectedly Able to go deep here, even to the Hall of Withering. I can only say that you did a good job."

The Twilight Son is still sitting on the throne, facing the three supreme, without even intending to get up.

Ophasis and Alan were silent, while Frios said coldly: "Are you going to sit there and wait for death?"

"No, I never thought that you could destroy me. Even if you have reached this point, yes, you are all people at the peak of the universe's power. Don't forget that the Creator is a life that is countless dimensions higher than you. The me created by him will not have the power to check and balance the universe?" The Twilight Son raised his hand, and there was a sharp cry in the air.

Allen said in a deep voice: "You have to be careful. His rule power comes from other universes. To be precise, it is the sharp power. That rule power can overwrite our rules and ignore our defenses. Dot is a bit like Golden Rose, but its power is definitely above Golden Rose."

"In other words, can't be hurt by him? It's not too difficult." After saying that Frios had already raised his foot and walked towards the high platform, with the long sword in his hand, he raised his sword: "I hate someone in me most. It looks high in front of you, so come down for me."

The long sword continuously draws ~www.readwn.com~ black strips of light across the high platform.

The high platform rumbling and displacing constantly, the Twilight Son could no longer sit on it, pressing his hands on the armrests, and falling to the ground lightly, looking at Frios.

"The Black Emperor..." The Twilight Son looked at him and said, "I know exactly what kind of person you are. On the thin sun star, I already knew that you were an ambitious man."

Frius looked at him lightly.

The Twilight Son's lips moved without making any sound, but Frios' ears rang his words: "So how did you consider the proposal that day?"

Seeing the two who were almost unmoved, Allen and Ofascius exchanged glances, both feeling a little weird. The latter said directly: "Frios, if you don't do anything, then I will come!"

Lifting the arbiter, Orfascius strode towards them and quickly passed Frius. The emperor yelled and raised the arbitrator to be cut off.

Suddenly, Frius moved.

The matt long sword was handed out.

The person who could be stabbed was not the Son of Twilight, but Orfasis!

Seeing that there was no light about to stab, suddenly a gray light fell, and the ashes hymn swept away the long sword without light, Allen leaned back against the emperor and said solemnly, "What are you doing, Frios!"

The black emperor pulled the corner of his mouth, his gaze fell on the Twilight Son, and said lightly: "Nothing, I just accepted his previous proposal. He showed me some interesting things, yes, I was quite interested. After all, being able to surpass the supreme is something I dream of. As long as I surpass the supreme, I can leave this universe, and the life and death of this universe is my business."

"Or Ellen, do you really think I will play the game like Friends of Justice with you?"

Ofasis snorted coldly, "I knew this **** was more unreliable than Bernak!"

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