Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1879:  Guardian fragility

Chapter 1879

I...who am I?

Your name is Alice.

Who is Alice?

It's you...

Alice shook her head, somehow she remembered what happened very far ago at this time. At that time, she was just born in this world, and Lange used Alice's cells as a model to create her guardian. When she was born, she looked like a six or seven-year-old girl, and every time she saw a doll-like delicate girl in the mirror, at that time, Alice didn't know what beauty was.

She was like a newborn baby, Ranjie did not directly instill a lot of knowledge into Alice's brain like other guardians, he was like a father. A real father, starting from the pronunciation of the first word, let Alice slowly understand the world.

The Queen Garter sent a will to remind Alice not to be distracted. Alice was in the chest of the Queen Garter at the moment, she was sitting on the pedestal raised for her by the Queen Garter, her hands and feet were connected to the nerves of the Queen. Several light screens were opened in front of her, and those light screens composed of Yuanli passed through the visual nerve of the Queen Guardian to feed back external pictures to the light screen.

Alice can see the huge mountain outside, where it was born. At this moment, the Legion of Dawn is attacking the birthplace, and passing by the Empress Garter are countless silver figures. It is the blade killer. These cold killing machines swoop down in the form of a silver eagle, and only after a wave of attacks Turned into humanoid close-up culling, they fell into the army of the Burning Legion, creating killings with efficient and concise actions. Compared with biological weapons, Alice must admit that these Blade Runners are too powerful, their attacks are simply pervasive, and there are no restrictions. The angle of weapons and attack can be adjusted according to actual needs, which makes the killing of Blade Runner often no trace. There is no high or low difference between them, and every Blade Runner can compare to the advanced units in biological weapons. I saw the silver wave formed by Blade Runner passing by, and the Burning Legion had no way to resist, especially those cannon fodder units that died faster and more.

Following the Blade Runner and rushing up the mountain were the Firehorn Demons of the Legion of Dawn. They passed by the Blade Runner and opened their mouths to their own kind. Of course, the low- and medium-level arms of the Flamingo have limited combat power, and they don't expect them to open up the situation. They are the most effective way to make up for the shortage of Blade Runners and block the enemy's counterattack, nothing more. After them, there were fire behemoths, lava guards and other high-level arms, coupled with the attack of the air legion, fireballs could be seen everywhere on the peaks of the birthplace.

A king like a giant beast rushed to the front line, and its head like a shield-horned dragon was illuminated with a fiery red pattern. This king held a burning chain flail and waved it at will. It exploded every time it hits, and its power is extraordinary. . It easily swept away the large swaths of Blade Runner and Fire Horned Demon, slapped a behemoth of fire with one swing, and watched its unscrupulous appearance. Alice whispered softly, and the Queen Garter swooped down in the air, like a mothership whistling low in the sky crashing on the king, the behemoth king knocked away and fell to the ground. The Queen Guardian threw herself on it, and the arthropods pierced from her back by lightning, constantly piercing the armor of the king, and stab the king to blood. Finally, he caught the king's thick legs and flew into the air, and then dragged it down, smashing a big hole directly on the battlefield.

The Queen Guardian landed on the battlefield, and the front end of her back leg leaned forward, pointing at the king who was still struggling to crawl out of the pit. The front end blasted a stream of fire beam, and the round pit was immediately filled with exploded fireballs. The fireballs squeeze each other, produce energy fission, and generate waves of explosions. When a pillar of fire as wide as the round pit rose into the sky, the king completely disappeared in the round pit.

Just as Alice exhaled, another huge figure rushed from the corner of Queen Garter's eyes. It was a behemoth running wild, and I didn't know whether it was a king or a high-ranking arm of Eboyins. Seeing that it was about to hit the queen, it suddenly rushed towards a black shadow to knock it away, but it was the lizard king from the Garden of Eden. The lizard king has a huge body, and is the same super life form as the Queen Garter. It hosts Kana’s will in its body. She nodded to the queen humanely, then flapped the giant wings on her back, and the lizard king flew towards the giant beast. Suppress it with gravity, pushing the behemoth into the ground inch by inch.

This picture made Alice a little dazed, and reminded her of some memory fragments that appeared at the end of a long time.

At that time she had been born for three years, and under the guidance of Ranjie, she quickly absorbed knowledge. But in many cases, she was still like a child, and Lan Jie did not demand much of her in this regard, more like letting her grow up. Many times Lan Chang would leave her side, but was busy building the treasure house, so Alice was lonely when Lan Jie was away. At that time, there were no intelligent creatures on Agareth, and some were more primitive life on the planet.

