Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1887:   Infinite War

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The city that never sleeps.

This city located in the 17th district of the Earth Federation is just like its literal meaning. You will never see the night in this city. Because even when night falls, the bright lights of the city will illuminate it. Everlasting City has experienced a lot of turmoil, whether it was the Nirm invasion before, or after the Federal Civil War, to the Burning Legion not long ago, the city did not fall. It was very fortunate to survive these disasters, making the city recently given a new name.

Lucky city.

So after experiencing a series of disasters, the city of Evernight not only did not fall, but prospered even more. Several large business groups on the surface have made a new round of investment here, large construction sites in the suburbs of the west of the city have been quietly rolled out, and the city has entered the stage of expansion. Two blocks will be expanded here, and there will be more than a dozen hotels, as well as various casinos, bars, shopping malls and other entertainment facilities.

Tonight, the city that never sleeps is still brightly lit, and the streets are constantly flowing. Those flowing light bands are the most beautiful embellishments in this city.

"Oh, I love it here!"

Cabo is standing on a cabriolet. This old-time luxury car is now very rare on the surface and can be classified as an antique. Being able to drive such a car is also the best proof of identity for the owner. The car is not Kabu's, in fact it belongs to the black friend Nokia sitting next to him. The two were born in the slums of the administrative region, but the distance between the two of them grows larger as adults.

Nokia came to the city of Evernight to work hard alone, and after ten years, he has already had his own place in this city. Kabu worked as a craftsman in a small town and lived a very ordinary life. In the previous turmoil of the connection, the town where Kab was located was finally destroyed under the flames of war, and Nuoji asked repeatedly before finally beating his brother from the hands of a slave owner. Kabu was beaten into the city that never sleeps. The man couldn't even believe that there was such a brilliant city on the surface.

He said excitedly: "Oh my God, I'm afraid it's not much worse than Babylon here."

Nokia laughed loudly: "That's not comparable. Babylon is the place where the noble masters stay. Our prosperity is nothing in their eyes. But what matters, as long as you can live well here. Brother, in the future. Just follow me."

At this time there was a howling sound from the sky.

The two looked at the sky at the same time and saw a fleet of flying ships passing over the city.

"What's the matter?" Kabu asked.

Nokia said: "God knows, but there is a military base near here, so a scene like this is too normal. It's okay, brother. Oh, here we are."

The car stopped in front of a casino, and Nokia jumped out of the car, opened the door for Cabo, and bowed exaggeratedly: "Welcome to my casino, Mr. Cabo."

Kabhaha laughed, suddenly the corner of his eyes was stinged. He looked at it, and it turned out that the night sky in the distance was lit up. A strong light slowly rises from the distant sky, blending the sky, as if a golden silk is unfolding.

"What's the matter, is it dawn?" Kabu was a little confused.

Nokia shook his head: "Impossible, oh!"

He suddenly yelled, because before the golden light, a string of fireballs suddenly exploded, like something exploded, which reminded him of the fleet of ships that had passed over the city before. Then the light in the distance became more and more intense, and a more low-pitched whistling sound came from a distance, making people palpitating.

"What's that?" Kabu looked at his brother.

Nokia shook his head: "I don't know, brother, but I don't think it will be a good thing."

"Look, something is coming."

"Oh my God, what is that?"

More and more people on the street noticed the sky’s vision, and even a rear-end collision occurred. But at this time, even the driver of the crash did not swear at people as usual, but got out of the car and looked at the sky in surprise. .

The night sky has been illuminated by most of the light. From the illuminated sky, a thick stream of fire fell towards the city that never sleeps, and it continued to sprinkle the stars of fire along the way, but when those fire lights fell, people were shocked. Feeling is actually a fireball. They smashed into buildings and landed on the streets, setting off fireballs one after another.

Kabu sat down on the ground and watched in horror at the buildings in the distant street dumping under the explosion of fire. Then cars and people rushed in from the distance like crazy, and a panic began to spread in the city.

"I think it's time for us to go." Nokia pulled Kabu and pushed him into the car, then jumped in and slapped the driver's seat in front of him and said: "Hurry up, drive!"

"Look, that thing has fallen." Kabu pointed to the top of his head, and the strong stream of fire fell from the sky.

It looks like, I'm afraid it will hit the street where they are.

At this moment, a layer of golden light suddenly appeared over the city, almost as soon as the light curtain was unfolded, the stream of fire had already smashed down. It hit the light curtain, the light curtain immediately vibrated, and the whole city began to vibrate. Many glass on the tall buildings were shattered, and the fragments fell down. People screamed and hid in the building, the guy who stayed on the street. It was bad luck.

