Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1881:  Go to war

The roar of locomotive engines and the strange screams of men sounded in the wilderness.

Several modified off-road vehicles roared through the wasteland. On the first car, an iron chain was tied to the rear of the car, and a man was locked at the other end of the chain. He was dragged by the car and slid across the wilderness, leaving a clear blood trail where he passed. The man appeared to have been dragged to death, but the car in front had no intention of stopping, so the woman in the second car cried. At this time, a man behind stood up and pulled her hair and shouted, "Look carefully, this is the price of over-confidence!"

"You demons! You will have retribution!" The woman suddenly pushed the man away and suddenly jumped out of the car, so the man rolled out in the wilderness for a long time.

The car finally stopped, and the man who pushed it took out a rifle from the car and shot it at the woman's thigh. The woman's thighs were dripping with blood, and her screams echoed in the wilderness. The man fired a few shots in the double connection, and the woman was completely silent. The man threw the gun into the car and jumped out of the car after cursing. At this time a bald black man shouted: "Look over there."

Following the direction he pointed, several black spots could be vaguely seen. The man cursed in a low voice: "Go, take a look."

They started the car and dragged the corpse forward. Soon I saw three men standing in the wilderness, and the three of them appeared to be facing each other in two sides. The leader of the convoy frowned and yelled: "Who is there, get out, don't stay on Lao Tzu's site!"

He picked up the gun and fired several shots at the ground near the three men. If it wasn't for them to look uncomfortable in their armor, these shots should have been directed at their heads.

The Twilight Son lowered his head, looked at the crater only a few meters away from him, and laughed: "So, what you are trying hard to maintain is such a poor life?"

Alan raised his hand to the other side, and suddenly the man screamed. It turned out that his coat suddenly caught fire. It's just that the flame was the golden yellow he had never seen before. Soon the golden flame turned him into a fireball, and other cars caught fire one after another. The fireballs screamed and jumped out of the car, but soon there was no sound. They died in the flames, but the vehicle was not damaged.

Regarding Allen's control of the source force, the Twilight Son squinted slightly. Allen put his hands down and said: "If a race is inferior, it will always be eliminated naturally. And I think that a few people are far from representing the human race. If we take ten thousand steps, even if all human beings are inferior beings, then If it is not your turn to come to the trial, the most fair judgment will naturally be made."

"Really? It's a pity, because no matter how hard I try, I will eventually lower the cosmos twilight and give this universe a big verdict."

Orfasis snorted and said, "You don't need to talk nonsense with him, since it's an unreasonable bastard, just hit him to death!"

Allen whispered: "In this case, let me come first, your Majesty take a rest?"

"Don't underestimate people, Allen." Ofascius chuckled, "I don't really want to do anything, so you plan to let me rest. That's not okay. You can think of a way to notify the people nearby, let them Evacuate quickly. This is going to be true. I can't guarantee that the battle will not spread to nearby cities."

Allen looked at him: "Are you serious?"

"Nonsense! It's okay to fight you on the heavenly star, or the time you fought against Frios on the Evernight star, even if I played against Spinak last time, I have all reservations. Now, I can finally have nothing. Play a game with reservations, and you won't get in the way!" Orfascius smiled: "Don't worry, your earth is a young planet. It is still very strong and can withstand our strength."

"Then be careful, I'll take over at any time." Allen looked at the Twilight Son, then rose into the air, turning into a golden light and rushing to Yunxiao.

The Son of Twilight was last moved.

Ofasis laughed: "I didn't expect you to be a gentleman in this respect."

Twilight Son Tanshou said: "Giving the doomed life the last chance to struggle is the most basic respect. Although I will exterminate this universe, I actually have no hatred for you at all. It's just work."

"So, what are you going to do. You should know that I am indestructible. If I die, you will be destroyed." Orfascius lowered his voice and said, "Can you handle such an opponent? ?"

"I admit that your abilities are very special, but I also want to remind you that nothing is impossible in this world. If there is, then I and the Creator cannot be defeated. As for you, I can't think of a good way yet, but I think I should be able to figure it out."

Orfasis grinned and said, "You guy is really confident."

Then he raised his head and shouted: "Hurry up, Ellen, I can't help it!"

Alan, who was already standing high in the sky, gradually saw golden flames burning in his eyes. His mental power spread out, quietly covering the area around thousands of miles: "The creatures who hear my voice, I ask you Leave immediately. This will be reduced to a battlefield, and there is no time to explain, leave here as soon as possible!"

