Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1884:  Ridiculous

Chapter 1884

Allen looked at the ground, his gaze passed through the smoke and fell on Orfascius. From yesterday to now, the two have moved thousands of miles and passed through two administrative regions. Now they are still not fatigued, but both sides have more injuries. Orfascism’s law of balance is not much inferior to Spinak’s power of chaos. After accumulating a certain degree of injury, he will use the law of balance to make the Twilight Son suffer the same degree of trauma. In this way, the Twilight Son has been dragged by him. On the same horizontal line.

Allen has watched the battle so far, and still has no room to intervene, and can't help but sigh that there is no easy way for the Supreme. The battle of the supreme, there is no way to tell the victory or defeat in a short period of time, like Orfascius and Frios on the Evernight Star for a few days is already considered short. It is estimated that Yongyexing, the already-destructed planet, could not withstand the supreme power, leading to premature destruction and ending the battle between the two. Otherwise, they estimate that they can play longer.

It is only the second day of the war. I am afraid there will be some time before the end.

Alan watched the two people over there, but he didn't forget to be distracted and warn the people in the manor below to leave here quickly. The captain looked at Alan, suddenly remembered his identity, and yelled the adjutant's name, telling him to leave the gangster alone and immediately organize an evacuation.

Soon, a convoy left, and the surviving violent bandits rushed out of the manor and fled in panic.

The smoke cleared, and the two confronting each other grabbed their things.

The Twilight Son sighed: "It seems that I have to re-evaluate you, Ofascism, your law of balance turns out to be so difficult. Compared with the laws of destruction that Alan and Frios are specialized in, your balance Spinak’s chaos seems more difficult."

"Why, are you scared? How about surrendering so that everyone can spend less effort." Ofascius laughed.

"Your joke is a bit too low-level." The Twilight Son looked at him and said: "I can feel that your strength is a little weaker than when the war started."

"Don't your power drop?" Orfascius sneered: "Although the power of sharpness is the law of another universe, it is your power that drives it. While I am consuming it, you are also consuming it. Even for This universe drives the laws of another universe, and your consumption is even greater than mine. I’m right."

The Twilight Son clapped his hands and said, "Yes, you seem to be a rough man, but your power of observation is very subtle. You are right. To drive the laws of another universe in this universe, my consumption is farther than you. Bigger. But if you plan to use the war of attrition to create opportunities for Allen, I advise you not to pay attention."

"Oh, why, I think this idea is a good idea." Even though he could see through his mind, Orfascius was still calm, and he didn't even have the idea to attack first.

"The idea is good, but you can think about it, if the wheel warfare is useful. Why are the past cosmic dusks only blocked by you a few times, but more are in vain?"

When Ofascius and Allen heard these words, they were lost in thought.

"Let me tell you, because it is different from the way you draw the source power from the void. The source of power is provided to me by the Dusk Hill, and the accumulation of the Dusk Hill is countless years and accumulated by Eboyins. Origin power coming down!” The son of Twilight revealed a dim yellow light on his body. In those twilight-like brilliance, his injuries healed quickly, even the wounds wounded by the sharp power were greatly improved. Control, in the end, his breath jumped back to the top, almost as if he hadn't touched his hands.

"With the source power of Eboyins, I don't need to continuously absorb the source of the void to fill up the consumption like you do. The Hill of Dusk will transmit the source power to me to fill the consumption in a shorter time than you. That’s why I said that wheel warfare is useless for me, but doing so will drag you into a disadvantage." He looked up and looked at Allen: "So, do you want to change your attention?"

"Your Majesty, maybe you have to seriously consider his suggestion." Allen said in a deep voice, what a miracle the Twilight Son had just shown. His injuries, as well as the power consumed, were resolved at once. It seems that what he said is true. With the huge energy of the Dusk Hill as a backing, it is simply impossible to consume his power to create opportunities. Instead of continuing the tug-of-war, it is better to join the two supreme. Since the war of attrition cannot be used to create a chance of victory, then it is added to the blow degree, perhaps it is possible.

"No, Ellen." Ofasis shook his head. "I don't know your father, but I think I know better than you about the Son of Twilight. I have studied him, yes, in our Royal Books. There are many cosmic twilight records kept in the museum~www.readwn.com~ I saw a lot of information in those records. After that, I compared the information and found a very interesting thing."

"Oh, I'm curious when you say it, what's the interesting thing?" the Twilight Son asked.

Orfascius looked at him and said: "In the cosmic dusk that has always come, there have been several incidents in which the powerful in the universe joined forces to hunt down the children of the dusk, but all ended in failure. On the contrary, the cosmic dusk was prevented. In one of the incidents, it was the feat accomplished by a supreme. That's right, one person completed a goal that many people could not achieve before."

"I then read the data of that supreme and found that he is not necessarily much stronger than those of the previous supreme. So I came to a conclusion, even though I don't know how he did it, I have to deal with the Twilight Sons and attack. It has no effect. You can only hope for it alone."

"This is ridiculous." The Twilight Son laughed: "So you have to pin your hopes on such ridiculous conclusions?"

"Perhaps it's really ridiculous, or, in this seemingly ridiculous conclusion, there is a truth we don't know yet." Ofascist said: "There is one thing that I care very much about. If multiple Supremes join forces, even if you do Smart, it would be far more troublesome than just dealing with one Supreme. But since the start of the war, you have advised Allen to take action more than once. Why do you want to do this, is it that our Supremes join forces, but it is more beneficial to you? Or you directly Tell us the answer?"

Alan squinted his eyes, thinking that it was so, the Twilight Son had already proposed more than once for them to join forces. Coupled with the words of Ofascius just now, perhaps the seemingly absurd conclusion that the Supreme's cooperation would be more beneficial to the Twilight Son is true.

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