Nokia and Kabu hurriedly hugged their heads and shrank together, and dared to look up after the shaking stopped. The stream of fire had wiped the light curtain towards the other side of the city, quickly moved away and then fell to the ground. After a while, a dazzling light lit up from a very distant place, and then the shock wave swept across, and countless pedestrians and vehicles were lifted up and hit the ground.

Suddenly, the city was in a mess.

The cabriolet rolled over to the ground, and the bloodied Nokia pulled the truck out of the deformed compartment, and the two of them gasped for breath, quite a bit of palpitations after the disaster. Kabu looked at the sky, the golden curtain of light that had wrapped the city disappeared, and a golden rainbow light flicked across the night sky towards the brighter and brighter end of the city.

"Damn, I took back what I said, this is really a terrible city." Kabu breathed a breath and said.

In the sky, Allen swept away. Just now, he was a bit faster than the Ofascists, and launched a source force barrier over the unlucky city, so that the two of them fought and caused a fiery stream to pass over the city of Evernight, so as to avoid greater casualties. Otherwise, let the two of them fall directly into the city, I'm afraid this prosperous city will become ruins in an instant. At this moment, the two of Ofascius went away and fell into a forest. The forest suddenly burned into a big fire, and a piece of ground in the forest was razed by the two.

Allen finally stopped at the top of the forest, his eyes falling into the fire.

Orfasis and the Twilight Son have been fighting for three days. In the past three days, they have traversed several administrative regions. Sometimes the battlefield is in the uninhabited wilderness, sometimes it is a hapless town, or even a federal surface base was razed due to the battle between the two. Now the Federation already knows that the Supremes are fighting on the earth, but unfortunately they travel thousands of miles away, and there is no way to guess where they will be next to the battlefield, so it is impossible to evacuate the civilians.

Fortunately, Allen followed all the way. Under his protection, many cities, like the city that never sleeps, caused only minimal damage.

At this time, two breaths rose from the sea of ​​fire, and a strong wind suddenly blew up in the forest, blowing out a large area of ​​flame. Piles of smoke rose from the forest, and on the charred ground that was razed by the collision between the two, Orfascius was very eye-catching. The Son of Twilight on the other side exudes a dim light, no less inferior to the King of Justice.

The Twilight Son was under the rays of the source force, his injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the lost source force was quickly full. After a while, he had returned to his peak state. On the other hand, Ofascius had more wounds on his golden man. Those wounds cut by sharp power could not heal at all. Ofascius could only fill them with metal with the ability to hold gold. As for the source strength, although the Qi machine is not as strong as it was at the beginning of the war, it is still not exhausted. After all, this is not Eboyins, the emperor can easily get in touch with the void, and then draw the source power from it.

In terms of absorbing source power, Ofascius also showed his excellence. He didn't forget to replenish his source power while fighting, so the consumption became extremely small. Although it is not possible to directly supplement the consumption from the Dusk Hill like the Twilight Son, the battery life is definitely not a problem.

Allen feels a headache. From this point of view, if the two of them didn't come up with a killer move that would determine the outcome with one blow. If they want to, they can fight forever.

He finally knows now why the supreme is not easy to start the battle, because it is really a war that does not know how long and how long it will fight~www.readwn.com~ Are you capable of this, Ofascius. Or, you still hide some of the unique skills at the bottom of the box that you haven't used. If that's the case, I advise you to use it as soon as possible, otherwise I'm afraid there will be no chance. "The Twilight Son dropped his hands, and a sharp blade slipped out of his hands.

Orfasis grinned: "I have so many unique skills at the bottom of the box, I don't know which one you want to watch. Why, how about starting from it?"

He thrust the arbitrator into the ground, fisted with both hands, and the front of the fist condensed a ball of golden light. Then the two fists on the chest collided, and the whole ground jumped. I don't know how many trees shook out of the ground, and countless boulders exploded into powder. Then on both sides of the Twilight Son, two huge pieces of metal suddenly rose from the ground, pressing against the Twilight Son like a closed wall. With a bang, he was clamped up, the metal iron blocks were closed tightly, but at this moment, a few dim lights flashed, the two iron blocks smashed apart, and the twilight son bounced from it: "You can't be serious!"

"Who said I'm not serious anymore!" Orfascius reached out and shook his hand to the Twilight Son, and pulled back.

So the Son of Twilight in the sky suddenly and uncontrollably rushed towards Orfasis.

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