Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1869:  Laughing and crying

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Evening falls.

Not to mention dazzling, and even some soft light shed leisurely. It makes people feel peaceful, without the slightest smell of killing. Even the monsters who were fighting on the battlefield slowed down unknowingly and looked up at the soft light falling in the sky. The unusually soft light seemed to have nothing to do with killing. Even these combat units of the Burning Legion could feel the beauty in the light.

So a flaming horned demon unconsciously raised his hand to catch the light that could not be grasped at all, and then its knuckles were soaked with brilliance and gradually lost its color, and the flaming horned demon was filled with doubts and clearly did not understand what happened what's up.

When the light fell, all things touched lost their color. The mountains, lava, and creatures gradually became transparent. Then the earth began to tremble, and the trembling earth shook open cracks. These sudden gully disappeared thousands of miles away, dividing the ground into a mess.

There was an unusually strong light gushing out of the hills of dusk, and they wrapped the entire body of the mountain, including the withered hall above, like a barrier. When the soft light falling from the sky touched the barrier, the barrier, which was originally dense and almost orange, suddenly changed color, from orange to orange, and then from orange to pale yellow. Seeing that the color was about to become transparent, a source of energy replenished from the Hill of Dusk, and the color gradually became richer. But when it is not full of orange-red, it fades again.

So repeatedly.

As for other places, they are not so lucky. They are not protected by the barrier of the Twilight Hill. The peaks are gradually fading from the tip of the mountain, so when you look at it, the whole world is turning pale.

The world has lost its original color, matter is transformed from the inside out, and everything has become pale. When this pale color spread across the ground, the mountain tips began to turn from pale to transparent, as if the internal matter was hollowed out, and in the end there was no explosion, but disappeared quietly. There is not even powder left. All things are like things on a drawing board, now wiped off by a board.

As the mountain began to annihilate, the millions of Burning Legions on the ground gradually disappeared. They have no time to roar or even have time to scream. Both low-level combat units and high-ranking kings disappear from their heads. They are like ghosts and phantoms that didn't exist in the beginning. At this moment, they were completely erased by a pair of invisible hands.

Annihilation is silent.

In a blink of an eye, the world became quiet, only the wind whispered.

At this time, the ground vibration became intense. Then a circle of shock waves appeared from the ground near the Dusk Hill, the wave energy spread, and it went away for a few kilometers. It was like the **** of heaven blew a breath towards the ground, so after the wave energy passed by, the earth jumped violently. Without warning, the ground subsided several times, and the ground that was thousands of square kilometers wide was drowned out. If you look at it from a high altitude, it looks like a huge horrible pit dug into the earth of Eboyins!

The hill of twilight reveals the roots buried under the ground. Its roots are not ordinary earth-rock structures at all, but huge spar like magma flowing inside! That is where the energy of the Dusk Hill really lies. Looking around, apart from the Dusk Hill, there is no mountain in this nearly thousand square kilometers. After dusk fell, all that was left now except for the Hill of Dusk was the starships of the Alliance, and Twilight and Guglielio on the earth. In addition, other lives have been erased by the light of dusk!

Although Guglieleo was not annihilated by the twilight, he was also severely damaged, in contrast to Twilight. Allen's twilight missed all the people and things related to him, and Twilight didn't lose the slightest. Under this rise and the other disappeared, the gap between her and Gugliereo was immediately opened, and Twilight's sword power suddenly skyrocketed, and it was only the taste of time to kill Guglieo.

There was a long cry in the sky.

Oh, it turns out that there is Frius remaining in the evening light. The black light that the Black Emperor used to protect the body has disappeared. It is a real offset. Things that have been soaked by the light of the evening, even if it is the source force, have completely disappeared, which is irreversible destruction. This is the ultimate destructive power, Frios must admit, if it is not protected. Even if he was directly exposed to the twilight light, I am afraid that he would be knocked down to the realm of supreme.

Frios finally understood such a terrible killer move.

And now, it was his turn to fight back.


There was a sword cry in the sky.

After the dusk fell, the sky and the earth had restored their original color, but at this moment, it became dim again.

The darkness is as invisible and intangible as the dusk, unstoppable, the space within 100 meters of Allen's body has become dim, and this dimness has signs of concentrating towards him, so the place where Allen is gradually gradually changes. It got dark. In the end, a black band of light connected the sky and the earth, and Allen disappeared in that band of light. Then the space began to twist in the direction of the light band, and a cluster of black lines began to spread around the light band. In a blink of an eye, the black lines were all over the air. They pulled the ground of Eboyins like tentacles, even Space, tugging in the black light belt.