When Ranjie came back, he saw Alice pressing a finger on the poor beetle. The beetle desperately tried to move its body, which was no better than Alice's power. Alice pressed her hard last, and the beetle smashed into pieces. Alice looked at the corpse in a daze, and then cried out after a while.

Lan Jie picked her up and asked, "What are you crying for?"

"I didn't mean it, I just wanted to play with it." Little Alice cried and her nose came out.

Patting her head, Ranjie hugged her and squatted down and said, "Look, Alice. Many lives in this world are quite fragile. They are not like you are born with a strong body and great power. They are all fragile. They have to work hard to survive."

"Is Alice strong?"

Lan Jie nodded: "Well, quite strong."

"Then why design Alice to be so strong? You can design me to be normal so that I don't accidentally kill them." The little girl with tears in her eyes said seriously.

An inexplicable sadness flooded in Lan Jie’s eyes, and he rubbed Alice’s head vigorously and said, "Once, I had a daughter. She lit up my world, and she is everything to me. But she is too fragile and fragile. She left me just once when I traveled far. In order to prevent the same tragedy from happening, I made Alice as strong as possible, because one day I must travel far, and it will be a long time."

"How long is long?"

"It's been a long time..." Ranjie hugged Alice and said lightly: "You remember, Alice. One day you must take up your mission. I created you to make you as strong as possible. And this It’s strong, it’s used to protect the weak, can you do it?"

"What are you talking about, I don't understand."

Lange laughed haha: "You will understand one day, because you will grow up, and then you will become what I think."

Alice closed her eyes, as if that smile had been yesterday.

"Now I understand, creator. And now, I'm taking on the mission you gave."

With a long roar from the Empress Garter, a large number of Zergs rushed past it and rushed into the front of the Burning Legion. Above the sky, huge honeycombs fell one by one, and fell to the ground to crush a large number of enemy soldiers. Then the honeycombs opened continuously, releasing countless insect army from inside. They rushed out rushing out, culling every target they could see.

Fighting is everywhere in the birthplace, and Blade Runner has begun to attack the mountain. But there are many kings guarding them, and those are not opponents that Blade Runner can deal with. At this time, a silver giant eagle swooped down, and a woman on the giant eagle stood straight. It was Shana, another guardian. Bibo was surging all over her body, and Bibo formed a azure gun in her hand. When she reached the top of the mountain, Shana dropped to the top of the mountain alone. Suddenly the momentum skyrocketed, and the blue waves circulated, forming a pair of huge blue wings behind her. Qingyi supported her to gently drop to the ground, and countless kings rushed towards her. Shanna raised her gun, and the tip of the gun burst into a little azure light~www.readwn.com~ In a blink of an eye, the light bloomed, shining on the battlefield, in a flash The blockbuster king is annihilated, and the battlefield is stabbed into a gap.

"Can't let her be alone, let's go together, queen." Alice chuckled.

The Queen Guardian rose into the sky, and the front of her limbs behind her continued to blast out streamers, and the beam of light bloomed like fireworks, falling down and spreading on the hilltop battlefield, creating a fireball. Queen Guardian's chest opened, Alice walked out of it, and today Alice wore a gorgeous dress. It's not like going to the battlefield at all, it's more like going to a banquet. She had bare feet, each toe shining like a shell, barefoot Alice stepped on the void, but she did not fall, and walked down step by step, as if there was an invisible staircase under her feet leading down.

She separated a consciousness and let Queen Garter enter the autonomous mode. The queen descended on the battlefield to kill the behemoths of the enemy, while Alice walked towards the countless kings below. She walked so calmly, facing the king like a queen reviewing her own army. A king lifted a sword and struck her at her. Alice opened her lips slightly, and opened her mouth to exhale, exhaling like orchids, and a delicate fragrance appeared in the air immediately. There was even a little bit of fluorescent light, which penetrated into the king's weapon, armor and even the body like the light of stars. Then the king who was blown by the breath of Alice turned into a crystal statue. Alice walked past these statues, and they burst into countless fragments and fell to the ground. She walked barefoot, her eyes falling on the magma lake where she was born. In her eyes, it seemed that all the kings in front of her were transparent.

"I've grown up, father..." Alice said softly, only she knew the lightness of her voice.

She went all the way to the shore of the magma lake. After a while, a magnificent light rose up, submerging the entire birthplace!

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