Allen said it three times in a row, and after a while, the animals in the surrounding mountains rushed to flee. At this moment, the lion and the antelope are together, the tiger and the buffalo are walking together, animals have far more keen intuition than human beings. When they heard Alan's voice, they began to flee where they were. However, in those towns near the battlefield, even though Allen's voice paused the people in the town, not many people left after hearing it.

"Is that kidding? Who the **** is it? Let us move, where do we move?"

"Where did I hear this sound?"

"I'm not leaving, won't the federal army protect us?"

In the end, only a few people quickly packed up and left. Their rush to travel also caused people to laugh.

Allen looked down, above the wasteland, Ofascius slid his sword with both hands, and inserted the great sword into the ground: "It doesn't matter, if anyone hasn't left, it must be an idiot. Then, let's start now."

The Twilight Son gently opened his hands and said, "I can't ask for it. But it really surprised me that you didn't plan to go together, although that didn't make much sense."

"I'm used to fighting one-on-one, and adding Alan will get in the way. Besides, I think my cheeks are quite big." Ofascius grinned, and suddenly golden light shot from his body. . In an instant, a golden beam of light soared into the sky, and the entire wasteland began to vibrate.

Allen squinted his eyes, his gaze passed through the dazzling light and fell on Orfascius. He could see that the armor on the King of Justice was bouncing off piece by piece, and finally the helmet and cloak also flew far away. A naked Orfascius is like the beauty of power displayed by the stone statues in ancient Greek sculptures, and every muscle line is full of power. Then he painted a layer of gold all over, which surprised Alan. On the Eternal Night Star, Orfascius once turned into a god-like golden Titan giant when he faced Frieus, but this time he was coated with a layer of gold, but his body did not change at all. However, at this moment, the King of Justice is beside him. Yuanli was almost roaring. What's rare is that he gathered all the Qi machines beside him, and did not release them arbitrarily, but Allen had already felt that the planet was shaking because of his power.

After the whole body was painted a piece of gold, pieces of armor began to appear on the surface of Ofascius. These armors emerged from his body and joined the pieces, and in a blink of an eye, a layer of armor was draped over the King of Justice. Large and small gems appeared on the armor one after another, and they were arranged in a certain direction to form something similar to an array. When Ofascius’s eyebrows and hair and beards turned into flames, he set aside the arbitrator and said lightly to the Son of Twilight: "Long wait."

"Isn't your trump card the incarnation of the Twilight Titan? What is going on now..." The Twilight Son's face was also full of surprise.

"I am the Golden Titan now, but I haven't made my body shape so exaggerated. Don't think of me as a fool~www.readwn.com~ With your mobility, if I become a giant, I will not let you Slaughter. Besides, I am the strongest in this state. Are you ready? If you are ready, I will accept my trial. I am very fair!" Ofascius stepped on the ground and suddenly disappear. When he reappeared, he came to the Son of Twilight and slashed with a sword.

The Twilight Son hurriedly set up a sharp blade, but lost to the strong force sent by the arbiter, and was immediately cut off by a sword.

The arbitrator cut down, and the sword's edge swung out a golden band of light, pushing the Twilight Son back violently. In the midair, Allen saw a golden light disappearing, and the ground stopped for several miles. Then the ground was up and down, the rocks were arched, and smoke and dust spewed out from the line of sword marks.

Looking at Ofascius again, Alan's eyes had a little more respect. Orfascism is indeed a long-established top powerhouse, before Allen was in the highest position. Of the three Supremes in the universe, Orfascism is generally considered to be the last among the Supremes. The reason is simple. Spinak has been sitting on the supreme throne for a long time, like a mountain that can never be crossed. Later, Frius, his black power was known for destruction, in contrast, the law of balance of Ofascism was relatively milder. But now, when Orfascius compresses the huge power of the Golden Titan into a human form, his destructive power is equally impressive. In this form, Ofascist's random attacks have great power, and if the Twilight Son despise him because of this, it will definitely suffer.

After slashing the Son of the Twilight with a sword, Orfasis sprinted. His speed is very fast, one foot will definitely prop up a round hole in the ground, and then under the push of the reaction force, the whole person will leave intermittent afterimages on the ground. After leaving nearly a hundred afterimages, he has already come to the Son of Twilight, and at this time, the first afterimage has not yet disappeared!

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