Pieces of huge rocks of various sizes began to rise on the ground, being pulled by the black pattern, and continuously thrown into the thick black belt of light, disappearing without a trace.

If we say, Twilight is the ultimate interpretation of Ellen's rule of destruction of the Golden King Flame. So now this black band of light is the highest expression of the power of Frios' rules. That strip of light is like a long super black hole, pulling matter and even space into it. In theory, if this light belt is not closed, as long as it is given time, it can even destroy the entire universe!

At this time, the twilight hill shook again, and the mountain continued to shake, and the outer rock suits fell off one after another, and flew towards the black belt of light that continued to the sky. After peeling off the outer rock coat, the hill of Dusk revealed the crystals emitting fiery flames inside. It turns out that this mountain is simply a super crystal, and regular patterns can be seen in the crystal, as if it is a part of some kind of super machine!

But now, this part was quite unable to withstand the gravitational force of the black band of light, and cracks began on the surface of the crystal. The energy has been used to resist the dip of the evening light. This time, the hill of the evening was delayed for a full minute before the source force barrier opened again. It can be seen that it has consumed a lot under the attack of Alan. energy.

As if the whole world was about to be pulled into the black light band, a little light suddenly appeared in the center of the light band. Then the light spread from the left and right, turning into a golden light across the light band. Then the light band banged, staggered up and down, and then went up and down, disappearing steadily. At the center of the light belt, Alan was full of golden flames. The surface of his body was illuminated by brilliant brilliance. Behind him was a pair of golden steel wings made of sword blades, and his body was entangled with several lights made of golden flames. With that, holding the ashes hymn in his hands, he was as brilliant as an ancient war-sight, so brilliant that it was impossible to look directly at him.

"It's really an eyesore." Frios, who controls the rules of black, of course feels disgusted with the light. The corner of his mouth is pulled, and the whole person turns into a black light and slams into the shining god-like Allen in the sky.

The two supreme fights again!

A brilliant band of light that was as gorgeous as the Milky Way descended across the space, and fell diagonally into the magma lake where it was born, smashing a guardian beast that had risen in the lake head-on. The light belt penetrated into the magma lake, and after a while, the space around the birthplace became dim, and a bright sun rose above the depressing mountain peak, which instantly shattered the darkness.

Then the dazzling light drowned everything.

After a while, the blast of explosion rang in everyone’s ears. A huge fireball rose from the place of birth. The entire mountain exploded, and the magma surged down like blood, finally at the foot of the mountain. There was a pond of slurry.

This birthplace is destroyed.

However, Windsor Bello, who dismissed the endless battery satellite cannon mode, was not happy at all. She fell back to the ground, looked around her body, and the figure was surprisingly sparse. Of the 100,000 Sirius soldiers who followed her to this place this time, there are now no more than 10,000 left, only one in ten, how tragic. Although the Marshal who said "If I am going to die, I am in front", in the real battle, he no longer knows how many times he was blocked by Sirius soldiers.

Windsor Bello put down the endless battery, knelt down on the ground, supported the ground with his hands, did not cry, but shrugged his shoulders from time to time.

Those who she knew, those she didn't know, those vivid faces, all died in battle in less than two hours. Even if he knew that this battle would be extremely cruel before he went out, it was not until then that Windsor Bello knew that those psychological defense lines were imaginary. When watching the people who had been with his colleagues fall in front of them one by one, deducting the magnificence of moths fighting the fire, Windsor Bello's line of defense had long been crushed to pieces.

"Stupid..." Greedy wolf's five fingers caught deeply across the ground, catching a few deep marks, and then some liquid fell on those finger marks, filling them up.

Put a hand on her shoulder~www.readwn.com~Windsor Bello wiped her eyes vigorously before raising her head. Her eyes flushed, her lips pressed tightly, trying to keep herself from losing control.

Catherine withdrew her hand: "It's over here, I want to go to him."

Windsor Bello nodded.

Catherine turned and left, took a few steps to stop, and turned around and said, "You are willing to die in front of them, why are they not so. I think that they are willing to exchange their lives for it, and it should be that they will always laugh arrogantly and hatefully. That greedy wolf, not the current you. If you want them to die at ease, just continue to laugh until the end."

After speaking, he left.

Windsor Bello stood there, then looked to the sky, his lips curled up, and a smile appeared: "Is that really the case? That Wen, Kate, Gerata, Betsy, Moss..."

She laughed, but tears came down again.

Laughing and crying.

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